sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017




In a satsang held in the divine presence at California, 20 June 2016; a devotee asked when will America become free from all the internal violence.
And here is what Swami said:

Question 1: Swami, I am concerned about the violence and hatred that we see, with such delusion in our country. Today, our Congress will not pass any gun-control legislation and we thought we had a chance of things changing. Children are being killed, together with adults and people of different beliefs, and it just seems that such random acts of violence are happening within our country. It is happening in other countries, too, but I'm concerned about America. What is in store for us?

Swami: The seasons are changing now. Violence has always been present on earth; it was there during Rama's time and it was also there in Krishna's time. It was present in America 50 years ago and is still present today. However, because you are more aware of it, you think there is more of it now. It was always there – but, as I said, slowly and surely, more people will realize where they have gone wrong and what has led to the issues; they will return to the root of all the problems and that is good. You have to think what has caused it; what things have gone wrong – and what will take you back to the way it should be.

That thinking will start to develop; more and more leaders will come together to understand the issue. They will find solutions to all the problems, not only America but to the whole world's problems, leading to a more moral and spiritual life – and that has to happen; it is time for it. They are issues that have always existed – it is nothing new – and may continue to exist, to an extent, for some time.

What will change the whole thought process, is when people see their own kith and kin suffering, their own lives under threat. Uncertain of their own future, they will ask the question, "What have we done in the last hundred years and what ought we to do in the next hundred?" A little change in the political scenario, a little change in the social scenario, will bring about all these changes in the future. As I said, some things have to be demolished in order to build anew, and these issues are a part of that; both are part of the process. It will take time, but it is changing for the good. There is hope.

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