SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: Fwd: In Continued Love & Service - August 2018

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2018

Fwd: In Continued Love & Service - August 2018

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De agosto de 2018 Edición
Leer. Estar inspirado. Acto

'The Heart Beat' Boletín de Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitales - Centros de Cuidado de Niños del corazón - Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh y Baghola, Palwal, Haryana, para el mes de agosto 2018. 

Todos los servicios prestados son totalmente libre de costo a todo. Como siempre. 

Saludos cordiales, 
Equipo de Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani.

Nota del editor

Los Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitales Sri existen en un espacio único donde la prestación de la más alta calidad de la atención médica se da sin restricciones debilitantes de las finanzas. Para un hombre sediento, el agua se presenta como una obra de Dios y el proveedor, divina. Hemos tenido el gran honor de servir en un espacio de absoluta necesidad y estamos siempre agradecido por todas las bendiciones y deseos de nuestros pacientes, 

Este mes, los Centros Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para Niños Cuidado del Corazón, se embarcó en un nuevo viaje en la plataforma de 'Una Nación'con la promesa de superar nuevas fronteras en Mumbai el 15 de agosto 2018.Además, para sentar bases para convertirse en la mayor institución de servicio en esta lucha contra la enfermedad cardíaca congénita. El evento fue un estelar en adelante, con la nota individuos dignos del mundo empresarial con el deporte y Finer Artes. 

Es verdaderamente notable cómo los diferentes miembros de Sai Sanjeevani trabajan juntos en el movimiento de la misión hacia adelante, lo que permite el tratamiento de 62,151 consultas pediátricas cardíacos, 6.364 cirugías cardíacas pediátricas y las intervenciones de cateterismo y 13.268 niños de zonas rurales y 1566 madres embarazadas rurales apantallado - Todos totalmente libre de Costo. 

Se sigue trabajando sin descanso por la Madre Divina y del Equipo de Salud Infantil que están sin cesar siguiendo los protocolos de misión para detectar y educar el último niño en la India rural y urbana. El Gobierno de Chhattisgarh ha empanelled el Hospital Sanjeevani Sai, Naya Raipur como uno de sus oficiales rural Bal Swasthiya Karyakram para los menores de las zonas de Raipur urbana servida. 

Nuestra huella médica se ha convertido tangible con el Seminario constante invita a hospitales y centros de todo el país, al igual que en el All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nueva Delhi y Rishikesh. 

Con gran fortaleza y vigor, seguimos caminando el camino del amor y el servicio.

No estar en contacto. Sinceramente lo valoramos.

Sai equipo Sanjeevani

'Una nacion'

'Una nación Bombay - Nación sana, nación rica'

Este 15 de agosto de 2018, más de 200 personas eminentes del Gobierno de Maharashtra, y de la asistencia sanitaria, sociocare, deportes, artes y la cultura y los sectores empresariales se reunieron para actualizar una visión compartida de un futuro mejor para la India.

En lugar de, 'El privilegio de la propiedad privada es de servicio público' se unen las manos, se comprometieron a servir a la nación a través de su compromiso de llevar accesibles asequibles y la calidad asistencial, a los hijos de la nación.

Altavoces eminentes
"Cuando visité las Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitales en Sri Naya Raipur y Palwal, vi esperanza en los ojos de los padres. Ahora, con este centro de venir a Nueva Bombay, debe ser nuestra decisión colectiva para abrir más de tales instituciones en todo el país"

- la leyenda del cricket, Padma Bhushan, Sri Sunil Gavaskar en su discurso de apertura
"A menudo se habla de dos de la India - la India de las ciudades y de la India de los pueblos. Con los brazos abiertos, abrazamos el tercer hospital Sai Sanjeevani, que no son sólo centros pero son centros donde se puede cantar una melodía diferente de amor y confianza ... Lo que hace Sai Sanjeevani diferente es no sólo que tienen los hospitales libres, pero el la energía impulsado por los médicos compasivos, personal y voluntarios, que viven los valores de la Hermandad de la humanidad y paternidad de Dios" 

- Birla Sun Life CEO Sr. Balasubramanian
"Como nación, nos hemos embarcado en un viaje transformador que exige una gran colaboración en el sistema de salud, así como una asociación del sector privado. Esta es la ruta para una nación saludable, la nación más rica" 

- Filántropo, Padma Bhushan, la señora Rajashree Birla
"Un modelo libre de la atención cardíaca pediátrica es factible y escalable, y se ha demostrado. las normas y los resultados de clase mundial pueden ser entregados de forma gratuita" 
- Dr. Ashish Katewa, Director, Sri Sathya Sai hospital Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur
"Podemos entrenar a una gran cantidad de personas no especializadas, ya que tener especialistas es tan difícil, podemos entrenar a los no especialistas, como enfermeras y podemos detectar soplos y eso hace que la vida de los trabajadores de salud mucho más fáciles y eficientes" 
- Sr. Arvind Thiagarajan en el 'Vi-estetoscopio alcance'
"El mayor poder que tenemos como humanidad es el poder del amor y la compasión. El mayor regalo que podemos dar a nuestros hijos es la entrega de la propia vida ". 
- Mr. C Sreenivas, Presidente, Sri Sathya Sai Salud y Educación Confianza
Te presentamos un informe consolidado de todo el trabajo realizado en Sri Sathya Sai Centros Sanjeevani para Child Care al corazón Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh y Palwal, Haryana. 

Para ofrecer un poco de perspectiva, los números que ve no son meras figuras que representan el volumen de trabajo que se realiza. Lo que se ve es el funcionamiento de un sistema magnífico que se ejecuta en una fuerza etérea comenzando con un grupo de individuos cuya elección fue el compromiso de la misión de aligerar la carga de la enfermedad cardíaca congénita, a los hospitales que proporcionan este tipo de atención y finalmente al niño que ha sido curado. Para nosotros estos no son sólo números, que son promesas de un mundo más saludable.

Pacientes pediátricos ambulatorios en agosto 2018 

Un total de 1621 de ECHO y 56 procedimientos de intervención de cateterismo en Naya Raipur y 1096 ECHO y 56 procedimientos de intervención de cateterismo en Palwal, se llevaron a cabo este mes, un gran número de casos se abordan. También la siguiente tabla destaca el trabajo de las clínicas especializadas hecho hasta ahora en el centro de Raipur Naya.

ECHO hecho en Palwal en agosto de 2018 

ECHO hecho en Raipur en agosto de 2018 

Cardiaca Pediátrica CIRUGÍAS (agosto de 2018)
96 cirugías Pediatric cardíacos se llevaron a cabo en agosto de 2018 y 4827  cirugías se han llevado a cabo en Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital, Naya Raipur desde el inicio en noviembre de 2012, con los pacientes procedentes de todo el país y en otros países en desarrollo. 
Cirugía     No
Operación de Nikiadoh1
Interruptor de funcionamiento arterial + CIV + reparación LVOTO1
Switch arterial + VSD reparación1
Operación de intercambio arterial2
Operación Senning1
Reparación del tronco arterioso1
Operación Senning1
Operación Rastelli2
Reparación CVPAT + VSD1
reparación CVPAT5
Conexión total cavopulmonary1
Arco aórtico reparación + reparación de CIV1
AV común canal de reparación2
Reparación ventana aortopulmonar2
reparación TOF30
Reparación cor-triatriatum + VSD1
Reparación cor-triatriatum2
La coartación congénita reparación de MS +1
Reparación de la válvula aórtica + VSD2
Reparación de la válvula tricúspide + VSD1
Reparación de la válvula mitral + VSD1
reparación VSD11
reparación PAPVC1
Reparación TEA + PDA1
Reparación de la válvula mitral + TEA1
reparación TEA6
reparación de PDA10
Implante de marcapasos permanente1
44 cirugías Pediatric cardíacos se llevaron a cabo en agosto de 2018 y 492  cirugías se han llevado a cabo en Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani hospital, Palwal, Haryana desde abril de 2017. 
cierre de la CIA3
Cierre de la CIA + reparación PAPVC1
Cierre de la CIA + Releif de RVOTO1
La reparación del canal AV2
Canal + AV reparación valvuloplastia pulmonar1


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August 2018 Edition
Read.  Be Inspired.  Act

'The Heart Beat' Newsletter of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals - Centres for Child Heart Care - Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh and Baghola, Palwal, Haryana, for the month of August 2018.

All services rendered are Totally Free of Cost to All. As always.

Kind regards,
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Team.

Editor's Note

The Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals exist in a unique area where the provision of the highest quality of medical care is given with no debilitating constrains of finance. To a thirsty man, water comes as a work of God and the provider, divine. We have had the great honour of serving in a space of absolute need and we are ever grateful for all the wishes and blessings of our patients,

This month, the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centres for Child Heart Care, embarked on a new journey on the platform of 'One Nation' with a promise of surpassing new frontiers at Mumbai on the 15th of August 2018. Also, to lay foundation to becoming the largest institution of service in this fight against Congenital Heart Disease. The event was a star-studded on, with note worthy individuals from the business world to Sport & Finer Arts.

It is truly remarkable how the different limbs of Sai Sanjeevani work together in moving the mission forward, enabling the treatment of 62,151 Pediatric Cardiac Consultations6,364 pediatric cardiac surgeries and cath interventions and 13,268 rural children & 1566 rural pregnant mothers screened - All Totally Free of Cost.

Work tirelessly continues for the Divine Mother & Child Health Team who are ceaselessly following mission protocols to screen and educate every last child in rural and urban India. The Government of Chhattisgarh has empanelled the Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur as one of its official Rural Bal Swasthiya Karyakram for the under served areas of Urban Raipur.

Our Medical footprint has now become tangible with constant Seminar invites to Hospitals and Centers across the country, like at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi & Rishikesh.

With great fortitude and vigour, we continue walking the path of love and service. 

Do stay in touch. We sincerely value it.

Sai Sanjeevani Team


'One Nation'

'One Nation Mumbai - Healthy Nation, Wealthy Nation'

This 15th August 2018, more than 200 eminent guests from the Government of Maharashtra, and from the healthcare, sociocare, sports, arts & culture and corporate sectors gathered to actualize a shared vision of a better future for India.

In lieu of, 'The privilege of Private Property is Public Service' joining hands, they pledged to serve the nation through their commitment to bringing accessible, affordable & quality healthcare to the children of the nation.

Eminent Speakers
"When I visited the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals in Naya Raipur and Palwal, I saw hope in the eyes of the parents. Now with this Centre coming to Navi Mumbai, it should be our collective decision to open more such Institutions across the country"

- Cricket legend, Padma Bhushan, Sri Sunil Gavaskar in his opening address
"Often we hear of two India's - the India of the cities and the India of the villages. With open arms, we embrace the third Sai Sanjeevani hospital, which are not just centres but are centres where one can sing a different tune of love and confidence... What makes Sai Sanjeevani different is not just that they have free hospitals, but the energy driven by compassionate doctors, staff & volunteers, who live the values of Brotherhood of Mankind and Fatherhood of God"

- Birla Sun Life CEO Mr. Balasubramanian
"As a nation, we have embarked on a transformative journey which calls for a huge collaboration in the healthcare delivery system as well as a private sector partnership. This is the route for a healthier nation, wealthier nation"

- Philanthropist, Padma Bhushan, Mrs. Rajashree Birla
"A free model of pediatric cardiac care is doable, scalable, and has been demonstrated. World class standards and outcomes can be delivered free of cost"
- Dr. Ashish Katewa, Director, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur
"We can train a lot of non-specialists, because having specialists is so difficult, we can train non-specialists like Nurses and we can detect murmurs and that makes the life of health workers much more easier and efficient"
- Mr. Arvind Thiagarajan on the 'Vi-scope stethoscope'
"The greatest power we have as a humanity is the power of love and compassion. The greatest gift we can give our children is the gift of their own lives."
- Mr. C Sreenivas, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust
We present to you a consolidated report of all the work done at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centers for Child Heart Care at Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh & Palwal, Haryana.

           To offer a little perspective, the numbers you see are not mere figures representing the volume of work being done. What you see is workings of a magnificent system running on an ethereal force beginning with a group of individuals whose choice was to commit to the mission of lightening the burden of Congenital Heart Disease, to the hospitals that provide this care and finally to the child that has been healed. To us these are not just numbers, they are promises of a healthier world.



A total of 1621 ECHOs & 56 Interventional Cath Procedures in Naya Raipur and 1096 ECHOs & 56 Interventional Cath Procedures in Palwal, were performed this month, A myriad of cases are tackled. Also the following chart highlights the work of the specialty clinics done so far at the Naya Raipur Center.

ECHOs done in Palwal in August 2018     

 ECHOs done in Raipur in August 2018

96 Pediatric Cardiac surgeries were conducted in August 2018 and 4827 surgeries have been conducted at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur since Inception in Nov 2012, with patients coming from all over the country and other developing countries.
                            Surgery                                   No    
Nikiadoh's Operation 1
Arterial Switch Operation + VSD + LVOTO Repair 1
Arterial switch operation + VSD Repair 1
Arterial Switch operation 2
Senning Operation 1
Truncus Arteriosus Repair 1
Senning Operation 1
Rastelli Operation 2
TAPVC + VSD Repair 1
TAPVC Repair 5
Total Cavopulmonary Connection 1
Aortic arch repair + VSD repair 1
Common AV canal Repair 2
Aortopulmonary window Repair 2
TOF repair 30
Cor-Triatriatum + VSD Repair 1
Cor-Triatriatum Repair 2
Congenital MS + Coarctation Repair 1
Aortic Valve + VSD Repair 2
Tricuspid Valve + VSD Repair 1
Mitral valve + VSD Repair 1
VSD Repair 11
PAPVC Repair 1
ASD + PDA Repair 1
Mitral Valve + ASD Repair 1
ASD Repair 6
Coarctoplasty 5
PDA Repair 10
Permanent Pacemaker Implantation 1
                                Total                               96  
44 Pediatric Cardiac surgeries were conducted in August 2018 and 492 surgeries have been conducted at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Palwal, Haryana since April 2017.
                         Surgery                               No   
ASD closure 3
ASD closure + PAPVC repair 1
ASD closure + Releif of RVOTO 1
AV canal repair 2
AV canal repair + Pulmonary valvotomy 1
DORV Repair 1
PDA ligation 1
Supracardiac TAPVC repair 3
VSD closure 11
VSD closure + PDA ligation 1
VSD closure + Pulmonary valvotomy 1
VSD closure + Relief of RVOTO 4
VSD closure + Relief of RVOTO + SAM excision 2
VSD closure + SAM resection 2
VSD closure + Subaortic spur Resection 1
VSD closure + TV repair 1
                      Total                                44  
Today is a Great day to Save Lives!
Presence at National Conferences

National Concensus Meet AIIMS New Delhi

Dr Ashish Katewa, Director and Head of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital Centre for Child Heart Care was invited as faculty for national consensus meeting at AIIMS, New Delhi to deliberate on the guidelines for management of congenital heart defects in India.

This meeting was arranged by The Department of Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Pediatric Cardiac Society of India on 11th & 12th August, 2018.

ECG Workshop at AIIMS Rishikesh (Uttarakhand)

Dr. Atul Prabhu, Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur (Chattisgarh) was invited to present at a workshop - Basic & Advanced ECG course which was organized by Department of Cardiology at All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), Rishikesh (Uttarakhand) on 25th August 2018.

In the one day workshop, he presented 3 topics :-

1. Basics of Paediatric ECG.

2. ECG in Congenital Heart Disease.

3. Interpretation of Pacemaker ECGs.

Divine Mother & Child Health Program

School Health Screening program of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hopsital, Naya Raipur attains a new milestone 
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital has been conducting screening programs for children in rural Chhattisgarh schools and Anganwadis (pre-school centers) since June 2013. This school health screening program is based on Government of India's Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) child health screening and early intervention program. In the last 5 years, Sai Sanjeevani has screened more than 11,000 children across 91 schools and Anganwadis in 3 major blocks in Raipur district, Chhattisgarh. 

Taking cognizance of this program, the government has empanelled the hospital as one of its official RBSK teams for conducting screening in the under served areas of Urban Raipur. This collaboration is unique and one-of-its-kind in the country. This initiative will help timely detection, referral and intervention for cardiac care for thousands of little children ensuring a better quality of life for them.

Sai Sanjeevani takes pride in adding one more feather of "love and service to the children of the nation" in its humble cap !

Launch of Ante-Natal Programme in Haryana

Taking the next step forward towards creating a holistic and sustainable impact on society, DMCHP has expanded its services to maternal health through the launching of the antenatal care program in Haryana. This program aims to reach out to children before they are born by strengthening mother's health & providing guided supervision of pregnant women to monitor the progress of foetus and to ascertain the wellness of the mother. This program was already serving mothers in district Karnataka and Raipur now it also has been extended to Haryana.


This program will be reaching out to 22 villages and aims to screen 8000 to 10000 pregnant women. 109 pregnant women have been screened since the launch on 9th August 2018. Mother support groups were also formed, aimed at guiding pregnant women on nutrition, hygiene, breastfeeding, family planning through doctors' talks & audio visual aids. Nutritional supplements were also distributed. Sai Sanjeevani wishes to express its gratitude to the government officers and volunteers who have been supporting DMCHP and ensuring that the program runs smoothly.  

Art from the Heart

Impact Assessment is a unique initiative of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, where children operated at Sai Sanjeevani and their parents, during the follow up visits, 3 to 6 months post surgery or Cath intervention, are interviewed across various indicators such as Physical, Educational, Financial, Social, Psychological & Transformative, to understand and document the experience of their journey from distress towards life.  It is indeed a great joy to see the content and joyous faces of the operated children and family. 

During the Impact interview sessions while the Counselor interviews their parents, children happily express their feelings through colorful drawings which adorn the walls of Sai Sanjeevani. One can see the brightness in their eyes getting reflected in the bright and vibrant drawings they have made.
The Sai Sanjeevani Spirit of Volunteerism

It is great pleasure for us to honour our most dedicated volunteers at Sai Sanjeevani. Mrs. Padmaja Narendran despite her personal health issues, does not miss a single screening session of DMCHP.  She is very humble and has integrated with us within a short span of times.  She efficiently conducts yoga classes for the children's distressed parents and attenders to help them cope with the tremendous stress that a cardiac surgery induces.  She is a constant reservoir of zeal and inspiration.
When your own cup is brimming and full with water, then it is easy to quench someone else's thirst. How many times will we find an individual whose cup is far from full but who is always ready to share whatever little that providence has bestowed her with? Jaya Naidu happens to be one such individual who is generous to the core. While giving she does not seem to care how much to give. She keeps on giving. We are fortunate to have among us such an individual who is a shining example of generosity.
Stories of human tenacity & triumph
From the 'Line of Control' to 'Line of Compassion' 
The story of Harshika Bali, 11 years, ASD device closure, 27th August 2018
Hailing from one of the most remote districts of Jammu and Kashmir, Harshika Bali came to Sai Sanjeevani Palwal with complaints of breathing difficulties and palpitations and occasional chest pain over the last 4 years. The Poonch district where she resides is bounded by the 'Line of Control' (boundary between Indian and Pakistan) on three sides and is sometimes prone to instability.

Her parents being humble government school teachers in such a remote area were unable to get treatment for Harshika all these years. Upon evaluation at Sanjeevani, she was diagnosed with a large ASD. As her parents had travelled a long distance and could not afford more leave from work, they requested for an intervention date as soon as possible. The hospital obliged and she was admitted on the same day. She underwent successful device closure of ASD with a 32mm AMPLATZER™ septal occlude, and was discharged the next day.
A smart girl who enjoys chess & drawing, Harshika wishes to become an IPS (Indian Police Service) Officer to serve the nation one day. Her parents were extremely grateful to Sai Sanjeevani, and shared that they had not been able to afford the huge fees quoted in various other hospitals. Her father also expressed his interest in volunteering at the hospital as a peer counseller & hopes to help other children in the same situation.
TAPVC, a complex congenital heart defect
The story of Vansh, 5 months, Rerouting of supracardiac TAPVC, 1st August 2018

TAPVC, a complex congenital heart defect occurs in about 1 in every 10000 babies. Symptoms set in soon after birth and the baby has bluish looking skin, fast breathing, a pounding heart & poor feeding. TAPVC is a critical CHD requiring timely detection & interventions. Many babies are mistaken to have high lung pressures only (primary pulmonary hypertension) or are usually diagnosed as just an ASD and the required surgical treatment is not offered in time to avert morbidity and mortality. Such was the case of Vansh.

Vansh, a 5 month old baby from Haryana, weighing 4kg was admitted and managed on ventilator at 3 months of age for his symptoms at his home town hospital. A diagnosis was made much later at the centre where he was transferred to, while on ventilator. He stabilised and was discharged, but was again rushed back in critical condition after a cardiac arrest and had to be put back on ventilator. It was then that he was diagnosed with TAPVC. 

The family by then had exhausted their resources and were at a cross roads as they could not afford the high risk surgery.

Little Vansh was successfully operated at our Palwal Centre on 1st August and his respiratory issues secondary to episodes of previous ventilation were aptly managed. He was then discharged, much to the joy of the family. 
Life at Sai Sanjeevani


"True Wealth lies in good Health."
Patient's father taking Yoga & Meditation class for other parents. Time and again we have borne witness to the unifying power of a common wish or prayer. The spirit of kindness and tolerance transcends any barriers of caste, creed, social status or religion. 
Ms Kishantini Subramaniamc a Year 4 medical student at Faculty of Medicine and Defense Health, National Defense University of Malaysia worked at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital Naya Raipur for a month as an elective posting
"Reflecting on all my previous experiences of being away from home for almost 10 years now, for the purpose of education, this is the first time for me to not miss being at home as Sanjeevani makes me feel at home. I have heard people say 'The love is in the air' yet this is the first time I truly experience the love being in the air. Sanjeevani has truly been an eye-opening experience for me and I would say it changes my outlook and perception on life completely. Seeing how love and care brings changes to one's life, I am determined to live the rest of my life as a doctor based on the principle of 'LOVE ALL SERVE ALL '

Medically, I have been exposed to a lot of different types of congenital heart diseases that I have only came across in books before. Also, it was a great opportunity to learn and to have an understanding about the echo besides being able to properly differentiate heart murmurs which I found difficult previously. The opportunity to tag along with the Outreach Program team to Government schools was also an experience that I would treasure because as I was also given chance to screen children in these schools. Whatever experience I have gain throughout this 1 month of my elective posting in SSSSH, I will try in integrate them into my practice in Malaysia and strive hard for the upliftment of the children in the interior part of Malaysia.

Ms Kishantini Subramaniam
Year 4 medical student
Faculty of Medicine and Defense Health
National Defense University of Malaysia


Sai Writes. . .


Art for Heart

An Initiative Started by the Sai Sanjeevani team, to collect paintings, drawings, or sketches, old or new to adorn the walls of the hospitals, not just to add colour but as a sacrosanct therapy of the soul.

Medical Fellowship Programs

Fellowship Programs in the fields of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia and Critical Care and Paediatric Cardiology and intervention along with certificate courses in Perfusion Studies, new session begins in Fall, September 2018.
Copyright © 2014 SRI SATHYA SAI SANJEEVANI HOSPITALS, All rights reserved.

All Services rendered are Absolutely Free of Charge

Our mailing address is:

Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital Center for Child Heart Care
Sector 2, Naya Raipur Chhattisgarh – 492101
+91771 297 0325, +91 94242 07140


Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care & Research
Baghola, NH-2, Delhi-Mathura Road, Palwal (District), Haryana – 121102
+91 1275 298140

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