SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: Fwd: Encinitas Month-End Satsang Via Internet Using Zoom | Saturday, March 28, 2020

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Fwd: Encinitas Month-End Satsang Via Internet Using Zoom | Saturday, March 28, 2020

Divine Will Foundation
Encinitas Month-End Satsang
Via Internet Using Zoom
March 28, 2020
Corona Virus to Karuna Virus
There has been a change in our ability to invite you to the Encinitas Community Center for the month-end March Satsang because the City of Encinitas has cancelled the use of the Community Center until the end of March, for now. However, you are invited to a special afternoon via INTERNET using ZOOM with David Cornsweet who will share with us Swami's views on current events; he will also answer questions from participants. Looking forward to 'seeing' everyone at an informative Satsang which will also include our usual chants and bhajans!

Please click on the following two videos to learn about joining a Zoom meeting. If you have never used Zoom before, please view the two videos below several days prior to the meeting:

Join a Zoom Meeting
Join a Meeting - YouTube


To Join Our Zoom Meeting Please Use the Following Link:

Meeting ID: 675 623 016

Time:  3:00 to 5:00 PM 

All are welcome. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

Questions: Phyllis Wohlberg is the coordinator of these monthly Satsangs. Please contact her at 760-822-5063 or

In Oceanside, California

Second Quarter 2020, Items Needed, both new and used - in good condition, for Women and Men: Due to Daily Changes, Please HOLD the Items Until Further Notice. Please call Phyllis Wohlberg at 760-822-5063 for further questions.

WOMEN: Springtime, lighter weight clothing such as T-shirts, Blouses and Jeans in medium, large and/or extra large sizes. Socks, Shoes and Sneakers; either new or used - in good condition.

MEN: Springtime, lighter weight clothing such as T-shirts and Denim Pants/Blue Jeans  in medium, large and/or extra large sizes. Large Crew Socks (Walmart), Shoes of all kinds (large), either new or used - in good condition.

Thank you! 
In San Diego, California
The Joy of Quilting will meet next on April 4, 2020, between 12:30 pm and 5 pm at Joe Darin's home. Please let Joe know ahead of time if you are coming by emailing or calling 619.887.0595 to help him set up. 
Please Click Here For Address and Details

So you can put the dates of our THREE monthly San Diego County Satsangs on your calendars, below is the link to the dates for 2020.  There maybe changes, so keep that in mind and check back periodically. (Be sure to scroll to the end of the calendar page).

Other Locations for Satsangs in S. California and the USA
Please click the link below for information on other locations, dates and times. 
Copyright © 2020 Divine Will Foundation, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Divine Will Foundation
P O Box 235795
Encinitas, CA 92023-5795
