SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: Video Links | Excerpts from Swami's Divine Discourse | Excerpts from Sri Madhusudan's talk at 'Tattva Sameeksha' | Feb. Satsang dates | Each One Educate One | Annapoorna

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019

Video Links | Excerpts from Swami's Divine Discourse | Excerpts from Sri Madhusudan's talk at 'Tattva Sameeksha' | Feb. Satsang dates | Each One Educate One | Annapoorna

Discurso divino
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Estimados formas de realización de la bondad, 

La oración es la debilidad de Dios y la fuerza de un devoto. El que ora sin duda se convierte en una persona merecedora de recibir la gracia de Dios. Los niños y los ancianos oran por muchas cosas de acuerdo a sus necesidades. Sobre la base de las oraciones, que se clasifican en cuatro tipos: Arthi que viene para el alivio de una enfermedad física o incapacidad para funcionar bien. A continuación, un artharthi que necesita. Más de la riqueza, el nombre, la fama que aspiran y orar. Luego están los que conocen la verdad. Ellos quieren saber la base inmutable para el mundo. Oran por la revelación de esta verdad a Dios. Son el jignyasus. Las personas más altas y mejores de son los que oran a Dios por el bien de su amor. De todos los tipos de oraciones, esta es la mejor, ya que es por el amor de Dios. Ellos no desean para nada sino Dios mismo. El orante este recibió todo sin preguntar. Por eso hay que tener mucho cuidado en pedir algo a Dios. Debemos orar a Dios por Dios mismo, porque es todo.

No debemos ser mendigos delante de Dios para nada más que ser biggers. Debemos ser uno con Dios. Ese debe ser nuestro objetivo. Si no pide nada, Dios te bendiga con todo lo que desea y mucho más. No pregunte por cosas insignificantes de Dios.

Eso debería ser nuestra oración. Pedir a Dios. Él sabe mejor. ¿Qué regalar cuándo dar, cuánto dar y dónde dar.

"Donde quiera que esté, el que sea país en que vive, simplemente no pedir algo a Dios. Basta con mirar a él y le pregunta por él solo."

Digerir este primero y luego voy a exponer sobre esto en el próximo discurso.

- Discurso Divino, jueves Satsang (24 Ene, 2019), Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Muddenahalli
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No se debe juzgar mientras que sirve

Pregunta: Swami, usted dice: "El amor todo, servir a todos ", pero cuando servimos, si la misma persona vuelve a pedir más servicios y otra vez, no es esa persona ser codicioso?

Swami: Cuando se inicia en una misión de servir, ni siquiera ver a quién está sirviendo. Usted está allí sólo para servir. Cuando fluye un río, que no ve que está bebiendo agua de ella. Si un animal, pájaro, santo o pecador; que continúa fluyendo. Por lo tanto, es su naturaleza fluida. Por lo que no se debe juzgar mientras servía. ¿Cuánto se puede tomar? Hay un límite a la misma. Que le permita dejar por su cuenta. Si usted comienza a discriminar, que contamina el acto. Por lo tanto, cuando se sirve, no hacer ningún cálculo, simplemente servir y cosas caerán en su lugar.

- Discurso Divino: August 27, el año 2015 Satsang en Dubai
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"Para escribir algo en una pizarra, usted tiene que limpiar la pizarra en primer lugar. Cuando se inicia el proceso de limpieza, podría ser un poco doloroso. Pero supongo que con el tiempo, la gente se ajustarán a la otra como todos nos ajustamos a un nuevo zapato o una nueva pareja!"

Pregunta: Swami había dicho anteriormente que en 2022 muchos cambios ocurrirán. Ahora que Swami ha dicho que va a continuar durante más de 10 años en forma sutil a través de usted, ¿ha cambiado algo en el plan original de los cambios repentinos que se van a suceder en los próximos tres años?

Respuesta: Los cambios comienzan ahora y cuando empiezan podrían ser demasiado para tomar. Pero después de algún tiempo creo que la gente se acostumbrará a estos cambios y se convertirán en la 'nueva normalidad'. Ellos no se dan cuenta de que los cambios están ocurriendo a pesar de que estaría sucediendo todo el tiempo. Pero cuando empiezan, probablemente, le golpeó en la cara. Por lo tanto se le parece que es demasiado de cambio pasando de repente. Pero estos cambios continuarán y el último cambio Swami dijo es el hombre para convertirse en Divino. Probablemente, lo efímero de todo este mundo, el sistema de apoyo endeble que dependemos, será todo el comienzo que nosotros no. Y ese es el momento en que comenzarán a mirar hacia adentro. Cualquier cosa que empieza nueva parece demasiado para tomar en. Pero a medida que comenzamos a vivir con esos cambios, se convierten en normales. Tal vez, comienza con los cambios rápidos de tres años como Swami ha dicho. Y que continuarán durante mucho tiempo, es sólo que nos hemos acostumbrado a estos cambios y no vamos a sentir los efectos de la misma debido a que hemos recalibrado o de nosotros mismos reajustarse al nuevo mundo. Swami no ha dicho claramente separado o distinto de lo que ya se ha hablado anteriormente nada. Pero hoy en día, Swami fue particularmente hablando en términos de Prema Sai cuando dijo que en los próximos cinco décadas, cada otra persona va a ser divina. Cada otra persona va a ser un ser realizado. Y dijo que es la edad, la edad de oro, cuando todo el mundo estaría disfrutando de su propia divinidad y dijo que no quiere decir que los carpinteros o los barrenderos o médicos e ingenieros desaparecerán y sólo ascetas barba la configuración de habitarán el planeta. Dijo que será sólo la gente común, pero cada uno serían una Jnani Brahma. Ellos continúan haciendo su cocina, la limpieza y el servicio de limpieza, pero que sólo serán externa. En el fondo; todos ellos serían totalmente instalados en esa creencia, en la que la experiencia de su propia divinidad. Al igual que el rey Janaka que gobernaría el reino por el día y ser un Brahma Jñani por la noche! Que iba a hacer el trabajo sólo como un deber hacia Dios. Al final del día, totalmente individual, imperturbable ante cualquier cosa que suceda. Esa es la misión de Prema Sai, Swami dijo.

Para escribir algo en una pizarra, usted tiene que limpiar la pizarra en primer lugar. Cuando se inicia el proceso de limpieza, podría ser un poco doloroso. Pero supongo que con el tiempo, la gente se ajustarán a la otra como todos nos ajustamos a un nuevo zapato o una nueva pareja! (Risas) Con el tiempo, probablemente, todo va a conformarse con nosotros. Pero sí, los cambios son debidos! Swami ha dicho a cualquier número de veces. No puede haber puesto una fecha o calendario para ello. Pero los cambios van a suceder. Probablemente, esta es la única manera de enseñar a la humanidad cabezada dura lo que es correcto y lo que no, lo que importa y lo que no.

Swami va a intervenir y hacer algo al respecto? Como ya he dicho, él se pondrá a la aconsejándonos. Se pondrán a la que nos dice, hacer esto y usted estará a salvo. Si no es así, sólo traer sobre su destrucción. Por lo tanto, por favor, siga el camino. Cuando Swami fue la creación de muchos centros de todo el mundo, este fue su mensaje. Estos centros van a ser faros de esperanza. Estos van a ser las casas de la luz! La gente va a ser muy desilusionado en breve; no sabrán qué hacer con ellos mismos porque habrían intentado todo en el mundo para ser feliz y que habrían fallado. Y entonces van a buscar algo que está más allá. No van a creer que sus profesores, padres, consejeros, terapeutas en lo que les da la felicidad. Ellos buscarán personas espirituales que les dirá la verdad. Y estos centros les servirán para guiar correctamente.
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"Habrá quince. Y el XVI se unirá a un poco más tarde. Los primeros siete serán los Saptarishis. Los siguientes ocho habrá Ashta Dikpalakas. En algún punto del tiempo, Swami dijo 'Uno de Indra se unirá a la Misión de Prema Sai. Así, en total, serán diecisiete ".

En el momento en Prema Sai sale de su cuerpo, en el quincuagésimo cuarto año de su vida, Prema Sai simplemente decidir que su misión ha terminado y no es necesario aquí. Él debe volver. Sentado en la silla, hará que el Sankalpa y dejará el cuerpo. La parte mala - como se llame - se le va a dejar tan temprano, de repente. La parte buena es Él no va a ir a través de sesiones de hospital, ventiladores y sillas de ruedas! Eso es muy aliviando por nosotros. Salida temprano, dejar así!

Un día, Prema Sai decidirá lo que ha hecho lo que había que hacer. Ese es el día en que todos, cada persona será divina. El mundo entero será diferente. Él simplemente sentarse en la silla y decidir, 'Creo que he terminado con ella. Debo irme ahora. Mi misión ha terminado!' Y él simplemente dejar el cuerpo. Swami dijo que todos los que va a pasar aquí en Anandam (el bungalow cima de una colina en Muddenahalli)! Sus dieciséis discípulos vendrán y estancia aquí.

Hoy en día, Swami dijo primero habrá quince. Y el miembro XVI se unirá a un poco más tarde. Los primeros siete serán los Saptarishis. Los siguientes ocho habrá Ashta Dikpalakas, los dioses de ocho direcciones. Este es su equipo de quince años. En algún punto del tiempo, Swami dijo 'Uno de Indra se unirá a la Misión de Prema Sai. Así, en total, serán diecisiete (dieciséis más uno, Prema Sai). Que van a hacer todo el viaje y toda la predicación. Y Swami dijo que Prema Sai tiene una misión cortado para él, y él no va a hacer mucho hablar o llamando a la gente o el lanzamiento de proyectos. Todo esto es un trabajo pendiente de Sathya Sai que Él terminará antes de la siguiente fase. Prema Sai simplemente ir a todas partes y cuando se va, la gente vendrá atraída por él como hormigas vienen al azúcar. A mantener el azúcar en cualquier lugar. Usted no tiene que contar las hormigas. De algún modo ellos vendrán y alcanzar el azúcar. Del mismo modo, si se mueve entre continentes y países, Su misma energía atraerá a la gente a sí mismo. Por entonces, la gente se desilusionaron con el materialismo. Ellos serán hartos, dijo Swami. Habrían intentado todo en el mundo y que nunca fueron felices. Y entonces van a buscar la espiritualidad como una herramienta para la felicidad y es entonces cuando la misión de Prema Sai se acaba de coger el fuego! Todo el mundo será atraído hacia él por el consuelo espiritual y orientación y su mera presencia cambiará personas. fecha exacta, hora y el calendario, no tengo. Pero la secuencia de acontecimientos más o menos lo mismo.

Las personas están muy perturbados por esta pensaron que los cambios drásticos repentinos causarán calamidades naturales y los cambios ambientales. Cuando miro a todo el asunto, así es como lo es para mí. La muerte no es el fin; nacimiento no es el comienzo. Esa es la verdad. Los que viven en esa verdad, para ellos lo que realmente no importa. Si me despierto o no despierte mañana; No creo que se debe importar a mí como individuo. Se puede importar a la gente de todo el cómo muere sin embargo, para que él o ella podría haber mantenido las contraseñas de todas las cuentas bancarias en la memoria y se habría ido !! (Risas) Si usted vive en ese pensamiento, lo que realmente no importa si la edad de oro ocurre o no. Hoy vivimos, vivimos bien. Hemos vivido en la forma en que deberíamos haber vivido. Esa es una idea satisfactoria y se puede dormir en paz y sólo se despierta sólo si él quiere que se despierte! Ese debe ser el camino.

Incluso en la vida, es sólo un paso a la vez. Yo era un banquero y nos gustaría asustar a la gente. '¿Qué pasa si se muere; lo que va a pasar con su mujer? Tome este seguro !!' '¿Qué va a pasar con sus hijos? Tome esta política educativa!' '¿Qué va a pasar con sus padres? Tome esta política médica!' Nos asustar a la gente. La planificación financiera entera se alimenta del miedo de la incertidumbre del futuro. Nos dijeron que para hablar de esa manera para que podamos asustar tanto. Un día me encontré con un chico. Él era un hombre de negocios y yo estaba tratando de explicar una póliza de seguro. El dijo, 'Espera Madhusudan! No quiero escuchar todas estas cosas porque tengo un gurú que me dijo que voy a vivir hasta que yo soy 99 años!' (Risas) No tenía miedo a la mañana. Dijo que no necesito su planificación. Por lo tanto, no pierda su tiempo y mi tiempo!

Lo que estoy tratando de decir es que si perdemos el miedo, ¿por qué habríamos de preocuparnos si el cambio climático pasa mañana o pasado? !! Si estoy allí mañana o no, no importa! Mientras Swami quiere que esté aquí, voy a vivir. He aprendido este truco para ser feliz y tranquilo para que pueda dormir en medio de todo el caos. Duermo bastante bien. Duermo mejor de lo que solía dormir cuando estaba trabajando en otro lugar. Creo que ese es el secreto. Vivimos hoy. No se preocupe por el mañana. Sí, el futuro traerá cosas con él. Muchas cosas han cambiado. Había dinosaurios y que ya no están ahí. La esposa de algún dinosaurio habría llorado pensando en el futuro de sus hijos. Pero el tiempo se los llevó a. No debemos arruinar nuestra hoy en aras de la mañana. Ni siquiera sabemos si viene nuestro camino o no. Debemos hacer lo que tenemos que hacer para hoy y hacerlo bien. Y al final del día, tenemos un sueño sobre una almohada limpia de conciencia y dormir bien y despertar de nuevo lleno de energía para hacer más por Dios. Creo que así es como debemos vivir y eso es lo que he aprendido en mi pequeña estancia con Swami.
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"A pesar de todos sus mejores intenciones, esfuerzos y capacidades, no obtendrá el apoyo que necesita para cambiar la sociedad. Pero si quieres ser mi soldado de a pie, que le ayudará a lograr mucho más de lo que jamás podría hacer estar en todas estas posiciones y las autoridades en el poder ".
Pregunta: Me encanta la India y soy el hijo de un luchador por la libertad también. Dado que, más allá de muchas décadas, tenemos un escenario en el campo político está lleno de asesinos, ladrones y usurpadores de tierras y que están llevando la India. ¿Por qué los estudiantes capaces Sai no van en la política activa para cambiar la India? 

Respuesta: ¿Qué pasa con nuestros estudiantes? Iban a entrar en la política? Un día, un niño estaba desesperado para convertirse en oficial de la NIC. NIC es un funcionario administrativo de los servicios gubernamentales. Y Swami no paraba de decir ¿por qué quiere ser NIC? Convertido en oficial de EFS! El tipo de la palabra se convirtió en su cabeza y dijo EFS en lugar de la NIC. Entonces Swami también dio un discurso en ese día diciendo que muchas personas imaginan que pueden hacer tanto si se meten en alguna posición de poder o autoridad en el gobierno. Pero luego se dijo que no es fácil cambiar las cosas allí. Hay demasiadas cosas en juego. A menos, todo el sistema político, cada partido único tiene estudiantes Sai, entonces la historia podría ser diferente. Pero un estudiante Sai y una de las partes, que conocen la cultura de cangrejo; habrá veinte personas a arrastrar hacia abajo. Swami aconsejó a sus niños,

"A pesar de todos sus mejores intenciones, esfuerzos y capacidades, no obtendrá el apoyo que necesita para cambiar la sociedad. Pero si quieres ser mi soldado de a pie, que le ayudará a lograr mucho más de lo que jamás podría hacer estar en todas estas posiciones y las autoridades en el poder ".

Este es el consejo que dio Swami. La política por propia naturaleza es así. Era la misma durante el Mahabharata y que es la misma hoy en día. El momento en que entra en su posición y poder, que se corrompe. Sin estar en cualquier posición y energía; si se trabaja a nivel de base y provocar un cambio en la conciencia básica de la gente, y trabajar de abajo hacia arriba para que vaya de abajo hacia arriba, entonces probablemente el sistema cambiará.

¿Y por qué iba a pasar de esta manera? Un ejemplo es la reciente crisis de Sri Lanka, donde el Gobierno había tomado decisión muy poco democrático de tirar de repente, el primer ministro y la instalación de alguien. Eso no es democracia. Eso no es una buena política en absoluto. Swami hizo una declaración a los devotos de Sri Lanka que habían venido aquí para invitarle a su país. 'Pueblo de Sri Lanka de hoy no son los mismos que eran treinta años antes. Son educados, que están conscientes, tienen la facultad y sabrían cómo proteger su democracia '. Pero hay un gran secreto que se encuentra en esta norma. En el momento en que estaban tratando de quitar la PM indebidamente, pueblo de Sri Lanka fue y rodeó la casa de PM y dijo que se va a ninguna parte. Esto es un asesinato de la democracia y que no permitiría. Pero los mismos Sri Lanka treinta años atrás habrían sido diferentes. La gente tenía miedo de su propia vida con los militantes y terroristas de todo el mundo. Y no fueron educados tanto como lo son hoy. No eran conscientes de sus derechos

Debemos tener en cuenta el desarrollo de la India, donde se faculta a la última persona, educado y consciente de sus derechos y responsabilidades. No pueden ser simplemente arrastrados por las emociones de propagandas de fiesta o una botella de licor o una comida no vegetariana y pueden ser dos mil rupias para ir con; una votación democrática no se puede vender. Ahí es donde Swami está trabajando. Ahí es donde los estudiantes papel Sai es mucho más grande que ser un político.

Hemos visto Narendra Modi Gobierno. Soy un ávido seguidor de la política. Por lo tanto, un poco de mi opinión aquí. Swami dijo Narendra Modi, que iba a convertirse en el primer ministro cuando era el principal ministro de Gujarat. Yo quería ver cómo Swami iba a cambiar el destino de esta nación el uso de este hombre que había decidido bendecir como el próximo PM. Esto fue alrededor de 2011 o 2012 (poco después de Swami dejó el cuerpo físico), Swami dijo Sri C Sreenivas ir a Gujarat y cumplir con el entonces Jefe del Gobierno, Modi; para darle el paquete Vibhuthi y decirle que Swami ha decidido que va a ser el próximo PM conducción del país. En ese punto en el tiempo, Sreenivas Sir era muy indeciso porque era una gran declaración. No parecía como si no hubiera ninguna posibilidad de eso. Pero sucedió! Y recuerdo Sr. Modi llamó Sreenivas Sir cuando estábamos en Kodaikanal en 2014 y hablamos durante 20 minutos acerca de Swami y sus bendiciones. El conteo había comenzado y que tal vez quería conseguir una garantía de Swami que transmitió la bendición (en 2012) seguía siendo válido! Por supuesto, Sreenivas Sir transmitió bendiciones de Swami y él llegó al poder.

Swami está trabajando en los planos. Mientras está trabajando con los estudiantes a nivel de base para cambiar el escenario del público; la educación, la alfabetización y todo lo demás y darles la posibilidad de ciudadanos más conscientes de la nación, para tomar mejores decisiones en el favor de la nación; al mismo tiempo, Swami está trabajando en el nivel superior. Por lo tanto, trabaja en ambos sentidos.

Una vez, Swami se reunió PM Modi en Sowbhagyam, en las instalaciones de Sri Sathya Sai hospital Sanjeevani en Raipur. Fue una breve reunión de 5 o 6 minutos. La deidad podría ser feliz de conocer, pero los sacerdotes alrededor no están contentos. La seguridad de la PM no estaba dispuesto a que la reunión se lleve a cabo a pesar de que el primer ministro quería conocer. '¿Por qué debería PM entrar en una habitación de sólo dos? ¿Por qué la seguridad no se permitirá en? No podemos dejar la PM en una habitación' - los protocolos de seguridad. Sreenivas Sir casi se rindió. Llegué a Raipur, un día antes de la visita de la tarde en el hospital. El oficial de seguridad continuó el interrogatorio, en cierto modo, muy hiriente. '¿Quién eres tú? ¿Por qué debería estar aquí?' Entonces vi a Swami pie. Yo sabía que Swami estaba tramando algo. Swami me dijo que le dijera, 'he salvado la vida tres veces, dos veces en la India y una vez en el extranjero! ¡Dile!' Entonces le dije al oficial de seguridad. "¡Señor! Sólo quiero decir una cosa. Justo ahora Baba me transmitió que su vida fue salvada tres veces, dos veces en la India y en el extranjero una vez!"Y el oficial de seguridad estaba en shock! (Risas) Dijo, al menos, la historia de la India, unas pocas personas sabían de su familia. El incidente en el extranjero era un misión secreta! En esa misión, que tenía que capturar a un penal indio que había ido a Oriente Medio. Su deber era arrestarlo y traerlo de vuelta. Esa fue una misión de alto secreto y durante esa búsqueda, se dice que las balas pasaron en su cada lado pero nada lo tocaron. El dijo, "Fue milagroso. Este incidente, no se sabe aún en mi familia. Fue una misión de alto secreto. Y nadie debe saber también. Nunca mencioné a nadie que yo estaba siempre en el extranjero. ¿Cómo lo sabes?"Entonces dije:"Esto es lo que estoy tratando de decir. Baba me habla y me dice todo!"(Risas) Era muy abrumado. Luego dijo: "Entonces, ¿qué quiere Baba?", Dije, "Él quiere cumplir con el PM". Le pidió a sólo dos de usted? Le dije: "Sí, y luego puede ser Sreenivas Sir". Entonces, ¿dónde deben ser estacionados al personal de seguridad, se preguntó. Le dije: "Usted puede estar parado en la puerta exterior!" Ahora me dictaba términos a él que esto es lo que debe suceder! (Aplausos)

Al día siguiente, el PM llegó. Después de que el programa previsto en Sowbhagyam, Sr. Modi fue conducido a la sala donde estaba justo Sr. Modi, Sreenivas señor, yo y Swami. Y Swami dijo algunas cosas maravillosas acerca de su pasado, el futuro y pude ver que estaba totalmente aturdido! El PM se desintegró escuchar a Swami. No habló una palabra. Estaba tan abrumado. El oficial de protocolo de seguridad le había informado que esta reunión debe durar sólo dos minutos y no más allá, porque cada momento de la PM se raciona, presupuestado en y calculado. Sin embargo, la reunión se prolongó durante cinco minutos y finalmente Sreenivas Sir tenía que mirarme a solicitar que Swami PM debe salir. Cuando Modi se levantó después de hacer Namaskar a la silla creyendo que Swami está allí, él estaba saliendo y él incluso se olvidó de llevar sus zapatos !! Él acaba de entrar en ese aturdimiento. El agente de seguridad tuvo que recordarle a poner los zapatos. Yo he visto el trabajo Swami en ese nivel también.

En el nivel inferior de lo que vemos aquí, Swami está preparando estos niños a trabajar de abajo hacia arriba y mientras los líderes trabajarán desde arriba hacia abajo! Swami está preparando a la gente en ambos lados.

Mi consejo personal a los niños; podemos hacer mucho más con Swami si nos ocupamos de la difusión de esta luz de la educación. Hacemos nuestras las personas más conscientes. Educación aporta conocimiento, la capacitación, los hará ciudadanos nobles y capaces de este país. Ellos se harán cargo de sus votos. Ellos no van a vender o despilfarrar que a cambio de nada. Esa es la India, Swami puede construir con usted y conmigo y con todas las personas que Swami ha puesto en su lugar. Por lo tanto, puede estar seguro. Pero si alguien tiene enormes ambiciones políticas e ideas con gran interés e intención, Él también recibirá las bendiciones de Swami. Pero la misión de Swami es otra cosa. Quiere comenzar con la educación, la alfabetización, la capacitación, la conciencia de ser sólo una persona noble en el mundo a ser en última instancia divina. Aquí es donde El nos está empujando. Creo que hay que trabajar en sincronía con Swami, un paso en el paso.

Es por eso que Swami dice, 'Voy a hacer el pensamiento. Usted sólo tiene que seguir '. Que no sea a la inversa. Ven a Swami con una mente abierta rendido. No vienen con sus ideas. Muchas veces los niños ya tienen en mente lo que quieren hacer. Lo que quieren es un endoso de Swami, un sello de Swami para seguir adelante. Ellos no vienen con la rendición. Entonces lo que hace Swami? Se dice que hace lo que quiera o, a veces el solo sonríe y se aleja. Él sabe que no hay ninguna solicitud genuina. Sólo se compone.

Cuando nos encontramos con una mente abierta, podemos hacer mucho más para el país y el mundo y para la misión de Swami. 'Surrender' debe ser la fuerza que guía a lo largo de nuestras vidas a hacer su voluntad y no nuestros deseos.
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Swami me dijo: "Si tuviera un cuerpo, hasta la última gota de mi sangre, me he tomado el cuidado de estos niños!" Estaba tan abrumado, inmediatamente me respondió, "Swami Definitivamente tienes mi cuerpo y hasta que haya pasado gota de sangre en mi cuerpo, por favor asegúrese de que sirvo a estos niños!"

A costa de la repetición, debo eco de las palabras de Narasimha Murthy señor. Si él ha estado con Swami durante 50 años y ha estado con los estudiantes durante por lo menos 30 o 35 años, y si él dice que no ha visto a esta raza de los estudiantes en cualquier lugar antes; Tengo que sólo en segundo lugar él en esta opinión. En verdad, en mi pequeña experiencia de siete años como estudiante y después como un compañero de trabajo en esta misión; No he visto esta clase y esta tribu de los estudiantes en cualquier lugar. Este es el primero de este tipo y no sé si alguna vez llega a ver algo como esto otra vez. Y cada vez que Swami mira sus caras, la oleada de amor dentro de Swami es tan poderoso, y lo sé porque lo experimento. Podría haber sido un observador y también se entiende que, en cierto modo, pero cuando estoy experimentando el amor que fluye a través de mis venas, que es el amor de Swami por todos ustedes y por supuesto, todo el amor que recibe a través del mismo canal; es tan abrumadora. Cada célula de mi cuerpo resuena con ese poder de amor que se me hace tan difícil de controlar mis emociones. Tal vez, no debería controlar, pero entonces tendría más remedio que ir a llorar, aunque a cabo el programa. No puedo permanecer sano porque es tan abrumadora. Y es esa manera cada vez.

Fue la primera pasada marcha de los pequeños más pequeños de Hampi, Koppal y Karwar; los campus que se iniciaron hace sólo seis meses con gran dificultad, debo decir. Cuando los niños desfilaron el estrado donde estaba sentado Swami, Él estaba derramando lágrimas de forma continua tanto de los ojos. Y porque tengo esta conexión, no pude controlar mis lágrimas también. He intentado muchas veces y que debería comportarse mí mismo y no llorar como un marica pero no pude contenerme. El aumento es tan poderoso. Después de los ensayos finales (Jan 13), cuando Swami iba hacia Anandam, les dijo a Narasimha Murthy Sir,

"¡Ver! Si no nos ponemos los esfuerzos para la apertura de cuatro campus más a costa de todo el dolor y las dificultades y luchas y obstrucciones; estos niños habrían estado vagando por las calles en algún lugar y habrían consumido una vida hermosa. Al tomar todo el dolor que viene con la apertura de los campus, nos hemos asegurado de que estos niños no son simplemente vagando por la calle sin rumbo, sino que están marchando en mi misión!"

La diferencia, el cambio de paradigma para los niños; No creo que incluso los niños entenderían en este punto en el tiempo ni los maestros. Tal vez, también no podemos comprender por completo. Pero lo que Swami hizo a estos niños, como Él los puso en este camino es tan hermoso, se elevando incluso ver a estos niños con toda su energía en marcha. No estoy diciendo que eran los mejores para marchar por allí pero el amor de Swami era tanto que no podía ver nada más allá de ellos. El corazón de Swami ya fue robada por el pasado marcha de estos niños pequeños y no tienen tiempo para concentrarse en otra cosa. Esto es el corazón de Swami. Se fue a por todas a sus hijos y que hicieron un trabajo fantástico.

La primera complicación es que usted debe creer que hay algo que se llama Dios que existe en este mundo. Y entonces usted debe creer que Dios puede ser un ser humano también. Y entonces usted tiene que creer que incluso después de que Él da el cuerpo que Dios puede seguir a través de otra manera. Mira los niveles de complicaciones por poco estos estudiantes a entender este fenómeno! Y entonces usted tiene que creer que Él está aquí y él es el que la apertura de estas escuelas por causa de ellos, y de su inmenso amor por ellos, Él los ama tanto. Swami no tiene otra manera de expresar este amor directamente, sino a través de esta energía o vibración que crea a su experiencia y los niños que todos los que están derramando lágrimas por Swami alrededor.

Lo que fue muy emotivo para mí fue cuando vi un pequeño niño de Karwar lágrimas campus de vertimiento en Darshan ya que iban a viajar a sus campus después de que los programas se habían acabado. Me vino a la memoria de los tiempos en que yo era un estudiante, y la primera vez que fui a Brindavan y tenía el primer darshan de Swami; Estaba a 17 en ese punto del tiempo. Él vino para Darshan; Miró fijamente a los ojos durante una fracción de segundo, y algo se quebró y rompió dentro y no había diluvio de lágrimas. Algo realmente se había abierto. Un viejo recuerdo había resurgido. Algo había sucedido mágico en ese momento y que se enamoró de Swami al instante. Después de eso, durante unos dos meses que no habíamos visto Swami. Había dejado de Brindavan a Puttaparthi poco después del curso de verano y la próxima vez que lo vio fue durante Guru Purnima Entonces llamando a todos los estudiantes de todas las escuelas. Recuerdo cuando nos íbamos después de que las funciones de Guru Purnima, los autobuses estaban esperando cerca de la puerta de la cantina de Puttaparthi ashram y todos los estudiantes habían cargado su equipaje para volver a Brindavan. Corrí de vuelta al Mandir, fui y abrazó a la sala de entrevistas y llorar y llorar sintiendo la separación de Swami. Cuando era un niño de 17 años, que había sentido tanto del amor. No había hablado a mí. Sólo lo había visto durante los darshans Guru Purnima y había experimentado su energía del amor.

Karwar estudiantes son - por así decirlo - afortunado y desafortunado porque Swami no ha sido hasta el campus Karwar en absoluto. De alguna manera, no pudimos terminar la construcción a tiempo y los niños fueron alojados en un alojamiento temporal que servía como albergue cum escuela. Los maestros y otro personal tomaron muy deportivamente, animadamente y continuaron a hacer el trabajo, sin embargo, y ahora el edificio es casi completa y Swami irían en febrero (2019) de regalo a ellos. Estos niños no tienen la oportunidad de Swami viene allí y hablar con ellos en su lugar y el gasto que el tiempo exclusivo con esos cincuenta y cinco o sesenta estudiantes como otros recintos en los que tenían al menos un atisbo, una oportunidad de esa naturaleza. Cuando los estudiantes fueron Karwar dejar (después del Encuentro Deportivo), los vi derramar lágrimas en el darshan, llorando tan profundamente para Swami y decir, de la mano de Swami; 'Te amamos, nos pertenecen a usted! Estar con nosotros.' ¡Solo eso! Ellos no estaban pidiendo que queremos esto o aquello. Todos estaban tan abrumados por el amor de Swami. Y recordé mis días.

Swami dice, 'Si me necesita; ¡me mereces!' No hay otra clasificación para Dios. A verter una lágrima por su causa y Él es todo suyo, para siempre! Esa es la belleza de Swami. Así que él se entrega de forma espontánea distancia a cualquiera que anhela verdaderamente por él desde el fondo de su corazón. Y vi a Swami delatarse a estos niños.

Swami me dijo después de la función, "Si tuviera un cuerpo, hasta la última gota de mi sangre, me he tomado el cuidado de estos niños!" Estaba tan abrumado, inmediatamente me respondió, "Swami Definitivamente tienes mi cuerpo y Till no es la última gota de sangre en mi cuerpo, por favor asegúrese de que sirvo a estos niños!"(Aplausos)

El libro 'La historia divina' capta muchas emociones a la construcción de nuevos campus, unir a las personas, la creación de la infraestructura, la obtención de recursos, conseguir permisos, funcionando bien; se trata de una tarea. No es sólo todo diversión. Déjeme decirle que es difícil. Y a veces se siente abrumado como administradores y el personal que se encargan de estos campus. Y cada otro día, cuando hay un reto a cumplir, hay dificultades para hacer frente, cuando hay alguna obstrucción o el otro en el camino a pesar de nuestros sentimientos y esfuerzos más sinceros, se siente un poco hacia abajo. Uno se siente 'OMG! ¡Es tan difícil! ¿Vale la pena?' Pero cuando ves estos niños se enamoran de Swami por lo que al instante, por lo que de forma espontánea, por lo que, naturalmente, y así por completo, volver a comprometerse con esta misión diciendo: "Pase lo que pase, voy a hacer lo que se debe hacer para estos niños!

Tiempo atrás, Swami estaba pidiendo a todos lo que fue su afición. Dijeron canto, cocinar, leer libros, etc. Entonces Swami preguntó, "¿Usted sabe lo que es mi hobby?" Y luego continuó, "Mi hobby es la instalación de Dios en los corazones de la gente! Este es mi hobby!"Porque, todo el trabajo que él hace es hacia este objetivo, que es la instalación de Dios en los corazones de las personas. Y cuyos corazones son más merecedores que los corazones de estos pequeños niños que son tan puros, tan inocente?
- +
"La gente como usted (Indulal Shah), que son inteligentes y capaces, pueden hacer cosas más grandes para mí. Puede ejecutar una misión para mí. Pero, ¿qué pueden hacer estos pequeños niños, después de todo, con sus niños habilidades y recursos limitados? Por lo tanto, les doy estas oportunidades para hacer Encuentro Deportivo o Seva en alguna pequeña manera. Sé que algún día en su vida, tendrán que mi gracia ".
El Encuentro Deportivo o estas funciones no son sólo una oportunidad de presentar sus habilidades y talentos. Esa es una parte de ella. El programa es en realidad más grande para desarrollar este vínculo de amor entre los estudiantes y Swami. You keep doing something for Swami over and over again with great devotion and love; it purifies you. It purifies the one who does anything for Swami even howsoever little you do something for God with love, the act of doing for God purifies us from within and that is the reason why Swami creates these opportunities. 

In 2014, when I was in Indulal Ji's home in Mumbai to invite him for the first Sports Meet that was to be held in Muddenahalli, Swami said to him,

"You know why I do these Sports Meets? Because people like you who are intelligent and capable can do bigger things for Me. You can build up a Chaithanya Jyothi Museum; you can build a hospital or a school or run a Mission for Me. But what will these little children do? What can they do after all with their little limited skills and resources? So, I give them these opportunities to do Sports Meet or do some Seva in whatsoever small way. Why do I do this? Because, I know that someday in their life, they will need My grace. And when he or she prays for My grace, I have to go back and think what has this boy or girl done for Me using which I can extend My grace to him or her, in his or her time of need."

(Incidentally, Sri Indulal Shah will be celebrating his 100th Birthday on Jan 29 and Swami has already ordered a lavish lunch, not just for the Muddenahalli students but for all the campus students to celebrate his dearest friend's birthday party. That is Swami's love. Of course, ice cream has to be an integral, non-negotiable part!)

Like Draupadi tied a piece of saree on Krishna's finger which was bleeding and the reason was He was eating sugarcane and He cut His finger carelessly – so to say – with the piece of sugarcane of all the things! The One who wields the Sudarshana Chakra can cut His finger with a sugar cane!! That is the magnanimity of Krishna who did not mind bleeding for the sake of creating an opportunity for Draupadi to instantly serve Him by tying a piece of saree which would extend itself manifolds to save her honour at the time of need.

The same is the reason why Swami creates all these little service opportunities for us and for students; this wonderful opportunity of playing in Brass Band or marching for Swami or just doing anything for Swami so that one day when He looks back at the time of our need, He can think and say, 'Oh! This boy marched for Me very well. He did it for My sake! Let Me bless Him against that.' Even if little we do, He manifolds. His grace will become multiplied when we need Him the most. And that is the pure reason why He creates these opportunities.

I am so glad these children have not just taken but grabbed this opportunity with both hands. And everybody wanted to be a part of it in some way or the other. During Swami's visit to the PU block, we were listening to wonderful talks. Everybody had an experience to share. And that experience is so very wonderful.

One boy in lion dance, I must talk about. This boy was consistently falling from the pillar because he was new to this, he was not confident and it was the first time that he was performing. When Swami came for the rehearsal, he was all the more nervous that Swami was watching him. The idea of performing in front of Swami had overwhelmed him and he could not do as much as he wanted to do. The boy fell a few times and came up to the stage later, dejected, Swami consoled the boy, "Why do you fear? Why are you afraid? You will do well!" Then he told the other boy, 'as a leader it is your duty to encourage your team member and not scold him', because Swami knew very well that the leader would give him a mouth full. Swami protected the boy from his wrath. As if this was not enough of an encouragement, that evening, again during Darshan Swami told this boy that he would do well and not worry. He went around Darshan and still the mother or leader or the concerned father in Swami was not satisfied with the encouragement. He came back again the same way, gave him a ring to make sure this was like cast in gold that He believed that the boy would do well. He put it on his finger and again assured him not to fear.

This boy who was the front of the lion did so well on the inaugural session of the Sports Meet, and every time he was jumping, Swami was holding His breath!! (Laughter) It was not just about the boy's faith in Swami but it was also Swami's faith in that boy. Both were being tested at the same time. The boy's faith that he would do well and Swami's faith that I have told the boy that he would do well, the boy should have the faith in My faith and do well. Both the devotee and the God; both their honours were at stake on that day! Whenever Swami goes through emotions, I go through that emotion too. It is like a parallel connection and my chest was congested because I was feeling the pressure.

The event went on well and finally when the boy came to the dais and removed the lion's head, he immediately broke down in gratitude as if to say, 'Swami! You made me realize what it is when you say I would do well. When You place Your hand on my head, I know now what it means!' You raise me up to more than what I can be- You are stronger when you are with Swami. And He raises you up beyond your capacities to more than what you can ever be. There was so much of interaction of emotion. Swami again blessed the boy. Any time Swami saw that boy, He smiled at him as if saying, 'You saved My honour; I saved your honour!' (Laughter) That special smile tells it all to that boy.

That is the relationship between Swami and a devotee. If you extrapolate this in our day today life or activities, many a times we are not confident of what we have got to do. Every waking moment, there is a challenge that comes up; be it at family, our profession, even the activities of seva that we do over here. Every time, we go back and fall upon the shoulder of Swami which raises us to walk on the mountains, to walk on the stormy seas. We have to believe that if Swami thinks it can be, so IT CAN BE! And I must place my complete faith in Swami. This is something that I have not seen happening even in many elders but I see this happening in these little students. Probably, they have not seen so much of the world, but nevertheless they have got the idea of what it would be whenever they have to face the world. They will have to face the world and they know how to face it. They are better equipped. They are better prepared for the world tomorrow than many of us or most of us.

As a student, I can say this because I have been a student and we have also tried to do several things with great love, with great devotion to Swami. Today, whatever we are as students of Swami, wherever we are, whatever we have achieved is purely because of His grace. He always gave us more than what we deserved. Anywhere we went, He blessed us with success. He always blessed us with more abundance than what we could have ever achieved by our own singular efforts.

That is this blessing of Sports Meet which is created by Swami so that it is an opportunity for us to do something for Him so that He can do more for us. That is the self fulfilling kind of a mechanism that He wants to do more for you so He wants you to do a little for Him.

I am very glad that you (children) have risen to the occasion and done better than ever before. At least, the four or five Sports Meet here that I am witness to; it has been a wonderful opportunity. As elders, as onlookers, or as devotees who are here; we all have derived a lot of inspiration from your act of devotion and surrender to Swami. I don't know about everybody else, but I have ended up recommitting myself to this mission once more. I don't want any retirement but want to serve and look after all the children till the last drop of blood flows in my veins. That is the commitment that Swami got out of us when He made us see what you all have done. It is very redeeming. That is the upper most thought in my mind. I am sure this is the thought in most of your minds too. The memories that the children have created for all of us, we will cherish for the rest of our lives; most importantly, the lesson that we have learnt from you, your devotion, will remain with us forever.

- Sri Madhusudan at 'Tattva Sameeksha' (Jan 21, 2019), Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli

('Tattva Sameeksha' is a Talk session by eminent speakers to the Ashram residents of Sathya Sai Grama in Muddenahalli)
Satsangs on Feb 3, 7, 14, 17, 21 


Below is a list of public Satsangs scheduled to be held in the Divine Presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba during February. 
  • SUN Feb 3 
  • THU Feb 7 
  • THU Feb 14 
  • SUN Feb 17 
  • THU Feb 21 
The venue will be Sri Sathya Sai Premaarutham Auditorium, Muddenahalli, and satsangs begin at 5.40 pm. 

Webcast will be available as usual via the below link. 

All the devotees are most welcome to attend in person, and partake of Bhagawan's blessings. 

Jai Sai Ram!
Each One Educate One 

More than *450* children at our schools were screened for health defects – in line with the norms set by World Health Organisation and Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram, Ministry of Heath, Government of India. 

The result? Pure joy. 

Both the team of doctors and the children exchanged a lot of happiness and smiles and it was a day spent well. 

Here's to many more such joyous interaction with our students! 

*Come. Interact. Transform.* 

To visit any of our schools, write to us. 
Have you seen mothers ramble endlessly about their children? 

Well, we feel no less than a parent to our 3400 children. 

And so, here's one more post where we proudly showoff how talented our children are! 

In love with our kids! 
E1 E1 

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

A very good morning to all! 

We are working on a monthly schedule for campus visits which have been most effective in connecting people and had them witness first-hand the amazing work that Swami is doing in these campuses through His dedicated team of men and women. And not to forget the opportunity to spend some beautiful moments with the young hearts that are the life of these campuses! In fact, Swami had Himself said that it is in the campuses that the magic happens and one should ensure we create opportunities for more people to visit and witness the Love that is the breathe in our campuses. 

We encourage all alumni and alumnae to take the opportunity to visit as many campuses as possible to see how they are shaping up and the stories that each campus has to tell. It's a great way to recharge oneself! 

Moreover, please bring your friends, family and colleagues. This would be the best gift you can give them. No amount of talk/presentations/videos about the education mission can compare with what a visit to one of the campuses can do. 

There are a few among us who have volunteered to organise these trips as part of their Seva to connect many more people to the mission. Let's us all similarly do our part. 

The schedule for the next visits will be published in advance. You can sign up folks with the contact persons mentioned in the visit schedule (see attached image - e1e1_campus_visits.JPG) 


This is a story of how one organization from a region, often missed on the Indian map is leading a movement that is now nourishing the nation through nutrition

Many school children from rural areas would often faint of hunger and some simply dropped out of school as they were too weak from malnutrition.

These children had access to free education and free mid-day lunch that the schools provided. But, still there was this key ingredient missing.

Scientific studies have repeatedly shown that eating a meal first thing in the morning has a positive influence on cognitive performance in school, especially on task-oriented behaviours—and particularly in children younger than 18.

Considering the need to cover this nutrition gap, in July 2012 a small group of men and women started a unique breakfast programme at a rural school in South Bangalore for children coming from impoverished families who otherwise go to school hungry as they had no access to the most important meal of the day- the breakfast,

They decided to serve these children with a nutritious and wholesome breakfast every morning at their school bearing the complete expenses.

Gradually, more schools appeared on the scene that needed to be served and a trust was formed in 2015, in Muddenahalli, in Karnataka state called the Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust, and the project was named Annapoorna Breakfast Programme.

The trust has realized that in order to have the maximum positive impact, an engaged leadership from all sectors of society is required. This is where its collaboration with local vegetable vendors, local governing bodies and authorities have proven successful in bringing a sense of responsibility among communities to come forward in raising their children and build a better future for them.

Its motto is, LET NO CHILD GO TO SCHOOL HUNGRY EVER and works with a steadfast mission to feed nutritious, well-balanced breakfast every single day to all school-going children from poor families.

Scientifically calibrated and wholesome breakfast menus are prepared at the school premises itself in a decentralised model by the govt nominated cooks.

These breakfast menus are prepared under the guidance of a panel of nutritionists and are designed to meet the caloric and nutitional requirements of growing children.

A recent addition in the annapoorrna breakfast programme project is the SAI SURE drink, a protein mix to augment the govt provided milk with micronutrients.

The annapoorna breakfast programme project has become a platform for more than 500 volunteers to serve, in addition to the thousands of teachers at the schools. This breakfast program works closely with over 1000 local vendors in a decentralized model for a seamless execution. 

Supporting this initiative are many like-minded institutional partners and government workers. MOU's have been signed up with Govt of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,Telangana,Kerala and Puducherry.

Until date, nutritious breakfast is served everyday free of cost – to over 2,00,000 school-going children at 3000+ centers located across 15 states and 2 union territories.

On Annapoorna's radar have appeared more blips and the Trust aims to nourish 1 Million children daily with free nutritious breakfast across India by the end of 2020.

This social initiative is also engaged in setting up RO drinking water plants, domestic water filters, constructing toilets in village schools and conducting health screening of children.

Since 6 years the Annapoorna breakfast program has been highly effective with marked improvement in health of these school children. This reflects in stability in school attendance, a marked enthusiasm in academics as well as sports.

Today, many more willing hands have come to serve the nation in an act of nation building.

When every needy child's hunger is eradicated, when its health is fortified with nutrition, a nation too will be fortified in more ways than one.

Visit our website:

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce estaría interesado en recibir correos electrónicos sobre Swami en forma sutil, por favor registrarse aquí: 

Divine Satsang
Divine Discourse
Dear Embodiments of Goodness, 

Prayer is God's weakness and a devotee's strength. Whoever prays definitely becomes a deserving person to receive God's grace. Children and elders pray for many things as per their needs. Based on the prayers, they are categorised in to four kinds: Arthi who comes for relief from a physical disease or inability to function well. Then an Artharthi who needs. More of wealth, name, fame that they aspire and pray for. Then there are those who know the truth. They want to know the changeless basis for the world. They pray for the revelation of this truth to god. They are the jignyasus. The highest and best of people are those who pray to God for his Love's sake. Out of all the kinds of prayers, this is the best because it is for God's sake. They don't desire for anything but God himself. The one who prays this received everything without asking. That's why we must be very careful in asking God for anything. We must pray to God for God himself because he is everything. 

We must not be beggars in front of God for anything but be biggers. We must be one with God. That should be our aim. If you don't ask for anything, God will bless you with everything you desire and much more. Don't ask for petty things from God. 

That should be our prayer. Ask for God. He knows best. What to give when to give, how much to give and where to give.

"Wherever you are, whichever country you live in, just don't ask God for anything. Just look up to him and ask for him alone."

Digest this first and then I will expound on this in the next discourse.

— Divine Discourse, Thursday Satsang (Jan 24, 2019), Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Muddenahalli
You should not judge while serving

Question: Swami, You say, "Love all, serve all," but when we serve, if the same person comes back to ask for more service again and again, isn't that person being greedy?

Swami: When you start on a mission to serve, you don't even see whom you are serving. You are there only to serve. When a river flows, it does not see who is drinking water from it. Whether an animal, bird, saint or sinner; it continues to flow. So, flowing is its nature. So you should not judge while serving. How much can one take? There is a limit to it. Let him stop on his own. If you start discriminating, you contaminate your act. Therefore, when you serve, do not do any calculation, just serve and things will fall in its place.

— Divine Discourse: August 27, 2015 Satsang at Dubai
"To write something on a slate, you have to clean up the slate first. When the cleaning process begins, it might be a little painful. But I guess with time, people will get adjusted to each other like we all get adjusted to a new shoe or a new spouse!" 

Question : Swami had earlier said that by 2022 many changes will happen. Now that Swami has said that He will continue for 10 more years in the subtle form through you, has anything changed in the original plan of sudden changes that are to happen in the next three years?

Answer: The changes begin now and when they begin they might be too much to take. But after sometime I guess people will get used to these changes and they will become the 'new normal'. They won't  realize that the changes are happening though they would be happening all the time. But when they begin, probably, it will hit you in your face. Therefore you will think there is too much of change happening all of a sudden. But these changes will continue and the last change Swami said is Man becoming Divine. Probably, the ephemerality of this whole world, the flimsy support system that we depend on, will all start failing us. And that is the time we will start looking inwards. Anything that begins new seems like too much to take in. But as we start living with those changes, they become normal. Perhaps, it begins with the three year fast changes as Swami has told. And they will continue for a long time, it is just that we would have got used to these changes and we won't feel the pinch of it because we have recalibrated or readjusted ourselves to the new world. Swami has not clearly or separately said anything other than what He has already spoken earlier. But today, Swami was particularly speaking in terms of Prema Sai when He said that in the next five decades, every other person will be Divine. Every other person will be a realized being. And He said that is the age, Golden age, when everybody would be reveling in their own divinity and He said it does not mean that the carpenters or the sweepers or doctors and engineers will disappear and only beard fashioning ascetics will inhabit the planet. He said they will be just ordinary people but each would be a Brahma Jnani. They will continue to do their cooking, cleaning and housekeeping but that will be only external. Deep inside; they all would be totally installed in that belief, in that experience of their own divinity. Like King Janaka who would rule the kingdom by the day and be a Brahma Jnani by the night! He would do the work only as a duty to God. At the end of the day, totally detached, unperturbed by whatever happens. That is Prema Sai's Mission, Swami said. 

To write something on a slate, you have to clean up the slate first. When the cleaning process begins, it might be a little painful. But I guess with time, people will get adjusted to each other like we all get adjusted to a new shoe or a new spouse! (Laughter) With time, probably, everything will settle for us. But yes, changes are due! Swami has told it any number of times. He may not have put a date or calendar to it. But the changes are going to happen. Probably, that is the only way to teach the hard headed humanity what is right and what is not, what matters and what does not. 

Will Swami interfere and do something about it? As I said, He will go on advising us. He will go on telling us, do this and you will be safe. If not, you will only bring upon your destruction. So, please follow the path. When Swami was setting up many centers around the world, this was His message. These centers are going to be beacons of hope. These are going to be the Light Houses! People will be so disillusioned shortly; they will not know what to do with themselves because they would have tried everything in the world to be happy and they would have failed. And then they will look for something that is beyond. They won't believe their teachers, parents, counselors, therapists on what gives them happiness.  They will look for spiritual people who will tell them the truth. And these centers will serve them to guide them correctly. 
"There will be fifteen. And the sixteenth will join a little later. The first seven will be the Saptarishis. The next eight will be Ashta Dikpalakas. At some of point of time, Swami said 'One Indra' will join the Mission of Prema Sai. So, in total, they will be seventeen." 

By the time Prema Sai leaves His body, in the fifty fourth year of His life, Prema Sai will simply decide that His mission is over and He is not needed here anymore. He must go back. Sitting on His chair, He will make the Sankalpa and He will leave the body. The bad part – whatever you call it – is He will be leaving so early all of a sudden. The good part is He won't go through hospital sessions, ventilators and wheel chairs! That's very relieving for us. Leave early, leave well! 

One day, Prema Sai will decide that He has done what was needed to be done. That is the day when everybody, every other person will be divine. The whole world will be different. He will simply sit in His chair and decide, 'I think I am done with it. I must leave now. My mission is over!' And He will simply leave the body. Swami said all of that will happen right here in Anandam (the hill-top bungalow at Muddenahalli)! His sixteen disciples will come and stay here. 

Today, Swami said first there will be fifteen. And the sixteenth member will join a little later. The first seven will be the Saptarishis. The next eight will be Ashta Dikpalakas, the gods of eight directions. This is their team of fifteen. At some of point of time, Swami said 'One Indra' will join the Mission of Prema Sai. So, in total, they will be seventeen (sixteen plus one, Prema Sai). They will do all the travelling and all the preaching. And Swami said that Prema Sai has a mission cut out for Him and He will not do much talking or calling people or launching projects. All this is Sathya Sai's pending work that He will finish before the next phase. Prema Sai will simply go everywhere and when He goes, people will come attracted to Him like ants come to sugar. You keep the sugar anywhere. You don't have to tell the ants. They will somehow come and reach the sugar. Likewise, if He moves between continents and countries, His very energy will draw people to Himself. By then, people will be disillusioned with materialism. They will be fed up, Swami said. They would have tried everything in the world and they were never happy. And then they will look for spirituality as a tool for happiness and that's when Prema Sai's mission will just catch fire! Everybody will be drawn to Him for the spiritual solace and guidance and His mere presence will change people. Exact date, time and calendar, I don't have. But the sequence of events will more or less be the same. 

People are quite disturbed by this thought that sudden drastic changes will cause natural calamities and environmental changes. When I look at the whole thing, this is how it is to me. Death is not the end; birth is not the beginning. That is the truth. Those who live in that truth, for them it really does not matter. Whether I wake up or I don't wake up tomorrow; I don't think it should matter to me as an individual. It may matter to people around the one how dies though, for he or she  might have kept the passwords of all the bank accounts in the memory and would have gone!! (Laughter) If you live in that thought, it really does not matter if Golden age happens or not. We live today, we lived it well. We have lived in the way we should have lived. That is a satisfactory thought and you can sleep in peace and only wake up only if He wants you to wake up! That should be the way. 

Even at life, it's only one step at a time. I was a banker and we would scare people. 'What if you die; what will happen to your wife? Take this insurance!!' 'What will happen to your children? Take this education policy!' 'What will happen to your parents? Take this medical policy!' We would scare people. The whole financial planning feeds on fear of uncertainty of the future. We were told to talk like that so that we can scare them so much. One day I met a guy. He was a businessman and I was trying to explain an insurance policy. He said, 'Wait Madhusudan! I don't want to hear all these things because I have a guru who told me I m going to live till I m 99 years!' (Laughter) He had no fear of tomorrow. He said I don't need your planning. So, don't waste your time and my time! 

What I am trying to say is that if we lose that fear, why would we worry if climate change happens tomorrow or day after?!! Whether I am there tomorrow or not, it does not matter! As long as Swami wants me to be here, I will live. I have learnt this trick to be happy and peaceful so that I can sleep amidst all the chaos. I sleep quite well. I sleep better than I used to sleep when I was working elsewhere. I think that is the secret. We live for today. Don't worry about tomorrow. Yes, future will bring things with it. Lot of things has changed. There were dinosaurs and they are not there anymore. Some dinosaur's wife would have cried thinking about the future of their children. But time took them all away. We should not ruin our today for the sake of tomorrow. We don't even know if it's coming our way or not. We should do what we need to do for today and do it well. And at the end of the day, we have a sleep on a clean pillow of conscience and sleep well and wake up again full of energy to do more for God. I think that is how we should live and that is what I have learnt in my little stay with Swami. 
"Even with all your best intentions, efforts and abilities, you will not get the support that you need to change the society. But if you be My foot soldier, I will help you achieve much more than what you could ever do being in all these positions and authorities in power." 
Question: I love India and I'm the son of a freedom fighter also. Since, past many decades, we have a scenario where political field is filled with murderers, dacoits and land grabbers and they are leading India. Why are the capable Sai students not going into active politics to change India? 

Answer: What about our students? Would they get into politics? One day, a boy was desperate to become IAS officer. IAS is an administrative functionary of the government services. And Swami kept on saying why do you want to be IAS? Become SAI officer! He kind of turned the word on its head and said SAI instead of IAS. Then Swami also gave a discourse on that day saying that many people imagine that they can do so much if they get into some position of power or authority in the government. But then He said it is not easy to change things there. There are too many things at play. Unless, the whole political system, every single party has Sai students, then the story might be different. But one Sai student and one party, you know the crab culture; there will be twenty people to drag you down. Swami advised His boys, 

"Even with all your best intentions, efforts and abilities, you will not get the support that you need to change the society. But if you be My foot soldier, I will help you achieve much more than what you could ever do being in all these positions and authorities in power." 

This is the advice Swami gave. Politics by very nature is like that. It was the same during Mahabharata and it's the same even today. The moment you enter into position and power, it corrupts you. Without being in any position and power; if you work at the grassroots level and bring about a change at the basic consciousness of the people, and work bottom-up so that you go from down to up, then probably the system will change. 

And why it would happen this way? One example is the recent Sri Lankan crisis where the Govt had taken very undemocratic decision of suddenly throwing the Prime Minister out and installing somebody. That's not democracy. That's not good politics at all. Swami made a statement to the devotees of Sri Lanka who had come here to invite Him to their country. 'Today's people of Sri Lanka are not the same as they were thirty years before. They are educated, they are aware, they are empowered and they would know how to protect their democracy.' But there is a great secret that lies in this statement. The moment they were trying to remove the PM unduly, people of Sri Lanka went and surrounded the house of PM and said you are going nowhere. This is murder of democracy and we would not allow. But the same Sri Lanka thirty years ago would have been different. People were scared for their own lives with militants and terrorists everywhere. And they were not educated as much as they are today. They were not aware of their rights 

We should look at developing India where the last person is empowered, educated, and aware of his rights and responsibilities. They cannot be just swept away by the emotions of party propagandas or a bottle of liquor or non vegetarian meal and may be two thousand rupees to go with; a democratic vote cannot be sold. That is where Swami is working. That is where Sai students' role is far greater than being a politician. 

We have seen Narendra Modi Government. I am an avid follower of politics. So, little bit of my opinion over here. Swami told Narendra Modi that he would become the Prime Minister when he was the Gujarat Chief Minister. I wanted to see how Swami was going to change the fate of this nation using this man whom He had decided to bless as the next PM. This was around 2011 or 2012 (soon after Swami left the physical body), Swami told Sri C Sreenivas to go to Gujarat and meet the then Chief Minister, Modi; to give him the Vibhuthi packet and tell him that Swami has decided that he will be the next PM leading the country. At that point in time, Sreenivas Sir was very hesitant because it was a big statement. It didn't seem like there was any scope for that. But it happened! And I remember Mr Modi called up Sreenivas Sir when we were in Kodaikanal in 2014 and spoke for 20 minutes about Swami and His blessings. The counting had started and he perhaps wanted to get an assurance from Swami that the blessing conveyed (in 2012) was still valid! Of course, Sreenivas Sir conveyed Swami's blessings and he came into power. 

Swami is working at both the levels. While He is working with the students at the grassroots level to change the very scenario of the public; the education, the literacy and everything else and empower them as more aware citizens of the nation, to take better decisions in the favour of the nation; at the same time Swami is working at the top level. So He is working both ways. 

Once, Swami met PM Modi at Sowbhagyam, at the premises of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital in Raipur. It was a brief meeting of 5 or 6 minutes. The deity might be happy to meet but the priests around are not happy. The PM's security was not willing for the meet to take place even though the PM wanted to meet. 'Why should PM come into a room of only two? Why should the security not be allowed in? We cannot leave the PM into a room' – the security protocols. Sreenivas Sir almost gave up. I reached Raipur, a day before PM's visit to the hospital. The security officer went on questioning, in a way, very hurtful. 'Who are you? Why should you be here?' Then I saw Swami standing. I knew Swami was up to something.  Swami told me to tell him, 'I have saved his life thrice, twice in India and once abroad! Tell him!' Then I told the security officer. "Sir! I just want to tell you something. Just now Baba conveyed to me that your life was saved three times, twice in India and once abroad!"  And the security officer was shell-shocked! (Laughter) He said, at least the India story, a few people knew in his family. The abroad incident was a secret mission! In that mission, he had to capture an Indian criminal who had gone to Middle East. His duty was to arrest him and bring him back. That was a top secret mission and during that pursuit, it is said the bullets passed on his either side but nothing touched him. He said, "It was miraculous. This incident, nobody knows even in my family. It was a top secret mission. And nobody should know also.  I never mentioned to anybody that I was ever abroad. How do you know?" Then I said, "This is what I am trying to say. Baba talks to me and He tells me everything!" (Laughter) He was very overwhelmed. Then he said, "So what does Baba want?" I said, "He wants to meet the PM". He asked only two of you? I said "Yes, and then may be Sreenivas Sir". So where should the security personnel be stationed, he asked. I said, "You can stand at the door outside!" Now I was dictating terms to him that this is how it should happen! (Applause) 

The next day, the PM arrived. After the scheduled programme at Sowbhagyam, Mr Modi was ushered into the room where it was just Mr Modi, Sreenivas Sir, me and Swami. And Swami told some wonderful things about his past, about the future and I could see he was totally dazed! The PM was zapped listening to Swami. He did not speak a word. He was so overwhelmed. The security protocol officer had briefed him that this meeting must last only two minutes and not beyond because every moment of the PM is rationed, budgeted in and calculated. But the meeting went on for five minutes and finally Sreenivas Sir had to look at me to request Swami that PM must leave. When Modi got up after doing Namaskar to the chair believing that Swami is there, he was walking out and he even forgot to wear his shoes!! He just walked in that daze. The security officer had to remind him to put the shoes on. I have seen Swami work at that level as well. 

At the lower level what we see here, Swami is preparing these children to work bottom-up and while the leaders will work from top-down! Swami is preparing people on either sides. 

My personal advice to the children; we can do much more with Swami if we just go about spreading this light of education. We make our people more aware. Education brings awareness, empowerment, will make them noble and able citizens of this country. They will take charge of their votes. They will not sell it or squander it away for nothing. That is the India Swami can build with you and me and with all the people that Swami has put in their places. So, be assured. But if somebody has tremendous political ambitions and ideas with great interest and intent, He also will receive the blessings of Swami. But Swami's mission is something else. He wants to start with education, literacy, empowerment, awareness from being just a noble person in the world to ultimately being divine. This is where He is pushing us all. I think we must work in sync with Swami, step in step. 

That's why Swami says, 'I will do the thinking. You just follow.' Let it not be the other way. Come to Swami with an open surrendered mind. Don't come with your ideas. Many times children already have in mind what they want to do. They just want an endorsement from Swami, a stamp from Swami to go ahead. They don't come with surrender. Then what Swami does? He says you do whatever you like or sometimes He just smiles and walks away. He knows there is no genuine request. It is just made up. 

When we come with an open mind, we can do much more for the country and the world and for the mission of Swami. 'Surrender' should be the guiding force all through our lives to do His bidding and not our wish. 
Swami told me, "If I had a body, till the last drop of My blood, I would have taken care of these children!" I was so overwhelmed, I immediately replied, "Swami You definitely have my body and till there is last drop of blood in my body, please make sure I serve these children!"

At the cost of repetition, I must echo Narasimha Murthy Sir's words. If he has been with Swami for 50 years and has been with students for at least 30 or 35 years, and if he says that he has not seen this breed of students anywhere before; I have to only second him in this opinion. Truly, in my little experience of seven years as a student and thereafter as a co-worker in this mission; I have not seen this class and this tribe of students anywhere. This is the first of its kind and I don't know if we would ever get to see something like this again. And every time Swami looks at their faces, the surge of love within Swami is so powerful, and I know it because I experience it. I could have been an observer and also understood it in a certain way but when I'm experiencing that love which flows through my veins which is Swami's love for all of you and of course all your love that He receives through the same channel; it is so overwhelming. Every cell of my body reverberates with that power of love that I find it so hard to control my emotions. Perhaps, I should not control but then I would have no choice but to go on sobbing though out the programme. I can't stay sane because it is so overwhelming. And it is that way every time. 

It was the first march past of the little tiny tots of Hampi, Koppal and Karwar; the campuses that started just six months ago with great difficulty I must say. When the children marched past the dais where Swami was sitting, He was continuously shedding tears from both the eyes. And because I have this connection, I could not control my tears too. I tried many a times that I should behave myself and not cry like a sissy but I could not hold myself. The surge is so powerful. After the final rehearsals (Jan 13), when Swami was going towards Anandam, He told Narasimha Murthy Sir, 

"See! Had we not put the efforts for opening four more campuses at the cost of all the pain and difficulties and struggles and obstructions; these little children would have been roaming the streets somewhere and would have wasted away a beautiful life. By taking all the pain that comes with the opening of the campuses, we have ensured that these children are not simply roaming the street aimlessly but they are marching in My mission!" 

The difference, the paradigm shift for the children; I don't think even the children would understand at this point in time nor the teachers. Perhaps, we also cannot comprehend it completely. But what Swami did to these children, how He set them on this path is so beautiful, it was elevating to even watch these children with all their energy march by. I am not saying they were the best to march over there but Swami's love was so much that He could not see anything beyond them. Swami's heart was already stolen by the march past of these little children and He did not have time to focus on anything else. That is Swami's heart. It went all out to His children and they did such a fantastic job. 

The first complication is that you should believe that there is something called God that exists in this world. And then you should believe that God can be a human being too. And then you have to believe that even after He gives up the body that God can continue through another way. Look at the levels of complications for little these students to understand this phenomenon!  And then you have to believe that He is here and He is the One opening these schools for their sake, out of His immense love for them, He loves them so much. Swami has no other way to express this love directly but through this energy or vibration that He creates around Him and children who experience that are all shedding tears for Swami. 

What was very touching for me was when I saw a small boy of Karwar campus shedding tears in Darshan as they were to leave for their campuses after the programmes were over. I was reminded of the times when I was a student, and the first time I went to Brindavan and had the first darshan of Swami; I was just 17 at that point of time. He came for Darshan; looked deep into my eyes for a fraction of a second and something cracked and broke within and there was deluge of tears. Something really had opened up. An old memory had resurfaced. Something had happened magical at that moment and I fell in love with Swami instantly. After that, for about two months we had not seen Swami. He had left from Brindavan to Puttaparthi soon after the Summer Course and the next time we saw Him was during Guru Poornima when He had called all the students from all campuses. I remember when we were leaving after the Guru Poornima functions, the buses were waiting near the canteen gate of Puttaparthi ashram and all the students had loaded their luggage to return to Brindavan. I ran back to the mandir, went and hugged the interview room and cried and cried feeling the separation from Swami. As a boy of 17, I had felt so much of love. He had not spoken to me. I had only seen Him during the Guru Poornima darshans and had experienced His energy of love. 

Karwar students are – so to say – fortunate and unfortunate because Swami has not been to Karwar campus at all. Somehow, we could not finish the building on time and the children were lodged in a temporary accommodation which was serving as school cum hostel. The teachers and other staff took it very sportively, spiritedly and they continued to do work nevertheless and now the building is almost complete and Swami would go in February (2019) to gift it to them. These children did not have the opportunity of Swami coming there and talking to them at their place and spending that exclusive time with those fifty five or sixty students like other campuses where they had at least one glimpse, one opportunity of that nature. When Karwar students were to leave (after the Sports Meet), I saw them shedding tears in darshan, crying so deeply for Swami and saying, holding Swami's hand; 'We love You, We belong to You! Be with us.' Just that! They were not asking that we want this or that. They were all so overwhelmed by Swami's love. And I remembered my days. 

Swami says, 'If you need Me; you deserve Me!' There is no other qualification for God. You shed a tear for His sake and He is all yours, forever! That is the beauty of Swami. So spontaneously He gives Himself away to anybody who craves truly for Him from the bottom of his or her heart. And I saw Swami giving Himself away to these children. 

Swami told me after the function, "If I had a body, till the last drop of My blood, I would have taken care of these children!" I was so overwhelmed, I immediately replied, "Swami You definitely have my body and till there is last drop of blood in my body, please make sure I serve these children!" (Applause) 

The book 'The Story Divine' captures many a emotions of building new campuses, bringing people, setting up infrastructure, raising resources, getting permissions, running it well; it's a task. It's not just all fun. Let me tell you it is difficult. And sometimes you feel overwhelmed as administrators and staff who are responsible for these campuses. And every other day when there is a challenge to meet, there are difficulties to face, when there is some obstruction or the other in the way despite our most sincere feelings and efforts, you feel a bit down. You feel 'OMG! It is so difficult! Is it worth it?' But when you see these children fall in love with Swami so instantly, so spontaneously, so naturally and so completely, you recommit to this mission saying, 'Come what may, I shall do what is to be done for these children!' 

Long back, Swami was asking everybody what their hobby was. They said singing, cooking, reading books etc. Then Swami asked, "Do you know what is My hobby?" And then He continued, "My hobby is to install God in the hearts of people! This is My hobby!" Because, all the work that He does is towards this goal which is to install God in the hearts of the people. And whose hearts are more deserving than the hearts of these little children who are so pure, so innocent? 
"People like you (Indulal Shah), who are intelligent and capable, can do bigger things for Me. You can run a Mission for Me. But what can these little children do after all with their little limited skills and resources? So, I give them these opportunities to do Sports Meet or Seva in whatsoever small way. I know that someday in their life, they will need My grace." 
The Sports Meet or these functions are not just an opportunity to present your skills and talents. That is one part of it. The larger agenda is actually to develop this bond of love between students and Swami. You keep doing something for Swami over and over again with great devotion and love; it purifies you. It purifies the one who does anything for Swami even howsoever little you do something for God with love, the act of doing for God purifies us from within and that is the reason why Swami creates these opportunities. 

In 2014, when I was in Indulal Ji's home in Mumbai to invite him for the first Sports Meet that was to be held in Muddenahalli, Swami said to him, 

"You know why I do these Sports Meets? Because people like you who are intelligent and capable can do bigger things for Me. You can build up a Chaithanya Jyothi Museum; you can build a hospital or a school or run a Mission for Me. But what will these little children do? What can they do after all with their little limited skills and resources? So, I give them these opportunities to do Sports Meet or do some Seva in whatsoever small way. Why do I do this? Because, I know that someday in their life, they will need My grace. And when he or she prays for My grace, I have to go back and think what has this boy or girl done for Me using which I can extend My grace to him or her, in his or her time of need."  

(Incidentally, Sri Indulal Shah will be celebrating his 100th Birthday on Jan 29 and Swami has already ordered a lavish lunch, not just for the Muddenahalli students but for all the campus students to celebrate his dearest friend's birthday party. That is Swami's love. Of course, ice cream has to be an integral, non-negotiable part!) 

Like Draupadi tied a piece of saree on Krishna's finger which was bleeding and the reason was He was eating sugarcane and He cut His finger carelessly – so to say – with the piece of sugarcane of all the things! The One who wields the Sudarshana Chakra can cut His finger with a sugar cane!! That is the magnanimity of Krishna who did not mind bleeding for the sake of creating an opportunity for Draupadi to instantly serve Him by tying a piece of saree which would extend itself manifolds to save her honour at the time of need. 

The same is the reason why Swami creates all these little service opportunities for us and for students; this wonderful opportunity of playing in Brass Band or marching for Swami or just doing anything for Swami so that one day when He looks back at the time of our need, He can think and say, 'Oh! This boy marched for Me very well. He did it for My sake! Let Me bless Him against that.' Even if little we do, He manifolds. His grace will become multiplied when we need Him the most. And that is the pure reason why He creates these opportunities.

I am so glad these children have not just taken but grabbed this opportunity with both hands. And everybody wanted to be a part of it in some way or the other. During Swami's visit to the PU block, we were listening to wonderful talks. Everybody had an experience to share. And that experience is so very wonderful. 

One boy in lion dance, I must talk about. This boy was consistently falling from the pillar because he was new to this, he was not confident and it was the first time that he was performing. When Swami came for the rehearsal, he was all the more nervous that Swami was watching him. The idea of performing in front of Swami had overwhelmed him and he could not do as much as he wanted to do. The boy fell a few times and came up to the stage later, dejected, Swami consoled the boy, "Why do you fear? Why are you afraid? You will do well!" Then he told the other boy, 'as a leader it is your duty to encourage your team member and not scold him', because Swami knew very well that the leader would give him a mouth full. Swami protected the boy from his wrath. As if this was not enough of an encouragement, that evening, again during Darshan Swami told this boy that he would do well and not worry. He went around Darshan and still the mother or leader or the concerned father in Swami was not satisfied with the encouragement. He came back again the same way, gave him a ring to make sure this was like cast in gold that He believed that the boy would do well. He put it on his finger and again assured him not to fear. 

This boy who was the front of the lion did so well on the inaugural session of the Sports Meet, and every time he was jumping, Swami was holding His breath!! (Laughter) It was not just about the boy's faith in Swami but it was also Swami's faith in that boy. Both were being tested at the same time. The boy's faith that he would do well and Swami's faith that I have told the boy that he would do well, the boy should have the faith in My faith and do well. Both the devotee and the God; both their honours were at stake on that day! Whenever Swami goes through emotions, I go through that emotion too. It is like a parallel connection and my chest was congested because I was feeling the pressure. 

The event went on well and finally when the boy came to the dais and removed the lion's head, he immediately broke down in gratitude as if to say, 'Swami! You made me realize what it is when you say I would do well. When You place Your hand on my head, I know now what it means!' You raise me up to more than what I can be- You are stronger when you are with Swami. And He raises you up beyond your capacities to more than what you can ever be. There was so much of interaction of emotion. Swami again blessed the boy. Any time Swami saw that boy, He smiled at him as if saying, 'You saved My honour; I saved your honour!' (Laughter) That special smile tells it all to that boy. 

That is the relationship between Swami and a devotee. If you extrapolate this in our day today life or activities, many a times we are not confident of what we have got to do. Every waking moment, there is a challenge that comes up; be it at family, our profession, even the activities of seva that we do over here. Every time, we go back and fall upon the shoulder of Swami which raises us to walk on the mountains, to walk on the stormy seas. We have to believe that if Swami thinks it can be, so IT CAN BE! And I must place my complete faith in Swami. This is something that I have not seen happening even in many elders but I see this happening in these little students. Probably, they have not seen so much of the world, but nevertheless they have got the idea of what it would be whenever they have to face the world. They will have to face the world and they know how to face it. They are better equipped. They are better prepared for the world tomorrow than many of us or most of us. 

As a student, I can say this because I have been a student and we have also tried to do several things with great love, with great devotion to Swami. Today, whatever we are as students of Swami, wherever we are, whatever we have achieved is purely because of His grace. He always gave us more than what we deserved. Anywhere we went, He blessed us with success. He always blessed us with more abundance than what we could have ever achieved by our own singular efforts. 

That is this blessing of Sports Meet which is created by Swami so that it is an opportunity for us to do something for Him so that He can do more for us. That is the self fulfilling kind of a mechanism that He wants to do more for you so He wants you to do a little for Him. 

I am very glad that you (children) have risen to the occasion and done better than ever before. At least, the four or five Sports Meet here that I am witness to; it has been a wonderful opportunity. As elders, as onlookers, or as devotees who are here; we all have derived a lot of inspiration from your act of devotion and surrender to Swami. I don't know about everybody else, but I have ended up recommitting myself to this mission once more. I don't want any retirement but want to serve and look after all the children till the last drop of blood flows in my veins. That is the commitment that Swami got out of us when He made us see what you all have done. It is very redeeming. That is the upper most thought in my mind. I am sure this is the thought in most of your minds too. The memories that the children have created for all of us, we will cherish for the rest of our lives; most importantly, the lesson that we have learnt from you, your devotion, will remain with us forever. 

- Sri Madhusudan at 'Tattva Sameeksha' (Jan 21, 2019), Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli

('Tattva Sameeksha' is a Talk session by eminent speakers to the Ashram residents of Sathya Sai Grama in Muddenahalli)
Satsangs on Feb 3, 7, 14, 17, 21


Below is a list of public Satsangs scheduled to be held in the Divine Presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba during February.
  • SUN Feb 3
  • THU Feb 7
  • THU Feb 14
  • SUN Feb 17
  • THU Feb 21
The venue will be Sri Sathya Sai Premaarutham Auditorium, Muddenahalli, and satsangs begin at 5.40 pm.

Webcast will be available as usual via the below link.

All the devotees are most welcome to attend in person, and partake of Bhagawan's blessings.

Jai Sai Ram! 
Each One Educate One  

More than *450* children at our schools were screened for health defects – in line with the norms set by World Health Organisation and Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram, Ministry of Heath, Government of India.

The result? Pure joy.

Both the team of doctors and the children exchanged a lot of happiness and smiles and it was a day spent well.

Here's to many more such joyous interaction with our students!

 *Come. Interact. Transform.*

To visit any of our schools, write to us.
Have you seen mothers ramble endlessly about their children?

Well, we feel no less than a parent to our 3400 children.

And so, here's one more post where we proudly showoff how talented our children are!

In love with our kids!
E1 E1

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

A very good morning to all!

We are working on a monthly schedule for campus visits which have been most effective in connecting people and had them witness first-hand the amazing work that Swami is doing in these campuses through His dedicated team of men and women. And not to forget the opportunity to  spend some beautiful moments with the young hearts that are the life of these campuses! In fact, Swami had Himself said that it is in the campuses that the magic happens and one should ensure we create opportunities for more people to visit and witness the Love that is the breathe in our campuses.

We encourage all alumni and alumnae to take the opportunity to visit as many campuses as possible to see how they are shaping up and the stories that each campus has to tell. It's a great way to recharge oneself!

Moreover, please bring your friends, family and colleagues. This would be the best gift you can give them. No amount of talk/presentations/videos about the education mission can compare with what a visit to one of the campuses can do.

There are a few among us who have volunteered to organise these trips as part of their Seva to connect many more people to the mission. Let's us all similarly do our part.

The schedule for the next visits will be published in advance. You can sign up folks with the contact persons mentioned in the visit schedule (see attached image - e1e1_campus_visits.JPG)


                                                                                                                                                This is a story of how one organization from a region, often missed on the Indian map is leading a movement that is now nourishing the nation through nutrition

Many school children from rural areas would often faint of hunger and some simply dropped out of school as they were too weak from malnutrition. 

These children had access to free education and free mid-day lunch that the schools provided. But, still there was this key ingredient missing. 

Scientific studies have repeatedly shown that eating a meal first thing in the morning has a positive influence on cognitive performance in school, especially on task-oriented behaviours—and particularly in children younger than 18. 

Considering the need to cover this nutrition gap, in July 2012 a small group of men and women started a unique breakfast programme at a rural school in South Bangalore for  children coming from impoverished families who otherwise go to school hungry as  they had no access to the most important meal of the day- the breakfast, 

They decided to serve these children with a nutritious and wholesome breakfast every morning at their school bearing the complete expenses.  

Gradually, more schools appeared on the scene that needed to be served and a trust was formed in 2015, in Muddenahalli, in Karnataka state called the Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust, and the project was named Annapoorna Breakfast Programme. 

The trust has realized that in order to have the maximum positive impact, an engaged leadership from all sectors of society is required. This is where its collaboration with local vegetable vendors, local governing bodies and authorities have proven successful in bringing a sense of responsibility among communities to come forward in raising their children and build a better future for them.

Its motto is, LET NO CHILD GO TO SCHOOL HUNGRY EVER and works with a steadfast mission to feed nutritious, well-balanced breakfast every single day to all school-going children from poor families.  

Scientifically calibrated and wholesome breakfast menus are prepared at the school premises itself  in a decentralised model by the govt nominated cooks.

These breakfast menus are prepared under the guidance of a panel of nutritionists and are designed to meet the caloric and nutitional requirements of growing children. 

A recent addition in the annapoorrna breakfast programme project is the SAI SURE drink, a protein mix to augment the govt provided milk with micronutrients.

The annapoorna breakfast programme project has become a platform for more than 500 volunteers to serve, in addition to the thousands of teachers at the schools. This breakfast program works closely with over 1000 local vendors in a decentralized model for a seamless execution.

Supporting this initiative are many like-minded institutional partners and government workers. MOU's have been signed up with Govt of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,Telangana,Kerala and Puducherry.

Until date,  nutritious breakfast is served everyday  free of cost – to over 2,00,000  school-going children at 3000+ centers located across 15 states and 2 union territories. 

On Annapoorna's radar have appeared more blips and the Trust aims to nourish 1 Million children daily with free nutritious breakfast across India by the end of 2020.

This social initiative  is also engaged in setting up RO drinking water plants, domestic water filters, constructing toilets in village schools and conducting health screening of children.

Since 6 years the Annapoorna breakfast program has been highly effective with marked improvement in health of these school children. This reflects in stability in school attendance, a marked enthusiasm in academics as well as sports.

Today, many more willing hands have come to serve the nation in an act of nation building. 

When every needy child's hunger is eradicated, when its health is fortified with nutrition, a nation too will be fortified in more ways than one.

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