SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: Fwd: Booklets of Divine Visit to Greece, Italy and France - April 2017

jueves, 6 de julio de 2017

Fwd: Booklets of Divine Visit to Greece, Italy and France - April 2017

Sri Sathya Sai Premamruta Prakashana's



Aum Sri Sai Ram!

On this Thursday, 6th July, 2017, we are pleased to share with you three newly created Divine Booklets in English: Swami's April 2017 visits to Greece, Italy and France. The Greece Booklet includes the satsangs in Athens and the site of the Greek Ananda Ashram. The Italy Booklet contains Swami's visits to Padova and Rome. The France Booklet includes meetings held in Anglet and Biarritz.

Please click the links below to download the Booklets in ENGLISH:

1. April 2017 - Divine Visit to Greece
2. April 2017 - Divine Visit to Italy
3. April 2017 - Divine Visit to France

We also have a number of new translations now available on the Online Library, including:

April 2017 - Divine Visit to France

April 2016 - Divine Visit to Germany

January 2017 - Divine Visit to Germany
April 2016 - Divine Visit to Germany
November 2015 - Divine Interview with Global Translators at Muddenahalli

April 2017 - Divine Visit to Turkey

April 2016 - Divine Visit to Germany

If you missed our last update, on 19th June, 2017, the following had been added:

1. March 2016 - Divine Visit to Japan
2. September 2015 - Divine Visit to Australia
3. July 2015 - Divine Visit to Sri Lanka

1. February 2017 - Divine Visit to Singapore
2. November 2016 - Divine Interview with Global Translators at Muddenahalli
3. October 2016 - Divine Visit to Spain
4. April 2016 - Divine Visit to Germany


Jai Sai Ram!

BSG Admin
Sri Sathya Sai Premamruta Prakashana (R)


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