SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: Swami's Missions Continue ...

domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Swami's Missions Continue ...

Om Sri Sai Ram

queridos hermanos, compartimos los envíos que han dado inicio desde la juventud de USA, previos a la Visita de Sai en el próximo mes de Junio.

no va a dar el tiempo para traducirlos, parece que enviarán 10 partes, por favor utilicen el traductor de google y disfrutemos juntos este Mensaje tan hermoso.

por favor den click en el link azul que está después del título


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sai sanjeevani title-1
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Swami's Missions continue...

Starting today, we're compiling snippets of Swami's Miracles (ongoing and/or completed) titled, "See Me through My Mission"

This is a prelude to the 'Awareness Program' for June 17th, presenting Swami's missions in the Subtle form.
sai sanjeevani

Please note that seating is pre- assigned to all the registered devotees attending the Satsangh on 17th. Limited Seating!! Register at

The next snippet will highlight the ongoing education projects with Swami's guidance in Subtle form. Please expect to hear from us soon (2 of 10).

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