SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: Swami's Missions Continue (3/10)

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Swami's Missions Continue (3/10)

​Om Sri Sai Ram​

​hermanos compartimos el envío número 3, de la Juventud de USA.


SAI MISSION PROJECTS 3 of 10 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Swami's Missions continue... In the last email, we highlighted the ongoing education proje


3 of 10

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Swami's Missions continue...

In the last email, we highlighted the ongoing education projects, with 8 schools that have already been established.
In today's snippet, which is part of the series of Swami's Miracles titled, "See Me through My Mission" , we focus on SAIWHEELS which was completed in a record time of 5 months and inaugurated during Swami's 90th Birthday celebrations.
This is a prelude to the 'Awareness Program' for June 17th, presenting Swami's missions in the Subtle form.

Please note that seating is pre- assigned to all the registered devotees attending the Satsangh on 17th. Limited Seating!!

In the next post, we will be highlighting some of the beautiful service projects in India. Please expect to hear from us soon (4 of 10).

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