sábado, 21 de enero de 2023


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January 2023

New National President's Welcome

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

The year 2022 ended with Sai devotees across the UK engaged in prayers and singing the Glory of the Lord on New Year's Eve. What a wonderful way to end the year and welcome in the new year by listening, remembering and contemplating on the Divine Name.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my predecessors and members of the National Council who have tirelessly and selflessly served the Organisation.

We look forward to an exciting year, starting with the National Office Bearers and Active Workers Conference on 4th February. This is an opportunity for us to come together and work collectively in His Name, to serve His devotees across the country. The conference provides a perfect opportunity to remind ourselves of the life, mission and message of Baba, and how the Organisation provides a pathway in our spiritual pursuit.

During the year we also have the opportunity to connect with our brothers and sisters from across the globe during the Centre Leaders and Senior Members Conference in Prasanthi on 4th and 5th July. The theme of this conference is "Practise & Inspire." Please kindly register via the specified link below before 30th March.

With the Grace of our Beloved Lord, we have organised a pilgrimage to our spiritual home, Prasanthi Nilayam: the Abode of Supreme Peace. We welcome all devotees to join this sacred pilgrimage, 'Journey to Sai.' Further details are below, but please do complete the Google Form further below if you are interested in joining so you can stay up to date.

Let us all continue to work together in HIS name.

Lovingly, in Sai service,

Pratap Thakkar

And a note from our outgoing National President

I offer my humble pranams at the Lotus Feet of my Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and thank Him for giving me the opportunity to serve Him as the National President for United Kingdom over the last 3 years. It has been a very humbling experience as a National President, a position that I never, ever dreamt of taking on, but I quickly realised that Swami chooses each and every one of us and the path that is right for us, a path that enables us to have opportunities to grow spiritually, to work towards getting closer to Him. Swami has been very kind where I have had a very supportive Council with me through this journey, and I thank each and every member, as well as all of the office bearers and devotees, for their support. I pray that Bhagawan continues to guide the Council in every act and offering and keeps us all at His Lotus Feet.

Live, so that with every breath and step, you come nearer and nearer to Me.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Ketan Gokani

Central Coordinator, Zone 6
Sri Sathya Sai Global Council

2023 UK National Council

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Om Sri Sai Ram!

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce the UK National Council members who will be serving the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, United Kingdom, effective immediately:

  • National Council President: Mr Pratap Thakkar
  • Joint Vice President: Mr Narendra Mistry
  • Joint Vice President: Dr Sakthi Shanmugathasan
  • National Spiritual Coordinator: Mr Satish Kumar Thirupadripuliyur Mohan
  • National Service Coordinator: Mr Jayesh Patel
  • Joint National Bal Vikas Coordinator: Mrs Vasuki Easwarakumar
  • Joint National Bal Vikas Coordinator: Mr Roni Ramdin
  • Joint National Young Adult Coordinator: Mr Kapil Prasher
  • Joint National Young Adult Coordinator: Miss Triveni Patel
  • National Media Coordinator: Dr Amit Patel
  • Region 1 President: Dr Jitesh Patel
  • Region 2 President: Ms. Anita Ruparelia
  • Region 3 President: Dr Arul Srinivasan
  • Region 4 President: Ms. Manisha Patel
  • Region 5 President: Mr Sanjay Vaja
  • Region 6 President: Mr Roni Ramdin
  • Region 7 President: Dr Senthiru Sivaloganathan
  • Region 8 President: Dr Bhaskar Ram

We are grateful to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for giving us the opportunity to serve. Please join me in welcoming all the National Council members, and I kindly request that you extend your loving support to them. I also take this opportunity to thank all the outgoing officers for their outstanding, selfless service.

We appreciate the support and continuing guidance of the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council in Prasanthi Nilayam. We pray to Swami to bless us so that we can serve all with love and unity.

Lovingly, in Sai service,

Pratap Thakkar

National Council President

We are pleased to invite you to participate at the National Office Bearers and Active Workers Conference 2023, based on the theme of Journey to Sai - Transformation through the Organisation.

Saturday 4th February
10am to 4.30pm
: The Grange Academy, London Road, Bushey, WD23 3AA

How to register?
Please click on the button below.

Registration will close on 1st February to allow for catering, workshop and other logistical arrangements to be made.

Register here for the National Conference

With the Divine Grace of Bhagawan, on 23rd November the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council announced that the Centre Leaders Conference will be held on 4th & 5th July.

The theme of the conference is "Practise & Inspire" and it is expected to be an amazing congregation of centre leaders & senior members from countries across the globe. The conference is open to Centre Presidents and all Wing Coordinators so please encourage your committee members to attend.

The event will include talks, workshops, research and resolutions, and much more is currently being planned. Zone 6, of which the UK is a part, has been given the privilege of organising the opening ceremony. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and be part of this conference.

Please kindly register via the link below. Last date for registration is 30th March.

Register here for the Prasanthi Conference (not the UK Pilgrimage)

We invite all devotees to join this sacred pilgrimage, 'Journey to Sai,' and offer our obeisance to our Beloved Bhagawan. The pilgrimage will take place from 31st July to 6th August, but we kindly request that you arrive between 29th and 30th July to enable us to secure appropriate accommodation for you.

We are fortunate that the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council in Prasanthi Nilayam has now given permission for us to bring a Bal Vikas (SSE) play, an offering by the Young Adults and various other devotional offerings. We are having a first meeting on Saturday 28th January at 10am via Zoom. 

If you are interested in attending the pilgrimage, please complete the Google Form via the link below by Friday 27th January on behalf of yourself and your family and you will receive a link for the Zoom meeting. 

Even if you are unable to attend the meeting, we would appreciate it if you could kindly register your interest anyway. Your registration at this stage will not be taken as a firm commitment, but will allow us to gauge the level of interest for this pilgrimage, as well as keep you updated with information over the coming months, including future meetings.

Pilgrimage registration form
Spiritual Wing
Sacred and uplifting start to the festive season
National Christmas Celebrations 2022

On Saturday 10th December, devotees from around the UK gathered at Southborough High School in Surbiton, to enjoy and participate in the blissful National Christmas Celebrations. Starting on the evening before the event, volunteers headed to the venue to help set up for the event. Boxes of material, lights, and decorations and, most importantly, the wooden props used for the nativity play, were emptied, and used to adorn the hall as the initial offering of service at His Divine Lotus Feet. At 10.30am, the hall began to fill with devotees taking their seats and Bal Vikas (SSE) students preparing for the prompt procession at 11am. The programme began with a speech from our National President, Brother Ketan. The choir then took their place at the front of the hall, and started with the carol, Once in Royal David's City, as Bal Vikas students led the procession, to be followed by other carols such as O Come, O Come Emmanuel and Away in a Manger. In-between carols, there were readings from various speakers from different regions and Reverend Mark Eminson was introduced. Reverend Mark reminded us of God's invitation for us to leave the darkness we are in and enter the light only He can show us.

After the morning programme ended, everyone was led into the dining hall for lunch. An array of food items was served, such as paneer and peas curry, rice, pasta and much more. After lunch, people made their way back into the main hall, ready for the nativity play. The play was performed by the Merton Sai Centre Bal Vikas (SSE) students, beautifully conducted by Sister Vasuki, displaying the wonderful talents of the children. We then had the pleasure of listening to a solo carols item on the violin, which generated pure divine vibrations throughout the hall, followed by the children's choir. To conclude the programme, Santa paid a visit to the children to gift them presents for their hard work and talent. The National Christmas Celebrations created a blissful and joyful atmosphere and was positively enjoyed by all who attended.

Email Spiritual Wing
Service Wing
Extending our support to 'The Passage'
Serving the homeless

Thank you very much to everyone who participated in the service activity at the National Christmas Celebrations, where we supported "The Passage," a charity in Central London that strives to end homelessness and assist people who have experienced homelessness to realise their own potential and transform their lives.

Increased number of people are seeking help; therefore, let us continue with this service at this year's National Office Bearers and Active Workers Conference.

We invite all devotees to make a voluntary offering at the conference, through the practice of Ceiling on Desires, of any of the following items, for distribution to our brothers and sisters who find themselves in less fortunate circumstances:

  • Winter coats
  • Winter jumpers
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Hats
  • Scarves
  • Gloves
  • Towels
  • Thermos flasks
  • Water bottles
  • Notebooks/pens
  • Shaving sets
  • Chocolates
  • Biscuits
  • Herbal teas
  • Coffee

The items will need to be suitable for males or females aged 14 and over. As always, we humbly request that all items are new and unused.

The items you donate will make a huge difference to those in need. 
Should you have any questions, please contact the Service Wing via the email link further below.

SSSO UK volunteers who helped served food and drink on the day
Service at the National Christmas Celebrations

A huge thank you to the volunteers who carried out service with love, humility and a smile at the National Christmas Celebrations.

Email Service Wing
Young Adults Wing
Continuing the series of personal stories from SSSO UK Young Adults
My spiritual journey with Sai

mūkaṃ karoti vācālaṃ paṃguṃ laṃghayate giri

yat kṛpā tamahaṃ vaṃde paramānaṃda mādhavam

I salute that supreme bliss, Madhava,

by whose mercy the dumb become most eloquent

and the lame are able to jump over the mountains.

If there is one unmistakable characteristic that singles out our dearest Bhagawan as the Lord incarnate, it is His ability to transform the hearts and minds of those individuals that have had the good fortune to know Him. Indeed, Swami Himself has said: "Transformation of society must start with transformation of individuals." (Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 31, Ch 1: 1 January 1998)

This is the seventh in a series of articles showcasing the personal journeys of Young Adults from across the United Kingdom, as they share with us how Swami has transformed their lives in a very deep and lasting way. In this issue, we hear from Brother Sai Niruban Poopalarajah from Wimbledon Sai Centre in Region 1.

"Man will realise his mission on earth when he knows himself as divine and reveres others as divine," a quote from Swami that has always resonated with me as He emphasises how we are all divine and that we should treat each other as such. This quote seems even more important now as conflict runs rife across the globe and people look to divide rather than unite. Since the dawn of civilization, there have always been individuals who thrive on division of mankind. Although we are now blessed to be in a much better position than we were in the past, this issue still persists, whether through wars over human resources, or through class divides that remain even in the most "advanced" of societies. Cultivating love for all is a great way to combat this division and conflict, with the hope that love will be fostered by others around you to create a domino effect.

I have been fortunate enough to be born into a family of Sai devotees, where I was taught the importance of faith from a very young age. I still have vivid memories of my mother settling me and my brother to sleep with stories about the Hindu gods, which fed my curiosity about religion. These beliefs were only built upon once I was old enough to start attending Bal Vikas (SSE) at Wimbledon Sai Centre. Learning about key teachings such as the five Human Values and more about other religions helped me become more accepting of others' identities and beliefs, as well as foster new practices like meditation and eating healthily. Also, being able to take part in service from a young age through singing carols in care homes and helping and performing at AgeLink parties organised by our centre strengthened my compassion and empathy.

When I was 13 years old, I was taken quite ill. I assumed it was a stomach bug as it presented the same symptoms. However, after a visit to the GP, I was referred to a hospital with suspected appendicitis. I did not know what this was at the time and had no idea that within two days of referral I would be undergoing open surgery to remove my appendix. Even though this was quite a routine procedure, once I got the news that this was needed, I was terrified. However, the doctors, nurses, and my parents did a great job of comforting me. With Swami's grace and guidance, the surgery went well, but there was a slight complication that required me to get check-ups for the next five years. Through this experience, I learned how truly valuable good health is and that we should never take anything we have for granted.

A year later, I decided to thank Swami for all His guidance by writing a script for the Easwaramma Day play. It was quite tough, especially balancing this alongside my schoolwork at the time, but the encouragement and help from my SSE teacher and centre SSE coordinator helped me through this. It was based on the importance of good company, something that I found to be quite important, especially during my education. This play certainly felt like a personal thank-you note to Swami, my family, and my brothers, sisters, and elders at my centre, who were always there for me, and I hope I did them proud.

These experiences definitely helped shape the person I am today and steered me onto the right path whenever temptations arose. For example, my time in university thus far has been filled with wonderful people and incredible memories, but without Swami's teachings, especially those on the importance of good company and the grave consequences of desire and attachment, it could have been a very different story. I am forever grateful that I have been blessed with these life lessons from Swami and I look forward to the rest of my journey with Him.

I would like to conclude with a quote from Swami: "Where there is faith, there is love; where there is love, there is peace; where there is peace, there is truth; where there is truth, there is God; where there is God, there is bliss."

Email Young Adults Wing

Region 1 (London South East & South West)

Merton Sai Centre delivered 100 Christmas hampers to local elderly people via AgeUK Merton, Eastways Day Centre, Oaks Court Retirement Housing and Golden Hearted UK.

Merton Sai Centre's Christmas celebrations took place on 25th December. Over 45 Bal Vikas (SSE) children participated in the Christmas play.

The children of Wimbledon Sai Centre took part in carol singing for the elderly at Manor House care home, after an absence of 3 years due to the pandemic. After the carols were sung, fruits and snacks were served to the residents.

Wimbledon Sai Centre held their Christmas celebrations on Sunday 18th December. After the bhajans, the children sung carols, followed by an appearance by Santa himself!

Wimbledon Sai Centre celebrated the New Year, as well as the Centre's 43rd anniversary, on 1st January. The programme started with a pooja to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, praying for a prosperous, happy & peaceful year for everyone. Over 100 devotees attended.

Email Region 1

Region 2 (London North West and nearby Home Counties)

Slough Sai Centre had their Christmas celebrations a week prior to Christmas. The programme included English bhajans, a nativity play by our Bal Vikas (SSE) children and carols. The performance by our children was very lively and wonderful. Despite a sledge strike, Santa, along with an elf, made it to our Centre from the North Pole to give presents to our children.

With the grace of Bhagawan, Region 2 was once again blessed to hold bhajans on New Year's Eve. Over 150 devotees attended and celebrated the New Year singing Swami's glory. All went home with intoxicating vibrations. Our heartiest congratulations to the planning team and the media team for their hard work.

To celebrate Christmas, devotees of Harrow West Sai Centre gathered on Sunday 18th December. The evening was filled with English bhajans followed by an array of Christmas carols. The Bal Vikas children were even visited by Santa!

Email Region 2

Region 3 (London North, East & Central and nearby Home Counties)

Bedford Sai Centre honoured the birth of Christ with a carol service on Christmas Day, where around 10 devotees attended. They also had a discourse depicting the life of Christ by Elizabeth Lloyd.

Milton Keynes Sai Centre had its Christmas celebrations on Sunday 11th December. About 30 devotees were present to hear readings, carols and bhajans by the Bal Vikas children. A number of ladies provided gingerbread men, chocolates and other delicacies for everyone. We were delighted that Santa came from Aylesbury by helicopter, landing on the school field. We were also blessed to have the Reverend Dr Paul Smith, who grew up in Tamil Nadu (where he learnt Tamil), address our congregation. Reverend Paul talked about the spiritual aspect of Christmas, and discussed where the Three Wise Men might have come from. We were left with a lot to think about.

Christmas celebrations at Cambridge Sai Centre were celebrated on 17th December, where we sang bhajans and carols. It was attended by 12 devotees in the freezing temperatures... luckily the ladies baked cakes, cookies and 'kichdee' to keep us all warm!

Manor Park Sai Centre celebrated Christmas in St John's Hall with around 50 devotees, with carols, bhajans, a discourse by our beloved Swami and also a special visit from Santa!

Central London Sai Centre celebrated New Year's Day with around 25 devotees, including 3 centre chairs from Region 3. There was a tremendous uplifting atmosphere throughout the Vedam, shlokas, prayers, bhajans and aarti.

Swami kindly showed His omnipresence, appreciation, love and blessings by gently pushing two flowers that gracefully fell from the altar. We all felt elated and could not wish for a better start to the New Year.

Chelmsford Sai Centre brought in the New Year with uplifting prayers and bhajans held at Millennium Hall in Great Baddow. Around 60 devotees attended face-to-face, as well as around 10 devotees on Zoom, and the atmosphere created by everyone was so blissful.

The children also prepared speech offerings to our beloved Swami, talking about what they had learned in their Bal Vikas lessons, the service they had rendered that year and also how they try to apply Swami's values to their daily lives, which was so heartwarming to listen to.

May Swami's grace and blessings be with us all as we pray for a prosperous, happy and peaceful 2023.

Email Region 3

Region 4 (Midlands)

Over 120 parcels were packed by the devotees of Leicester Central Sai Centre after bhajans on Sunday 4th December for our brothers and sisters in Moldova. These parcels were delivered to the charity TEECH and then taken by road to Moldova in time for Christmas. Items packed included pasta, rice, tinned fruit and veg, toiletries and items of clothing.

See behind the scenes:

On Saturday 17th December, Leicester Central Sai Centre held a Christmas party for elderly members of the local community. More than 40 guests attended and were entertained with Christmas carols, karaoke, bingo, craft activities and a Christmas meal! We were fortunate to be joined by Pastor Graham Thomas of Lutterworth College, who is a regular guest at many of our programmes.

On Sunday 18th December, Leicester Central Sai Centre celebrated Christmas. After the vibrant bhajans, the nativity play by all the Bal Vikas (SSE) children mesmerised the devotees. The children sang carols with gusto and were accompanied on the keyboard by Ankitha Kunigiri, our ex-Bal Vikas student. The highlight of the morning was the visit by Santa, who showered the children and the devotees alike with chocolates and later gave Christmas presents to all the children.

Pastor Graham Thomas joined us once again to share the Christmas message as he does each year. Pastor Thomas has been a part of our family for many years and brings so much joy and positivity!

The programme culminated in all devotees enjoying the delicious sandwiches, popcorn and mouth-watering pies served by the dedicated Service Wing. Another delightful surprise was the chocolate fountain: everyone relished consuming fresh fruits dipped in it!

For Christmas, devotees attended the theatre at Narborough Road Sai Centre to watch a lovely Christmas Nativity play ('A Bethlehem Broadcast'), which told the story of the birth of Jesus, with some humour, and incorporated beautiful carols in-between. The play brought much joy from the audience. Father Christmas made an appearance and gave presents to the children. Devotees were offered mince pies for prashadam.

Watch the play here -

On 24th December, 15 members of Narborough Road Sai Centre packed gifts including hats, gloves, socks, sleeping bags and food and drinks into a beautiful, handmade, tote bag for the homeless. They walked around the city centre giving out these bags with a hot drink and mince pies. They served around 18 people.

Narborough Road Sai Centre held a special New Year's Eve programme from 9pm to midnight. The evening programme started with Swami's 108 names while one couple offered flower petals on Swami's Padukas. This was followed by a few bhajans and Swami's discourse, emphasising that every day is a celebration and not just New Year's Day and focussing on the importance of service.

We then had a devotee sharing her experiences with Swami, along with some photos and videos, followed by a general knowledge quiz. Then everyone watched the review of Centre activities throughout the year, leading into beautiful bhajans and an uplifting medley by the Young Adults, ending with aarti at midnight. Vibhuti and ice cream milkshakes were served as prashadam as people left.

On Thursday 22nd December, Wolverhampton Sai Centre celebrated Christmas by singing prayers, bhajans and Christmas carols.

During the last few weeks of 2022, devotees from Wolverhampton Sai Centre donated 219.5 kg of items to The Well food bank for Christmas. Items included tinned fruit and veg, biscuits, Christmas gifts, mince pies and much more!

Birmingham Sai Centre celebrated Christmas on 18th December. The programme started with multi faith prayers, followed by the Bal Vikas children who read a wonderful Nativity poem. We finished with bhajans and carols, including Swami's 12 days of Christmas.

The Bal Vikas children then led the service activity of gift-wrapping gloves, hats, scarves, chocolates and other items for those in need. The congregation enjoyed sharing food and good wishes, before several members distributed the gifts in collaboration with the Sikh Soup Kitchen. The true message of Christmas, of giving and loving, was felt by all. We thank our Loving Lord for the wonderful opportunities and memories.

Email Region 4

Region 5 (North England and Northern Ireland)

Christmas-themed bhajans were held at Bradford Sai Centre on Thursday 22nd December. 

Many devotees contributed towards Greater Manchester Sai Centre's regular Christmas hamper service project. All hampers were delivered to The Porch charity in Bury, to be distributed to families in urgent need (as identified by local agencies) in time for Christmas.

Devotees from Bolton Sai Centre cooked hot meals for the local homeless on Sunday 18th December. In addition, mince pies were also wrapped up to be distributed.

Children and parents of Groups 1, 2 and 3 attended Halifax Sai Centre's Bal Vikas Christmas party on 24th December. Parents and children enjoyed food together and enthusiastically played games which involved memory, concentration, focus and balance. Children also received gifts from their Bal Vikas gurus.

After a three-year gap, devotees from across the Region were invited to sing Sai bhajans at Gita Bhavan Hindu Temple, Manchester, on New Year's Day, hosted by Bolton Sai Centre, Greater Manchester Sai Centre and Warrington Sai Group.  It was a lovely way to start the New Year and the temple was full with over 300 devotees attending.

The final volume of 'Love is My Form' live-recorded Crewe Retreat bhajans from the '80s and '90s – Volume 18 – has now been uploaded to our YouTube channel. You can listen on the link below:

All 18 volumes have been compiled into a playlist which can be accessed here:

Huge thanks to Uncle Bal and a team from across the Region and beyond, for going through many recordings to select the best bhajan recordings, as well as tidying up the tracks and compiling them into YouTube videos for everyone to enjoy.

Email Region 5

Region 6 (South & South East England)

34.6 kg of assorted foods worth £137 were donated by Basingstoke Sai Group to their local food bank.

The Bal Vikas children and families of Tunbridge Wells Sai Group celebrated the life of Jesus in St. Anselm's Church, Pembury, with Vedam chanting, bhajans and Father Christmas blessing the children with gifts. Father Ed Tomlinson's message to the children was for the young children of faith to spread the love of God unto the world. The children then led the carol 'While shepherds watched their flocks by night' in the church carol service. The prashadam was then shared by everyone at the service, signifying Swami's message of unity and divinity in all.

Rochester Sai Centre held their first Christmas celebrations after the lockdown on 17th December. It was special for the Sai family to reconnect, come together and join the fun. Swami's altar was decorated by children and elders, together. All were immersed in the spirit of Christmas with love and joy, singing the magical glories of Lord Jesus and Sai.

Farnborough Sai Centre celebrated Christmas on 18th December, with Christmas activities for the Bal Vikas children, as well as a play and Christmas carols by the children.

97 tins of biscuits, 97 tins of sweets and 97 Christmas cakes were donated by Farnborough Sai Centre to the local Trussell Trust Food Bank for Christmas.

An Ekadashi Rudram was held by Farnborough Sai Centre to start the New Year with Bhagawan's blessings. 30 devotees including chanters attended.

Farnborough Sai Centre also celebrated the new year with special bhajans held on 1st January, attended by around 30 devotees.

Email Region 6

Region 7 (West & South West England and Wales)

Region 7 lovingly offered a total of 27 scarves and 4 hats to Swami to be blessed, before being sent to the charity CRISIS. Devotees across the region either knitted or bought the items, and each scarf had an "Aum Sai Ram'' sticker on it.

Members of Cheltenham Sai Group, along with members of the  local council, planted 100 trees in two hours.

With Swami's blessings, Swindon Sai Group donated 37 knitted/crocheted baby blankets towards the charity Maternity Voices, a NHS group of women and their families working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care. The scarves are now available at The Cavern in Gloucester for young parents.

With Swami's blessings, Bath Sai Group and Swindon Sai Group packed and donated several bags of toiletries to Julian House, a charity that supports vulnerable and at-risk individuals experiencing homelessness or domestic abuse, as well as adults with learning difficulties and people who need support after leaving prison.

Email Region 7

Region 8 (Scotland)

Glasgow Sai Centre celebrated Christmas on 18th December. The children were dressed in colourful Christmas clothing. Around 40 people attended the event. 

Email Region 8
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Sri Sathya Sai Organisation UK

Love All Serve All | Help Ever Hurt Never
