SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: Divine Will Foundation - July 2021 Newsletter

viernes, 2 de julio de 2021

Divine Will Foundation - July 2021 Newsletter

Fundación Voluntad Divina

Boletin informativo

Julio 2021

Dominar la mente
Serie de audio y video
Serie de videos
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Federación Sai Global de Fundaciones
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Boletín mensual global
Lea aquí : un boletín bellamente ilustrado que incluye un mensaje de Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, noticias de los centros para el desarrollo humano en las 4 regiones del mundo, lecciones para la vida del propio maestro y artículos personales sobre el viaje interior de los notables instrumentos de Swami.
La ayuda no tiene ojos, solo tiene corazón y manos. Solo sabe servir a los necesitados, conocidos o desconocidos, visibles o invisibles. Esta edición de junio de 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' es nuevamente un testimonio de los ideales de amor y servicio que inspiraron a todos los devotos de todo el mundo mientras se esforzaban por ayudar a los necesitados. El legado de Sri Sathya Sai, el de 'Amar a todos, servir a todos' es el 'ser todo y acabar con todo' de todo lo que pueda decirse por el bienestar del mundo. Este mensaje atemporal nos inspirará hasta el final de la eternidad. - Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente
5 de junio de 2021
Todo lo que los árboles nos quitan es agua. Pero a cambio, ¡nos dan tanto! Obtenemos pranavayu (oxígeno), sombra, frutas, flores, hojas y más de árboles saludables. Las aves acuden en bandadas a lugares donde hay vegetación, ya que los árboles son su ashraya (refugio). Un ambiente lleno del canto de los pájaros se suma a la belleza del entorno. También existen inmensos beneficios para la salud de los habitantes de esos entornos.

Para tener un futuro próspero, necesitamos una vegetación rica. El hombre no solo depende de otros seres humanos; también depende de los árboles, los pájaros, la madre tierra, el agua, el fuego…. La belleza de la naturaleza es que todo es interdependiente. Debemos respetar todo lo que nos rodea y usarlos con cuidado. Nada debe desperdiciarse. - 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐒𝐫𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐢

Este Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, podemos comprometernos a cultivar más árboles, proteger y preservar la Madre Naturaleza y el Medio Ambiente.
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust en colaboración con Prashanthi Balamandira Trust
Programas de ayuda COVID-19, junio de 2021
Estados de Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh,
Kerala, Tamil Nadu y Haryana
El 8 de junio de 2021, Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust y Prashanthi Balamandira Trust lanzaron tres nuevos programas de ayuda COVID-19 en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur en la presencia divina de Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, fundador de Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust. Ver video aquí
1) Programa de intervención nutricional preventiva COVID-19
200,000 niños necesitados, preescolares, primarios y escuelas primarias superiores en todo el distrito de Chikkaballapura recibirán el suplemento de nutrientes múltiples SaiSure para mejorar la nutrición y la inmunidad contra la posible aparición de infecciones por COVID-19.
2) Programa de ayuda para cocineros
Annapoorna está proporcionando un programa de ayuda de raciones mensuales gratuitas a los cocineros de la comida del mediodía que se ven afectados económicamente por el cierre de las escuelas gubernamentales donde Annapoorna estaba sirviendo. Más de 15.000 cocineros de Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana y otros estados recibirán estas raciones mensuales gratuitas.

3) Educación para niños huérfanos
Muchos niños se han quedado sin apoyo debido a las muertes de padres / sostén de la familia relacionadas con COVID-19. Con el sentimiento de que Dios es el Padre Verdadero, estos niños ahora tendrán la oportunidad de inscribirse y estudiar en Sri Sathya Sai Gurukulam (grupo de instituciones educativas) ubicado en Karnataka; Siddipet en Telangana y Madurai en Tamil Nadu. Toda la educación y el internado se proporcionarán de forma gratuita. Esto es para los estudiantes en  a través de 10 grados th. Para aquellos en clases más bajas, se otorgarán becas educativas gratuitas a los niños afectados, en colaboración con Prashanthi Balamandira Trust.
En colaboración con RIST y PFC
Apoyando a 15,000 familias más
Annapoorna, un firme creyente en la asociación para la elevación social de los necesitados, se complace en anunciar colaboraciones con 'Rural India Supporting Trust' (RIST) y 'Partnerships for Change' (PFC) para promover la causa de llegar a más personas en las zonas rurales India, que ahora se tambalea bajo la segunda ola de COVID-19.

Esto está destinado a satisfacer las necesidades nutricionales de las familias de 15.000 familias rurales, la mayoría de las cuales pertenecen a mujeres que trabajan como cocineras en escuelas gubernamentales en los estados de Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu y Puducherry en el sur de la India.

Para saber más sobre la intervención y las actividades de socorro de Annapoorna durante la pandemia:
Lanzamiento de kits de inmunidad en escuelas públicas
Distrito de Palwal, Haryana
El Programa de Desayuno Annapoorna ha estado sirviendo a 11 escuelas en Palwal desde julio de 2016. Estas escuelas están en medio de pueblos rurales y tienen un total de 1.250 niños de familias necesitadas.

Durante estos tiempos de pandemia, Annapoorna ha traído una iniciativa para aumentar los niveles de inmunidad de estos niños proporcionándoles Amla (grosella espinosa india), una rica fuente de vitamina C y chana tostada (blackgram o garbanzos enteros) es una buena fuente de proteína. , fibra y vitaminas.

A cada niño se le dio 1/2 kg de Amla y 250 gramos de Chana asada como una ingesta diaria para mantenerlos saludables. Ver video aquí
Fideicomiso Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna
¡El mundo se da cuenta!
Adamya Chetana
En Twitter 13 de junio
Si bien los médicos, las enfermeras y el personal del hospital están ocupados salvando vidas, alguien debe cuidarlos proporcionándoles el almuerzo y la cena. Ahí es donde entra Adamya Chetana en colaboración con Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust.
Ver aquí (encienda el volumen moviendo el cursor sobre la imagen)
India Today transmitida desde el 17 de junio
Vea una buena noticia #Bengaluru: Adamya Chetana en colaboración con Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust suministra alimentos al personal del hospital en medio de COVID-19.
Ver video aquí
Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
Bengala Occidental, India
Lucha contra la pandemia en comunidades rurales
Aarogya Vahini, en su esfuerzo por brindar servicios médicos completamente gratuitos en Rural Doorsteps, ha sido fundamental para promover la conciencia de la comunidad a través de la comunicación sobre el cambio de comportamiento y las demostraciones de los aspectos preventivos y de tratamiento de la lucha contra la infección por COVID-19.

Cada punto nodal se actualiza, equipa y capacita para guiar a los pacientes sintomáticos para una mejor atención.
Fortalecimiento de los puntos nodales de Aarogya Vahini en comunidades rurales
Las consultas médicas en el terreno, los medicamentos, los concentradores de oxígeno y los equipos de protección COVID-19 y la gestión de derivaciones a los centros superiores han apoyado a varios beneficiarios rurales.
Apoyo de socorro continuo para las víctimas del ciclón
Las cocinas de socorro recibieron apoyo para más de 4.000 comidas en las islas de Sunderbans en la costa de Bengala Occidental azotadas por el ciclón.

Ha sido un desafío para las familias de estas áreas cocinar en sus chozas de barro que se han sumergido o se encuentran en situaciones difíciles. En un intento por salvar vidas preciosas, se proporcionan paquetes de alimentos secos empaquetados con arroz inflado, arroz aplanado, Jaggery, SRO (soluciones de rehidratación oral), leche en polvo y galletas para niños, ropa, toallas sanitarias y materiales de higiene.
BNI Connect (Business Network International, una plataforma de redes sociales en línea) ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la conexión de dos instituciones con ideas afines y ha tenido un impacto significativo en las vidas de estas familias indigentes. El equipo Aarogya Vahini fortaleció humildemente el servicio continuo de proporcionar comidas para 400 aldeanos todos los días a través de estas cocinas.
Aarogya Vahini llegó a las remotas islas de Sunderbans en Sonargao, Chandipur, Masjidbati y Kachukhali en barcos. En su compromiso de brindar apoyo sostenido a las comunidades afectadas por el ciclón en los cinturones costeros, proporcionaron un suministro de arroz, legumbres, aceite comestible, papas, soja y sal para 5 días a las cocinas de socorro operadas por la Fundación Notun Jibon en Chandipur y Masjidbati. Ver video aquí
Actualizaciones de
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani
Hospitales / Centros médicos
Maratón de cirugía cardíaca en Nava Raipur
La Dra. Ragini Pandey y su equipo completaron 18 cirugías cardíacas pediátricas en 18 horas, ¡otro maratón del equipo Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevini en Nava Raipur!

¡Devolver a 18 niños a casa con una nueva vida es una celebración de la vida misma! Esta noticia es más que un soplo de aire fresco, ya que la reciente pandemia ha dejado atrás un escenario morboso, lleno de dolor y pérdida.
2do aniversario, Clarksdale, Mississippi
El segundo aniversario de PeopleShores Center y Sanjeevani Medical Center en Clarksdale se celebró el 19 de junio de 2021.

En esta ocasión se lanzaron dos nuevos servicios:
1. Un autobús de cortesía para la clínica para transportar a las personas que necesiten transporte.
2. Un nuevo proceso de cliente en PeopleShores.

¡Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai agració la ocasión en línea!
Ver video aquí
Campaña de vacunación Covid-19 en Fiji
¡El Centro Médico Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani en Fiji completó una campaña de vacunación de tres días de gran éxito!

Hubo un número récord de personas en los tres días:

Día 1: 768 personas vacunadas
Día 2: 939 personas vacunadas
Día 3: 1008 personas vacunadas

¡Se vacunó a un total de 2.715 personas! Tanto la primera como la segunda dosis de la vacuna AstraZeneca se pusieron a disposición de todos.

Todo el proceso estuvo a cargo del equipo del Ministerio de Salud, las Fuerzas Militares de la República de Fiji, la Policía de Fiji y la Fundación Sai Prema.
Fundación Sai Prema Fiji
Memorando de entendimiento
Universidad Nacional de Fiji

Divine Will Foundation


July 2021

Master the Mind
Audio and Video Series
Video Series
Access Audio and Videos Here 
Scroll down to reach Master the Mind or Kathopanishad

For Videos Only: DWF Channel
Sai Global Federation of Foundations
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Monthly Global Newsletter
Please Read Here - A beautifully illustrated Newsletter that includes a message from Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, News from Centers for Human Development in all 4 Regions of the world, Lessons for Life from the Master Himself and Personal Articles on Inner Journey from Swami's notable Instruments! 
Help has no eyes, it has only heart and hands. It only knows to serve the needy, known or unknown, seen or unseen. This June edition of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' is again a testimony to the ideals of love and service that inspired all the devotees around the world as they went out of their way to help the ones in need. The legacy of Sri Sathya Sai, that of 'Love All - Serve All' is the 'be all and end all' of all that can ever be said for the welfare of the world. This timeless message shall inspire us till the end of eternity. - Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
World Environment Day
June 5, 2021
All that trees take from us is water. But in return, they give us so much! We get pranavayu (oxygen), shade, fruits, flowers, leaves and more from healthy trees. Birds flock to places where there is greenery as trees are their ashraya (shelter). An environment filled with the chirping of birds adds to the beauty of the surroundings. There are immense health benefits too for the inhabitants of such surroundings.
To have a prosperous future, we need rich vegetation. Man is not only dependent on other human beings; he is also dependent on trees, birds, mother earth, water, fire…. The beauty of nature is that everything is interdependent. We must respect everything around us and use them with care. Nothing must go wasted. - 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐒𝐫𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐢
This World Environment Day, may we pledge to grow more trees, protect and preserve Mother Nature and the Environment.
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust in Collaboration with Prashanthi Balamandira Trust
COVID-19 Relief Programs, June 2021
States of Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh,
Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Haryana
Three new COVID-19 Relief Programs were launched on June 8, 2021 by Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust and Prashanthi Balamandira Trust at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur in the divine presence of Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, Founder of Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust.  View Video Here
1) COVID-19 Preemptive Nutritional Intervention Program
200,000 needy, preschool, primary and higher primary school children across Chikkaballapura District will receive SaiSure Multi-Nutrient Supplement to boost nutrition and immunity against potential onset of COVID-19 infections.
2) Relief Program for Cooks
Annapoorna is providing a Relief Program of free monthly rations to Mid-Day Meal cooks who are economically impacted by the closure of Government schools where Annapoorna was serving. Over 15,000 cooks across Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and others States, will receive these free monthly rations.

3) Education for Orphaned Children
Many children have been rendered without support due to COVID-19-related deaths of parents / breadwinners in the family. With the feeling that God is the True Parent, these children will now have the opportunity to enroll and study at Sri Sathya Sai Gurukulam (group of educational institutions) located across Karnataka; Siddipet in Telangana and Madurai in Tamil Nadu. All education and boarding will be provided free of cost. This is for students in 6th through 10th grades. For those in lower classes, free educational scholarships will be given to the impacted children, in collaboration with Prashanthi Balamandira Trust.
In Collaboration with RIST and PFC
Supporting 15,000 More Families
Annapoorna, a strong believer in partnering for social uplift of the needy, is happy to announce collaborations with 'Rural India Supporting Trust' (RIST) and 'Partnerships For Change' (PFC) to further the cause of reaching out to more people in rural India, who are now reeling under the second wave of COVID-19.
This is intended to provide nutritional needs to the families of 15,000 rural families, most of whom belong to women serving as cooks in Government schools across the states of Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry in South India.

To know more about Annapoorna's intervention and relief activities during the pandemic:
Launch of Immunity Kits in Government Schools
Palwal District, Haryana
Annapoorna Breakfast Program has been serving 11 schools in Palwal since July 2016. These schools are in the midst of rural villages and have a total of 1,250 children from needy families.
During these times of pandemic, Annapoorna has brought an initiative to increase the immunity levels of these children by providing them with Amla (Indian Gooseberry), a rich source of Vitamin C and roasted chana (whole blackgram or chickpeas) is a good source of protein, fiber and vitamins.
Each child was given 1/2 kg Amla and 250 grams of Roasted Chana for a daily intake to keep them healthy. View Video Here
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust
The World Taking Notice!
Adamya Chetana
On Twitter June 13th
While doctors, nurses and hospital staff are busy saving lives, somebody needs to take care of them by providing lunch and dinner. That's where Adamya Chetana in collaboration with Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust come in. 
View Here 
(Please turn volume on by moving cursor over picture)
India Today Broadcast from June 17th
Watch a good news story #Bengaluru: Adamya Chetana in collaboration with Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust supplies food to hospital staff amid COVID-19.
View Video Here
Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
West Bengal, India
Fighting the Pandemic in Rural Communities
Aarogya Vahini, in their endeavor to bring about completely free of cost Medical Services at Rural Doorsteps have been instrumental in promoting community awareness through Behavior-Change communication and demonstrations of Preventive and Treatment aspects of fighting COVID-19 infection!

Every nodal point is getting upgraded, equipped and trained in guiding symptomatic patients for better care.
Strengthening Nodal Points of Aarogya Vahini in Rural Communities
On-ground Medical Consultations, Medicines, Oxygen Concentrators and COVID-19 protective gears and Referral Management to higher Centers have supported several rural beneficiaries.
Continued Relief Support for Cyclone Victims
Relief kitchens received support for over 4,000 meals in cyclone hit islands of Sunderbans in Coastal West Bengal.

It has been challenging for families in these areas to cook in their mud huts which have either submerged or are in difficult situations. Packed dry food packets with Puffed Rice, Flattened Rice, Jaggery, ORS (Oral Rehydration Solutions), Milk Powder and Biscuits for children, Clothes, Sanitary Napkins along with sanitation materials are being provided in an attempt to save precious lives.
BNI Connect (Business Network International, an online social media platform) has played a pivotal role in connecting two like-minded institutions and has brought about a meaningful impact in the lives of these destitute families. Team Aarogya Vahini humbly strengthened the ongoing service of providing meals for 400 villagers everyday through these kitchens.
Aarogya Vahini reached the remote islands of Sunderbans at Sonargao, Chandipur, Masjidbati and Kachukhali by boats. In their commitment towards sustained support to the cyclone hit communities in the coastal belts, they provided a 5-day supply of Rice, Pulses, Edible Oil, Potatoes, Soyabean and Salt to the relief kitchens operated by Notun Jibon Foundation in Chandipur and Masjidbati.  View Video Here
Updates from 
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani
Hospitals / Medical Centers
Heart Surgery Marathon in Nava Raipur
18 Pediatric Heart Surgeries were completed in 18 hours by Dr. Ragini Pandey and her team - another marathon of the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevini team in Nava Raipur!

Sending back 18 children home with a new lease of life is a celebration of life itself! This news is more than a breath of fresh air, as the recent pandemic has left behind a morbid scenario, full of grief and loss.
2nd Anniversary, Clarksdale, Mississippi
The 2nd Anniversary of PeopleShores Center and Sanjeevani Medical Center in Clarksdale was celebrated on June 19, 2021.

Two new services were launched on this occasion:
1. A courtesy bus for the clinic to ferry people requiring transportation. 
2. A new client process at PeopleShores.

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai graced the occasion online!
View Video Here
Covid-19 Vaccination Drive in Fiji
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre in Fiji completed a super-successful, three-day Vaccination Drive! 

There were a record number of people on all three days:

Day 1: 768 people vaccinated
Day 2: 939 people vaccinated
Day 3: 1008 people vaccinated

A total of 2,715 people were vaccinated! Both the 1st & 2nd doses of the AstraZeneca Vaccination were made available to all. 

The entire process was undertaken by the Ministry of Health team, the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, the Fiji Police Force and Sai Prema Foundation.
Sai Prema Foundation Fiji
Memorandum of Understanding 
Fiji National University
Sai Prema Foundation Fiji (SPF) and the Fiji National University (FNU) have signed a collaborative partnership agreement to develop greater cooperation, understanding, strategic alliance and partnership to broaden the scope and horizon of serving and making a difference to the people of Fiji. As part of the agreement, staff and students of FNU will receive free medical consultations and medications at the Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre.
Virtual Signing of the Memorandum of Agreement
The Memorandum of Understanding will also provide FNU the opportunity to respond to national and community needs through supporting hospitals and medical facilities by conducting joint regular Blood Collection Drives at FNU Campuses and promoting the spirit of volunteerism among students to participate in events focused on serving the underprivileged and needy communities in Fiji.

SPF and FNU will be leveraging off each other's strengths to bring greater empowerment among the youth through workshops in healthcare and human values as well as through the opportunities for students to serve through community service platforms offered by SPF along with medical training and research, in times to come.
Prashanti Center for Human Excellence
Virtual Workshop in July
Returning to Pure Joy
July 17th 2021

Saturday, 4 PM - 5:30 PM PST Via Zoom
in Collaboration with US Academy for Human Excellence
and The Australian Academy for Human Excellence
AAHE (Australia) Website:
Returning to Pure Joy
Website for
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashana
Books and Publications, Media and Communications Division of Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli
Sai Prakashana's Website: 
Access the latest videos, audio recordings, radio programs, newsletters, articles and browse through to order books, magazines, CDs, DVDs and other items from the Sai Prakashana online store. 

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai gives answers to important questions:
Audio & Video Series
Radio Programs
Study Circles & Satsangs
Download and Install Sanathana Vani App: Google Play Store; App Store; Website 
Study Circles have been scheduled every day of the week. They are taking place in the US, Canada, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand/Laos and Australia. Please contact the facilitator of the Study Circle you wish to join by checking the link below. Please Bookmark this web page and refer back to it for the latest information. Click Here
Important Links

There is so much happening in the world of Sai that it is almost impossible to keep up with everything.  Below are a few links to sites that provide updated info, videos, summaries of talks and much more.  What a delight it is to be a part of Swami's ongoing mission of love and service.
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Encinitas, CA 92023-5795


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