SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: Fwd: Video Links - Divine Discourse & Divine Satsang | SaiSure | Bhoomi Pooja For Four New Campuses | Excerpts from Sri Madhusudan's talk

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2019

Fwd: Video Links - Divine Discourse & Divine Satsang | SaiSure | Bhoomi Pooja For Four New Campuses | Excerpts from Sri Madhusudan's talk

Discurso divino
Satsang divina

Sai Claro

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Conceptualización, formulación y puesta en marcha de 'SaiSure - Un totalmente libre de costo programa de suplementos de múltiples nutrientes': El Discurso Divino

Es la mayor desgracia de este país que nuestras madres sufren de varias maneras debido a la falta de atención adecuada, mientras que están llevando el futuro de la nación en su seno. El Dr. Satish Babu vino a mí sorprendido por este descubrimiento que, en Chikkaballapur sola, la mitad de las mujeres tienen un peso menor que 35-40 kilogramos (77-88 libras)! ¿Cómo una madre dar a luz a un bebé sano? Y hay esta maldición de la pobreza que estas mujeres llevan los bebés en el útero siguen trabajando hasta el octavo mes, incluso hasta el noveno mes de embarazo en condiciones muy duras, en los campos trabajando alrededor. Dr. Satish Babu me dijo que la condición es muy malo y hay que hacer algo al respecto. Discutimos sobre lo que hay que hacer. Por supuesto, chequeo de rutina, buena educación, consejos sobre cómo cuidar de sí mismos se requiere; pero se puede dar la espalda a la realidad de que hay pobreza y hay una falta de nutrición? Una madre no es una entidad, sino que es dos en uno! Todo cuanto más se necesita cuidado para asegurarse de que el otro es en el útero crece de una manera sana y nace de una manera saludable. Las discusiones tuvieron lugar en la conveniencia de ofrecer ración mensual; o deberíamos les proporcionamos varios ingredientes para cocinar una buena comida de modo que sean capaces de mantener el nivel de nutrición de una forma apropiada. Pero tu ves; madres son en última instancia las madres. Sólo conocen a dar y no dar nada. Si se les da nada a cocinar ya sea verduras, aceite, legumbres, arroz; van a cocinar una buena comida, alimentar a todos en la familia y ellos mismos van a pasar hambre. Por lo tanto, la solución debe ser más profunda que una idea muy superficial.

Así es como la idea de suplemento multi nutriente se produjo. Di instrucciones Dr. Satish Babu mencionar muy claramente a las madres que la bebida es sólo para la mujer embarazada y nadie más debe beberla. Si otros beben, habrá consecuencias !! Por casualidad, si un hombre bebe, entonces Dios con él !! (Risa)

Desde el momento de la concepción hasta la entrega, hay que tener cuidado de las madres e incluso después del parto, por un año completo de crecimiento del niño hay que estar constantemente en contacto con ellos y proporcionar una nutrición tanto a las madres en periodo de lactancia, así como el niño nacido . Esto no debe terminar con el embarazo y el parto, pero continuará desde la concepción hasta el período de lactancia. Toda su servicio y el sacrificio, todo su dolor y de lucha para dar a luz a un bebé no debe pasar de residuos cuando el bebé no es capaz de crecer y, por lo tanto, debemos seguir dando al bebé también lo que sigue creciendo de manera saludable . Y, posteriormente, continuar hasta el nivel de la escuela para que crezcan de una manera mejor, estudio bien, se convierten en ciudadanos capaces, capaces y nobles del país. Por lo tanto, desde el momento de la concepción hasta que el niño crece y se convierte en un noble ciudadano del país de una manera concurrente, nuestro trabajo no termina! Esta es la forma en que tomaremos este programa adelante!

Nuestros voluntarios han hecho un montón de trabajo duro. Es muy alegre saber el tipo de esfuerzos que se ponen para llevar este tipo de nutrición a las madres y los niños.

A continuación, el Dr. Satish Babu vino con otro problema. "Swami, hay centros primarios de salud (centros de atención primaria), pero no hay suficientes médicos en los centros primarios de salud. 50% de los asientos están vacantes. Por lo tanto, no hay un cuidado suficiente para proporcionar a las madres". La solución al problema venía de los médicos jóvenes y muchas instituciones privadas que se presentaron para llenar este vacío, para trabajar junto con el gobierno para proporcionar atención continua a las madres.

Estimados doctores! Las madres y los niños de la nación necesitan su ayuda, altura de las circunstancias, ser un buen ciudadano, estar allí para contribuir más que tu fuerza para que aparezca esta nación a las normas siempre merecía.

Quiero asegurarles que vamos a hacer lo más que se encuentra en nosotros para hacer lo más rápido posible y llegar a este programa a tantas personas como sea posible en un corto período de tiempo.

Deje que nuestras madres estén sanos, que los niños nacidos estén sanos y felices y dejar el país prosperar debido a tales madres sanas y niños sanos.

- Discurso Divino, Dedicación de 'SaiSure - Un totalmente libre de costo Programa de nutrientes suplemento multi para las mujeres embarazadas, madres lactantes, niños pequeños y niños' (febrero 22 de, 2019), Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Muddenahalli 

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Bhoomi POOJA PARA cuatro nuevas escuelas en el norte, oeste, sur y partes centrales de KARNATAKA

Mientras confiamos en Dios, no hay miedo! Cuando tenemos fe en el corazón, ocurrirán milagros.

Estoy buscando a un milagro que se va a pasar a partir del 9 Feb, 2019 los próximos cuatro días. Esto se debe a Bhagavan mismo está dando un ejemplo. Aunque Él es Dios, cuando ha descendido en forma humana, que trabaja y lucha como un ser humano porque quiere establecer un ideal. Él está logrando lo que no está logrando porque Él es Dios, sino por el principio eterno de la vida -

'Satyameva Jayate Nanritam' (Sólo la Verdad triunfa, no la falsedad)

'Yato Dharma Tato Jaya' (Donde hay justicia, hay éxito)

Es la eterna ley que rige el universo.

Swami está realizando Bhoomi Puja por cuatro nuevos campus e inaugurará un edificio en otra escuela que se inició el año pasado.

El 9 feb, sábado por la mañana; Swami está volando al distrito Shimoga donde Él se presentará Bhoomi Puja para

Sri Sathya Sai Sarvaniketanam, campus Shimoga

El 10 de febrero, domingo por la mañana; Swami va al distrito de Belgaum donde Él se presentará Bhoomi Puja para

Sri Sathya Sai Nityaniketanam, campus de Belgaum

El feb 11, lunes por la mañana; Swami está de visita en el distrito de Karwar para inaugurar un complejo deportivo en el interior

Sri Sathya Sai Satwaniketanam, campus de Karwar

El feb 11, lunes por la tarde; Swami va al vecino distrito de Udupi donde Él se presentará Bhoomi Puja en el paseo marítimo de

Sri Sathya Sai Ananyaniketanam, campus de Udupi

El feb 12, martes por la mañana; Swami está volando al distrito de Mysore, donde Él se presentará Bhoomi Puja para

Sri Sathya Sai Anantaniketanam, campus de Mysore

Swami volverá a Muddenahalli por la noche. Esto no es sino una gran aventura divina que sólo SWAMI puede hacer y nadie más puede hacer!

La vida es un acto de voluntad divina y un acto de gracia! El campus Shimoga está a unos 15 kilómetros de la conocida Madhukeshwara Temple en Banavasi que es 2.000 años! Todos los cuatro campus cuentan con 1000 árboles que ya están en pie de altura allí! En el campus Belgaum, hay un árbol que es al menos 100 años! No hay escasez de agua en todos los cuatro campus. campus shimoga tiene fuente perenne de agua. belgaum campus tiene una corriente perenne que fluye por el lado. El campus de Mysore es por el lado de un enorme lago que está siempre lleno. El campus Udupi está en primera línea de mar, por el lado del mar de Arabia!

Todo esto es posible sólo gracias a Swami. Swami comenzó cuatro campus el año pasado. Él está empezando cuatro campus este año. Swami ya nos ha advertido que Él está empezando a cinco nuevos recintos para las niñas el año que viene!

Estos estudiantes van a cambiar el modus de pensar de la humanidad! Swami cree que nuestros hijos van a ser los portadores de la antorcha de una nueva revolución en qué parte del objetivo de la revolución es que el hombre realiza a sí solamente por ser desinteresado.

- Sri Narasimha Murthy, jueves Satsang (7 Feb, 2019), Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Muddenahalli

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Extractos de la charla de Sri Madhusudan - En el 'Programa Gratitud - Una ofrenda por los estudiantes que se gradúan de todos los campus' (16 Feb, 2019)

"Habiendo nacido en esta tierra de Bharat, es nuestro deber de proteger esta tierra sagrada y sus tesoros espirituales"
Unos días atrás, estábamos en el Kumbh Mela. Es una ocasión, que está todavía en curso, para todas las personas en el mundo - no sólo los hindúes o indios - asistir a un fenómeno sorprendente, que tanta gente sigue buscando a Dios. Eso es muy esperanzador porque en este mundo en el que todo el mundo ha llegado a ser importante, los científicos han demostrado prácticamente que Dios no existe y los ateos son más populares que los santos y monjes, cuando la religión se deteriora rápidamente; leemos acerca de todos los escándalos de todo el mundo, especialmente en las instituciones religiosas que se establecieron hace dos milenios, nos sentimos muy abatido y sentir a veces si hay una mi esperanza? ¿Hay algo que vale la pena en todo lo que estamos haciendo hoy? Y la respuesta es dada por nuestra cultura india.

Por lo menos, el 80% de la India, puedo decir con confianza sabe que Dios existe, incluso si no lo han experimentado. Creen que hay algo más alta que acaba de comer, dormir, procrear y morir al final de la misma. Todos ellos saben que hay algo más valioso que este organismo o toda la riqueza que hemos adquirido o todo el conocimiento que ganamos. Hay algo más allá de eso y más valiosa. Esta idea de seguir este camino de moksha o liberación, camino de Dios, camino de la espiritualidad es inherente a la sangre de la India.

Todavía recuerdo un discurso desde mi época de estudiante cuando Swami hablaría sobre la cultura india y cantaría su bella composición,

'Khanda Khandantara Khyati Narjinchina 
Mahaniyulanu Ganna Matru Bhumi 
Paschatya Virula Paradrolinchiyu 
Swatantryamunu Ganna Samarbhumi 
Pandityamuna Chala Prakhyati Ganchiyu 
Pratibha Chupinchina Bharata Bhumi 
Sangita Sahitya Shastriya Vidyala 
Dhishakti Chupina Divya Bhumi 
Toda Chitrakalala Chitramaiyunnatti 
Bharata Bhumiyandu Jananamondi 
Bharata Mata Dharma Bhagyambu Kapada Badhyatanta Mide Balulara'

(Esta es Mi patria cuya fama países y continentes cruzado 
Y concebido muchos un hombre eminente. 
Esta es la patria valiente que se alejó gobernantes extranjeros 
Y obtuvo la independencia en el pasado. 
Esta tierra de Bharat ganado nombre y fama para la beca 
Y exhibió su excelencia en todas partes. 
Esta es la tierra divina, que mostró su eminencia intelectual 
En el campo de la literatura, la música y muchas ciencias antiguas. 
Esta es la tierra que dejó su huella en las bellas artes. 
Habiendo nacido en esta tierra de Bharat, 
Es nuestro deber para salvaguardar esta tierra sagrada 
Y sus tesoros espirituales, 
Oh hijos de Bharat!)

La última línea es la más importante. Habiendo nacido en esta tierra de Bharat, es nuestro deber de proteger esta tierra sagrada y sus tesoros espirituales, Oh hijos de Bharat! Esto es el corazón de Swami que va hacia la India y todo lo que es indio y la espiritualidad de la India.

Dios pudo haber nacido en cualquier lugar pero escogió nacer en la India y este debe ser el registro universal que la mayor parte o la totalidad de los avatares han sucedido en la India, pasando por la definición clásica de avatares. ¿Por qué esta tierra atrae Avatares tan a menudo? Y Swami respondió a esta palabra, "Debido a que este es el lugar donde todo el mundo piensa en Dios!" ¿Dónde más en el mundo que tiene tanta gente activa, con celo, sinceramente pensando en Dios, seguir el camino de la espiritualidad? Incluso un conductor de rickshaw, hace pranams al carrito auto antes de que llegue en él para empezar el día. Adoramos a los árboles, los ríos, las montañas; adoramos monjes, santos y sabios. Les damos lugar más alto que los reyes y emperadores. Esa es la belleza de la India y que está todavía en curso.

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"Sanatana Dharma dice todo y cada uno es divina; si usted es Jada (inanimado) o Chaitanya (animado); muebles o inmuebles, todo es divino". 

Por cierto, nos pasó a ser en el Kumbh Mela, Prayagraj en el mismo día como Día de la República de la India. Y en ese día, Swami Saraswati Chidananda de Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh había organizado una pequeña ceremonia de la bandera de elevación. Se invitó a Swami y tuve el privilegio de hacerlo en nombre de Swami. Más tarde, Chidananda Ji habló principalmente sobre el patriotismo, el sacrificio de los soldados que valiente temperatura bajo cero en el Himalaya y proteger las fronteras de este país. Él era muy vocal sobre los soldados del país que es muy verdadera, correcta, real, especialmente a raíz de tantos conflictos en torno a esta nación en particular, el sacrificio que hacen nuestros soldados es absolutamente invaluable. Luego fue el turno de hablar Swami. Estaba pensando en lo que Swami añadiría al discurso ya dada por Chidananda Ji. Swami se lo llevó a otra dimensión por completo! Esto es de nuevo la chispa, el factor X que Swami pone en cada pensamiento que tenemos.

Swami dijo, "Verdaderamente soldados son dignos de toda nuestra adoración, admiración, el respeto de todo el sacrificio que ellos incluyendo renunciar a sus vidas por el bien de la nación. Protegen los límites de esta nación desde el exterior. Pero una nación es realmente nada sin su cultura. Las personas que protegen la cultura de este país son los santos y sabios, monjes y sanyasis. Y a mí, sino que también son tan importantes como nuestros soldados; porque si no trabajan en el interior del país y mantienen la cultura, la tradición y la espiritualidad de la India; sin el alma que el cuerpo no es más que un cadáver!"

Swami hizo hincapié en el punto de que, si bien saludamos a los soldados que se sacrifican todo en las fronteras para proteger al país, también hay que recordar con gratitud todos los santos, monjes y todas las personas que han sacrificado para mantener la cultura de este país y están protegiendo eso. Eso me llegó al corazón en gran medida debido a que sólo Swami podría pensar así.

Y trajo un aspecto muy importante en la misión de Swami. Hace mucho tiempo que Swami había declarado sobre las seis fases en su misión. La primera fase es Leela, el segundo es Mahima, el tercero es Upadesha, cuarta es Vidya, quinto es Vaidya y estos últimos 16 años se dedican a la creación de Sanatana Dharma. Entonces nadie entiende lo que significa decir eso. ¿Se trata de la construcción de más templos? O la realización de más Yagnas? Sanatana Dharma o el Atma Dharma está haciendo las personas se dan cuenta de que son divinos. Es algo más que Dharma hindú.

Durante una conversación sobre el hinduismo con Chidananda Saraswati Ji, Swami le preguntó dónde estaba el hinduismo hace 2000 años? ¿Dónde estaba la palabra hindú? El hecho de que la civilización del valle del Sindhu, todos los persas y afganos que nos atacaron y cruzó el río Sindhu y corrió dentro de no saber qué nos llaman porque éramos un grupo tan diverso de personas. Por lo tanto, todos aquellos que vivía al otro lado del río Sindhu fueron llamados Sindhus o hindúes. En persa, 'Sa' suena como 'Ha' y se convierte en hindú. Por lo tanto, se convierte en Hindustan. Hinduismo se derivó mucho más tarde. Pero en verdad, éramos personas que siguieron Sanatana dharama. Esto es lo que Swami dijo Chidananda Saraswati Ji, los gustos de los cuales son todos los pioneros de la religión y la filosofía, sobre todo en aquellas partes del Himalaya, muy codiciadas, porque ahí es donde creemos que nuestras mentiras religión hindú, en los valles del Himalaya donde los Rishis, los Santos Sabios y están ahí. Swami dijo, "El hinduismo no es nuestra religión. En verdad, nuestra religión es Sanatana Dharma, que es más acerca de la realización de la divinidad". Cuando Swami dice; Dice con tanta autoridad que Chidananda Ji dijo, "¡Por supuesto! Sin Veda, sin Upanishad, sin Purana; ninguna parte la palabra hindú o el hinduismo se ha mencionado. Se trata solamente de Atma Dharma, Sanatana Dharma. Se trata de la Divinidad, Brahman. Así es como nuestra cultura se ha proyectado la espiritualidad ".

Esa fue la belleza de este diálogo entre Swami y todos estos santos. Una vez más, Swami ocasiona que una mayor dimensión a la discusión. Cuando estaban discutiendo sobre el hinduismo, Swami trajo otra dimensión. El dijo, es Sanatana Dharma y tiene que ser entendida correctamente. Realmente no es una religión; se trata de una forma de vida!"Un cristiano o musulmán o budista también pueden seguir Sanatana Dharma también lo hacen las personas que están en Hindustan porque es una forma de vida. Swami define en una frase, "Sanatana Dharma dice todo y cada uno es divina; si usted es Jada (inanimado) o Chaitanya (animado); muebles o inmuebles, todo es divino".

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'Todo el universo es su mansión; todos los países son como las habitaciones de su mansión. Pero ¿dónde pasan la mayor parte de su tiempo? En la sala de estar, que es la India, el cuarto más decorada!' 

En cuanto a las caras de los niños, Swami se siente muy esperanzador, positivo y optimista de que existe la posibilidad de cambiar este mundo. Swami está aquí principalmente debido a estos niños. Pero en el proceso a todos los devotos y curiosos también obtener beneficiado. Vaca da leche principalmente para la pantorrilla, pero todo el mundo se pone a beber la leche en el proceso. Por Swami, estas son las personas más importantes! Estos son los VIPs del lugar!

Recientemente, Swami había llamado a una sesión especial - primero de su tipo - para todos los maestros y personal de Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Él estaba diciendo,

"Mi idea no es sólo para educar a los niños pobres, necesitados o indefenso; los hacen buenos ciudadanos, que sean independientes, hacer que se destacan en sus dos pies, cuidar de sí mismos y sus familias. ¡No solo eso! Mi idea es que nuestros hijos después de recibir su educación deben ir a los rincones y esquinas de este país y se extendió esta idea de la espiritualidad".

Pero, por supuesto, antes de enseñar la espiritualidad, la gente necesita tener su comida. Como Vivekananda dijo que no se puede predicar con el estómago vacío! Así tenemos que ayudarles a obtener un empleo, ganar un poco de respeto, la libertad y luego se les puede enseñar las verdades superiores de la vida. Pero esa es la esperanza; esa es la idea de que Swami tiene sobre nuestro sistema educativo, sobre todo los niños aquí.

Swami dijo, "Madiyal Narayan Bhat, en aquellos días, vio la difícil situación del país, vio cómo nuestra cultura se deteriora, la forma en la avalancha de ideas occidentales estaban matando la base misma de la cultura india. Y es sólo porque hemos perdido nuestra cultura, nuestra tradición; hemos perdido el respeto a nuestra espiritualidad que hemos sufrido bajo el dominio extranjero durante casi 1500 años! Es debido a nuestra falta de respeto por nosotros mismos"

Hoy en día, Swami está tratando de traer de vuelta a ese respecto en las mentes y los corazones de la gente diciendo 'Estoy orgulloso Soy indio. Y ¿por qué estoy orgulloso? No porque políticamente pertenezco a la India. Pero debido a que este es el país, esto es la cultura que es eterno, que sigue Sanatana Dharma donde Dios desciende una y otra vez y camina esta tierra y purifica el aire al respirar, santifica el suelo al caminar sobre ella. Este es el país donde yo también soy nacido'. Por lo tanto, es hermoso.

Hoy en día, un grupo de devotos vino para la entrevista. Swami estaba preguntando: "Usted estaba en América antes. Ahora estás en la India. ¿Qué es mejor?"Y el devoto dijo,"Swami! La India es mejor en cualquier momento. Debido a que es nuestra tierra, nuestra tierra santa. Aquí es donde pertenecemos. Por encima de todo, estamos aquí con Swami. ¿Puede haber ningún lugar mejor que esto?"

Swami dijo entonces: "Usted es varias veces benditos, en primer lugar, porque se nace como ser humano. En segundo lugar, usted ha nacido en la India; la madre de todas las civilizaciones, la madre de todas las culturas. En tercer lugar, se nace en un momento en que hay un avatar! Y lo más importante, que está con ese avatar!"

Esa es la mayor de las bendiciones. Hay 7,7 mil millones de personas en la tierra. No todos tienen la proximidad de Avatar. Pero un puñado de nosotros tenemos esta oportunidad. Hemos sido bendecidos cuatro veces! Lo orgulloso, lo feliz, lo excitado, feliz usted debe ser que esta es una oportunidad, la bendición que ha llegado nuestro camino.

Esto no quiere decir que me siento cualquier otro país es cualquier menor. Pero he visto un patriota en Swami. Todo dicho y hecho, él va a cantar la gloria de la India. Él dirá: 'Todo el universo es Mi mansión; todos los países son como las habitaciones en mi mansión', pero ¿De dónde pasan la mayor parte de su tiempo? En la sala de estar, que es la India, el cuarto más decorada!

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"La solución para el problema del mundo es dar a todos los niños el tipo correcto de la educación. Si no puede pagarlo; que sea asequible. Si no puede conseguirlo; hacerla accesible. Si no puede ir a una escuela; dejar ir a la escuela para el niño. Así es como Swami es la construcción de estas instituciones ". 


Swami dijo que nuestros soldados han sacrificado sus vidas, sino dejar que su sacrificio no va residuos. Ellos nos están protegiendo. Protejamos el país desde el interior. Protejamos a nuestros hijos. Swami dio tres derechos fundamentales a los niños; Derecho a la Alimentación (Nutrición), derecho a la salud y derecho a la educación. Vamos a dar esto como una sociedad. Ahí es donde la necesidad es y que es donde tenemos que hacer un cambio.

La India estaba bajo el ataque constante; ya se trate de los persas, afganos, portugués, inglés, chino. Y nunca podríamos defender nuestras fronteras. Constantemente estamos fallando en proteger a nuestro país. Luchamos sólo cuando el problema llegó a nuestra puerta. No luchamos cuando el problema estaba en Delhi o en otro lugar. Como indios, nunca nos pensamos el uno del otro. La mayoría de nuestros reyes se habían rendido o fueron el pago de impuestos a los británicos al hacer su propia gente se muere de hambre por lo que British podría comprar más armas y equipos y podrían conquistar más de la India.

Oí una charla de nuestro primer ministro Narendra Modi. Dijo que hay dos cosas que guían la mente india. Pensé que se van a plantear con un noble concepto antiguo fantástico. El dijo: "Si hay algo que tiene que suceder, la primera pregunta que nos hacemos es Mera Kya? ¿Qué voy a salir de esto? Y si la respuesta es no recibirá nada, es para bien de todos; la siguiente pregunta es Mujhe Kya? ¿Por qué me molesto? Si no hay nada para mí, yo no debería molestar!"Sentí que es tan cierto! Si la casa de al lado está en llamas, todavía quiero taparme en manta y dormir porque el fuego aún no ha llegado a mi puerta. Cuando mi casa está en llamas; entonces voy a hacer algo al respecto! Ahí es donde la India ha sufrido de forma continua durante 2000 años debido a que sólo pensamos en nosotros mismos. Este egoísmo es lo que mató a los indios y la India. Y si no nos damos por vencidos que hoy, nunca vamos a llegar a ese glorioso, inmortal India. Tyage Naike Amrutatva Manashuhu (Sacrificio solo confiere inmortalidad).

Estoy hablando tanto más porque mi sangre hierve cuando nuestros jawans CRPF mueren como esto por ninguna razón. El país necesita un cambio. ¿Quién puede hacer este cambio? Los políticos no pueden hacer este cambio. Pueden escribir políticas pero las políticas a menudo fracasan porque no se implementan. Sólo las personas que pueden provocar un cambio son profesores y estudiantes. No hay nadie más que pueda cambiar este país. Es por eso que Swami dijo, la solución para el problema del mundo es dar a todos los niños el tipo correcto de la educación. Si no puede pagarlo; que sea asequible. Si no puede conseguirlo; hacerla accesible. Si no puede ir a una escuela; dejar ir a la escuela para el niño. Así es como Swami es la construcción de estas instituciones. De lo contrario, ¿por qué habría de trabajar tan duro?

En el programa de Belgaum Bhoomi Pooja, Swami llamó a un niño del grupo de chicos que cantaban Vedam al escenario para hablar. Su nombre es Kencharya Poojari, un estudiante de 8º grado de nuestro campus Bijapur. Los padres de este niño son jornaleros. Deben ser a las 6 de la mañana y situarse en el mercado por lo que conseguir un trabajo para el día. No cocinar el desayuno en absoluto. No hay duda de cocinar porque no había nada para cocinar. Si consiguen alguna mano de obra, van a volver por la tarde con algo de comida y la cena. ¿Qué pasa con sus hijos; ¿cuatro de ellos? Ellos van a la escuela Gobierno y consiguen la comida del mediodía, la primera comida del día. Hoy en día, se está estudiando en nuestra escuela y se pone a comer cuatro veces al día. Dice que nunca se bañaba, nunca utilizado a pincel. Sólo se despierta, usar el uniforme de la escuela y caminar a la escuela. Hoy en día, lo que hace Suprabhatam, va para hacer footing, deportes, yoga, cepillado, baño, vestido con ropas nuevas limpias. Él dice: "Eega Nange Bisi Bisi Oota Sigutte!" (Ahora puedo comer comida caliente!) Antes, la cuestión era conseguir algo de comida en el día. Hoy en día, se pone comida caliente, cuatro veces al día! Es un gran privilegio para ese niño. Swami le identifica y se le bendijo profusamente. El niño dijo que va a crecer y que quiere ayudar a más estudiantes como él, con este tipo de educación.

En el campus Gadag, hay una chica por su nombre Geeta Nagroli. Ella habló en presencia de Swami. Ella es una entre tres hijas a su padre borracho que no le importaba nada acerca de la familia. La madre es el único sostén de la familia y que gana Rs máximo de 100 por día, haciendo Chapatis. Tienen una pequeña tierra de cultivo y nada crece en ella porque no hay agua. Afortunadamente, alguien patrocinó su billete de autobús y la llevó a escribir el examen de ingreso y así es como se metió en el campus Gadag. Con gran parte de lágrimas de gratitud, le dijo, "¡Swami! Lo que has hecho por mí, yo no te puedo pagar ".

Entonces sentí que valía la pena luchar con todos los llamados 'amigos' nuestros cambiar el sistema para llevar a los pobres, para que la población rural, para que los maestros de cada estudiante y no sólo los médicos y los ingenieros y todos los demás puestos de trabajo bien remunerados ! Me siento feliz y satisfecho en la actualidad. Esta es la educación que se está extendiendo a través de Karnataka y ahora se extenderá a toda la India. El hecho de que no fuera uno de ellos, esto no significa que no existan personas de ese tipo. Hay un montón de ellos y este año vamos a tener muchos más! Nuestros maestros están trabajando más duro, para enseñarles a partir de lo básico, desde el principio. Tendrán que ser enseñado a cepillarse, usar un inodoro! Nuestros maestros están dispuestos a trabajar más duro porque Swami quiere que lo hagan.

Me decía a mi madre, por la que debería llevar cuarenta zapatos de lona baratos de rupias. Quería poder y la acción zapatos que eran grandes marcas Pre-globalización. No son nada frente a Nike y Reebok de hoy. Mi madre decía, 'Gracias a Dios que tiene dos piernas. Olvidarse de los zapatos, hay personas que no tienen piernas '. Yo solía decir, 'mamá! Le das tales ideas pesimistas. Usted nunca va a crecer en la vida. Eres tan satisfecho con lo que tiene '. Pero hoy sé que mi madre tenía razón. Pero como un niño, no pude apreciar lo que estaba diciendo.

Cuenta tus bendiciones. Y contar de nuevo.

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"Para estar conmigo, lo que realmente necesita la educación; grados? Si usted tiene la devoción; ¡es suficiente!"

Cuando terminé B.Sc y M.Sc, quería hacer algo más porque no quería dejar institución de Swami. Swami, a través de un sueño guiado que haga MBA. Disfruté dos años más con Swami. Después de eso no sabía cómo mantener a mí mismo todavía en la atención de Swami. Yo no quiero salir. Yo no quiero ser un funcionario o ex alumnos tan pronto, que querían continuar siendo un estudiante en la medida de lo posible. En ese momento, hubo un curso llamado indio cultura y espiritualidad, un curso de Diploma de PG. Fue más suscrito por los que querían continuar como estudiantes cuando no había otros cursos dejaron; se utilizan para ocupar este curso para andar con Swami más que aprender acerca de la cultura india. Esa fue la idea original de uno de nuestros vicerrectores. También fui con la aplicación y con timidez presenté a Swami, "quiero hacer curso PG Diploma, Swami!". Él dijo, "Sí! Go!"(Rechazando la idea) y me disuadido de hacer el curso. Pensé que era el final de la carretera. Swami no me dejaba continuar como un estudiante más. Ese fue el final de mi vida de estudiante y todos los privilegios que he recibido; sentado en la parte delantera hacia adelante a exigir nada de Swami, está en todas partes donde va Swami (nadie lo detiene!). Comprendí que iba a ir. Me sentía muy triste por ello.

En Trayee día de 2003, yo estaba en Brindavan. Swami salió de Trayee Brindavan; vi las decoraciones que había puesto sobre el césped. Swami me preguntó lo que quiero hacer a continuación. Por lo tanto, le dije: "Quiero estar en los pies y servirte". Swami dijo, "No, salir y tomar un trabajo y servir a los padres." Él llamó al Dr. Padmanabhan que solía caminar detrás de él y le dijo: "Este chico es un medallista de oro. Él es de primera clase; por primera vez en MBA. Se obtendrá un muy buen trabajo en Bangalore o Chennai"y me pidió que fuera a unirse a un puesto de trabajo. Mi corazón se rompía. Continué, "Swami! Pero quiero estar con vosotros!"Y él dijo:"¡No! Vaya, servir a sus padres. Tomar un trabajo. Obtendrá Rs. 20.000 / -. Salarial"No me entretiene más.

El 6 de mayo de 2003, que era el día Eshwaramma. Había hecho la pintura de Eshwaramma y Pedda Venkama Raju; Los padres de Swami. Por la noche, Swami me llamó a Trayee Brindavan. Salté de mi lugar fuera y corrí directamente en el bungalow de Swami. Tanto las pinturas estaban en el hall central del Trayee. Swami estaba sentado allí con otros devotos, mirando las pinturas. Cuando entré, me preguntó si me pinté los. Le dije: "Sólo se ha hecho Swami", la respuesta estándar que todos damos. Y él dijo: "No haré tal mala pintura!" (Risas) Tuve que tragar mi palabra. Luego se fue cerca de la pintura, empezó a observar. Usted ha echado a perder la cara de mi padre! Comenzó la búsqueda de fallos en frente de tanta gente. Me sentía incómodo. Luego se dio vuelta y le dijo, "Paapam! No los ha visto. Por eso, todo lo que es su imaginación, él ha hecho!"El dulce cubierto por todos los regaños. Se sentó en la silla. Me senté cerca de sus pies. Y entonces él me preguntó: "¿Qué estudiaste?", Le dije, estudié licenciatura Y luego hizo MBA. Nuestra Narasimha Murthy Sir estaba allí. No podía guardar silencio. Dijo que ha hecho M.Sc. también en el medio. Swami preguntó, "¿Por qué estudias tanto?", dije, "quiero estar más cerca de Ti". Estudié todo tipo de cursos! B.Sc estaba en Biología; M.Sc. era en Química y MBA, totalmente diferente. Entonces Swami dijo, "para estar conmigo, lo que realmente necesita educación, grados? Si tiene Bhakti (devoción); eso es suficiente!"(Aplausos) Esa es una gran lección. La educación es, literalmente, una excusa para estar con Swami. Se podría obtener una educación en cualquier lugar. La educación basada en los valores es también una excusa porque hay instituciones aquí y allá en los bolsillos donde se lleva a la educación basada en los valores. La educación gratuita es también una excusa. También hay instituciones donde se da la enseñanza gratuita de un modo u otro. Pero hay una cosa que ninguna institución educativa tiene. Y eso es Swami. Y que por sí solo es nuestra USP, el factor diferenciador! Todo lo demás se puede replicar de alguna manera u otra. Una cosa de tener Swami con nosotros no se puede replicar en cualquier lugar. Tiene que suceder cuando Swami está.

Antes, Swami solía decir que dedico el 80% del tiempo a pensar en los estudiantes. Esta fue una frase a menudo citada en todas partes. Pero hoy, puedo decirles que con mi experiencia de estar con Él, Él pasa el 100% del tiempo solo pensando en los estudiantes. Este es el fondo de nuestra oportunidad privilegiada. Si puede prolongar incluso un día de su estadía con Swami, en cualquiera de sus instituciones en cualquier lugar, permítame asegurarle, a partir de mi experiencia personal, que un día vale la pena perder un año en otro lugar. Pasé, me quedé durante seis meses más rogándole que me llevara a Sus instituciones. En última instancia, tuve que aceptar un trabajo porque Swami era muy insistente. Fui, tomé un trabajo y el resto es historia. Volví de una rotonda.

Quería compartir que esta oportunidad no vendrá de nuevo, no en esta vida; no en vidas posteriores a partir de entonces.

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"En todas partes, las excepciones son excepciones y lo normal es normal. En nuestra misión, lo normal se ha convertido en una excepción y las excepciones se han vuelto normales ".

En el campus de Muddenahalli, tenemos flujos de Ciencia, Comercio y Artes (Preuniversitarios). En Gulbarga, tendremos ciencia y arte. En Jayapura, tendremos ciencia este año. Ya tenemos Ciencias y Artes en Nallakadirenahalli. En el futuro, Swami tiene planes de comenzar más colegios preuniversitarios. Llegará un día en que cada campus se convertirá en una universidad preuniversitaria también.

¿Crees que todo esto es fácil? Swami me hizo trabajar en el campus de Gulbarga y pensé que había reparado por todos los pecados de todos mis nacimientos anteriores al trabajar tan duro en el clima caluroso de Gulbarga. No pude comer la comida que era tan picante. No estaba acostumbrado a ello. ¡Todos los días eran Anna-Rasam y Anna-Sambar! No había verdura, ni chapathi. Los cocineros se escapaban de vez en cuando. ¡Y luego tuvimos que pedir prestado a un cocinero que en realidad sería un taller de reparación de bicicletas! Así que en nuestra hora desesperada, si es necesario, se convierte en el cocinero al día siguiente y comienza a cocinar lo que le viene a la cabeza. Así es como comenzó el campus de Gulbarga. Vivíamos en el cobertizo. Y en el sótano del edificio y comió lo que estuviera disponible.

Swami me puso allí después de 6 años de vida acogedora en Bangalore. Tenía una casa enorme para mí solo. Tenía dos autos para conducir gracias a la banca privada, que es un tipo de trabajo muy privilegiado. Es como un negocio de espectáculos. Siempre estábamos vestidos con el atuendo más caro, siempre conducíamos buenos autos, usábamos relojes costosos, y estábamos sentados en habitaciones con aire acondicionado y nos reuníamos solo con los ricos y los más ricos.

Desde allí, Swami de repente me puso en Gulbarga; Calientes, húmedos, polvorientos y tuvimos jabalíes visitando en la noche. Pero Swami quería comenzar el campus desesperadamente y lo hicimos. Y terminé el trabajo que tenía que hacer y regresé a Muddenahalli. Pensé que eso era todo y Swami no me iba a pedir que hiciera nada más.

Pero pronto comenzó con Mandya, Jayapura. Ahora, si decimos que no estamos haciendo nada, la gente se sorprenderá. La "nueva normalidad" es abrir tres o cuatro campus cada año. Si cuatro campus no comienzan, ¡sentimos que algo anda mal con nosotros! Así es como se ha convertido. En todas partes, las excepciones son excepciones y lo normal es normal. En nuestra misión, lo normal se ha convertido en una excepción y las excepciones se han vuelto normales. Todo el tiempo, hay milagros o excepciones sucediendo. Así es como crece la misión de Swami. Y todos estamos ajustados a esto ahora.

Regresé de Gulbarga. Estaba devastado y pensaba que ya no podía hacer este tipo de trabajo. Siempre quise servir a Swami siempre que fuera un trabajo acogedor; Siéntese en la oficina, firme algunos papeles, dé algunas instrucciones y siéntase bien al respecto. Nunca quise pararme en el sol caliente y hacer estas cosas y comer ese tipo de comida.

Yo iba a Anandam un día. Fui a la estatua de Madiyala Narayana Bhat que está en la entrada e hice un Namaskar de costumbre. Inmediatamente, un pensamiento vino a mi mente. '¡Jefe! Todo esto es tu culpa. Tú eres quien le dio esta idea a Swami '(Risas). Si no lo hubiera pensado, todos habríamos estado muy cómodos. También podríamos haber hecho un buen Bhajan, haber comido Prasadam al final y sentir que éramos grandes personas espirituales; no habría pasado un minuto en servicio. Nos hubiéramos sentido felices solo por estar asociados con Swami. Eso es lo que hace la mayoría de la gente. "Vine aquí, me quedé atascado. ¿A dónde voy ahora? Así es como me quejaba a la estatua de Madiyala Narayana Bhat. Para mi sorpresa, salió de la estatua y estaba de pie junto a mí. He tenido muchas de esas experiencias. Por ahora, todos ustedes saben que estas cosas son ciertas. Hay muchas dimensiones. La gente realmente no muere. Entonces, él acaba de aparecer. Le pregunté: "¿Quién va a hacer todo este trabajo? Usted dio la idea y se fue ". Y él respondió:" ¡Hazlo! ". ¿Pensé por qué debería hacerlo? No es asunto mío. Todavía era muy ajeno a todo este sistema Alike-Muddenahalli; Toda la idea de la educación. Pensé que seguiría viniendo de Bangalore de vez en cuando, daría instrucciones a Narasimha Murthy Sir, me lavaría las manos y volvería a Bangalore y permitiría que Narasimha Murthy Sir se ocupara de lo que sucediera.

Entonces Swami me pidió que viniera y me quedara en Muddenahalli y que Él me diera una habitación aquí. Así fue como Él me cambió a Muddenahalli y luego, pase lo que pase, todos ustedes lo saben.

Por eso estoy compartiendo esto porque incluso yo estaba tan desprevenido como tú. También quería servir a Swami pero dentro de mis zonas de confort. Quería ser médico, unirme a un gran hospital corporativo, obtener un salario de siete cifras y sí, de vez en cuando ir a un campamento médico, distribuir pocas medicinas y volver y sentirse bien por ser el estudiante de Swami. O me gustaría asumir cualquier otra profesión y, de vez en cuando, hacer "cheque seva", escribir un cheque, ¡la cosa más fácil de hacer! La mayoría no quiere ser llamada para ningún seva de la aldea o cualquier otra actividad. Convenientemente, solo dan un cheque, minúsculo de lo que ganan.

Pero Swami quería gente aquí, en el suelo, en el campo de batalla, no sentarse y dar algunas instrucciones de las torres de marfil. No sabía dónde buscar. Buscó a tales personas en la multitud devota y se sintió decepcionado. No encontró demasiados devotos que estuvieran listos para hacer este tipo de trabajo duro. Luego miró hacia los alumnos. Y nuevamente, Él no encontró a muchos de ellos que estaban listos para hacer un trabajo tan duro. Eran de agradecimiento, bloggers de redes sociales, pero no estaban listos para venir a trabajar bajo el ardiente sol. Entonces, ¿quién iba a construir estas instituciones, los campus? Todos los devotos no venían; Todos los alumnos no venían. Luego pensó que debía construir una nueva raza de estudiantes. 'Debo crear una nueva tribu de estudiantes y estos serían los estudiantes que trabajarían hombro con hombro conmigo y serían los que renunciarían a todas las comodidades y conveniencias. Deben ser los que dejen de lado sus gustos y aversiones individuales y asumirán esta tarea más amplia de traer más luz y amor a las vidas de tantas personas desfavorecidas ". ¡Esto es lo que Él decidió e inició el Centro Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana, como todos ustedes saben, en 2014-15!

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"La gente pensaba que los campus de Alike-Muddenahalli eran plataformas de lanzamiento, trampolines! Si te sientas en eso, te lanzarán a una universidad de Medicina / Ingeniería. Se puede imaginar la difícil situación de Madiyala Narayana Bhat, quien había iniciado estas instituciones con una idea totalmente diferente ".


Cuando Swami vino a Muddenahalli, ¡lo primero que hizo fue abolir las tarifas! Swami dijo que si cobras una tarifa, puedes llamarlo Narayan Rao Institution o Narasimha Murthy Institution, pero no lo llames Sathya Sai Institution. Él se arriesgó. ¡Las instituciones estaban en deudas de varios cientos de miles de rupias! La montaña de la deuda era como el monte Everest. Sólo había dos instituciones. Fue entonces cuando llegué aquí y me di cuenta de lo que estaba pasando. En esa coyuntura, dijo Swami, ¡quita la cuota! Algunos dijeron: '¡Primero pagas las deudas, luego eliminaremos las tarifas!' Es un crédito de Narasimha Murthy Señor; Puso el pie abajo y dijo que eliminaremos las tarifas. Como resultado, pocos de nuestros amigos nos dejaron diciendo, '¡Qué tontería! Se han vuelto locos. Se han vuelto locos. ¡Ni siquiera saben dónde pagar sus deudas y tienen la audacia de eliminar la tarifa en nombre de Sai Baba, que se supone que debe estar aquí en forma sutil! "Muchos amigos se fueron el mismo día. También fui parte de esa reunión.

Entonces Swami comenzó a hacer cosas. Después de eliminar las tarifas, Swami dijo: "No nos limitemos a seguir entrenando a los niños para Medicina e Ingeniería. Todo esto es una locura ". Solo lo que existía en este sistema era médico / ingeniería. Swami dijo que también hay otras corrientes. Debemos hacer maestros, abogados, contadores y otros a partir de ellos. Debe estar equilibrado. La sociedad no se ejecuta solo en Medicina e Ingeniería. Tenemos Bellas Artes, Literatura; Debemos proporcionar más oportunidades. El primer temor fue si Swami dice que estamos eliminando las Clases de Entrenamiento para Medicina / Ingeniería, la mayoría de los estudiantes de la 10ª clase no se unirán a la Preuniversidad aquí. Y teníamos razón. El año que viene, nadie quería unirse al Pre University College aquí. Pensaron que si no hubiera clases de entrenamiento, no queremos unirnos aquí. Pensaron que los campus de Alike-Muddenahalli eran plataformas de lanzamiento, trampolines! Si te sientas en eso, te lanzarán a una universidad de Medicina / Ingeniería. Eso es todo lo que todos pensaron sobre Alike-Muddenahalli. Se puede imaginar la difícil situación de Madiyala Narayana Bhat, quien había iniciado estas instituciones con una idea totalmente diferente, llevar la educación a los niños de las zonas rurales y, de repente, ve que toda la institución en 40 años se había ido a otra parte.

Es como nuestra nación hoy. Nuestros luchadores por la libertad se mataron, asesinados por los británicos, creyendo que habrá un futuro, una nueva India donde la gente respirará aire libre, tendrá libertad, derechos humanos; tendrán privilegios para educarse, tendrán acceso a la atención médica, para que nadie conozca el hambre y la pobreza; Todos serán felices y sanos. Ellos soñaban así. Entonces, estos Bhagat Singhs y Sukhdevs y Netajis (luchadores por la libertad de la India) y todos los demás simplemente saltaron y fueron asesinados. Si de repente salen de sus tumbas y ven lo que es la India hoy, ¿cuál sería su reacción, crees? Se abofeteaban y se lamentaban: "¿Es esta la India por la que nos mataron? ¿Es esta la India por la que fuimos, luchamos y enfrentamos a los británicos? Pensamos que India sería mejor ".

Desafortunadamente, durante un período de tiempo las personas no llevan el mensaje original del fundador. Las cosas se desvían. Toman el camino más fácil. Swami dijo: "¡Para! ¡No vamos a realizar estas clases de Coaching! "El primer año, nosotros mismos, la mayoría de nosotros no pudimos aceptar esto. Pero el próximo año, Swami insistió y no tuvimos más remedio que cambiarlo. ¡Y el resultado, solo teníamos 65 estudiantes en Pre University en Muddenahalli que solía estar rebosando con 120 antes! El número cayó a la mitad porque cambiamos el concepto. Debes entender, cambiar la cultura es una cosa muy difícil. Pero Swami estaba trabajando en una idea.

Luego, Swami dijo: "¡Ahora que hemos logrado esto, el año que viene en adelante, tome solo a los pobres de las zonas rurales!" ¡Todos los amigos que quedaron allí también se fueron! ¡Dijeron que esto es demasiado! Pensaron, con los hijos de los ricos (que pueden pagar una tarifa considerable); no tenemos que preocuparnos por dirigir las instituciones. De alguna manera, entrenaríamos a todos estos niños y los llevaríamos a universidades de medicina / ingeniería para que sus padres estén contentos y lleguen y caigan a nuestros pies. La institución recibirá premios y recompensas en todas partes y los nombres de los alumnos que salgan en los periódicos. Esa es la idea con la que todos vivimos. ¡Pero de repente, cuando Swami dijo que tomaban a los pobres de las zonas rurales, dijeron que los pobres de las zonas rurales ni siquiera sabían cómo cepillarse o bañarse! No saben A, B, C, D .. Si los incorporamos, estaríamos arruinando la institución. Toda la imagen de la institución que se construyó durante 40 años como la plataforma de lanzamiento más creíble para NEET (Prueba de ingreso cum nacional de elegibilidad) y CET (Prueba de ingreso común) para ingresar a los mejores colegios de medicina / ingeniería del país, se destruirá en no hay tiempo. ¿Y quién va a sentarse y trabajar en estos niños? ¿Quién va a tomar clases extra para ellos? ¡¡Serían todos los defectos !! Entonces, todos querían una salida fácil.

Swami bajó el pie y dijo: "¡NO! Esto es lo que quería Madiyala Narayana Bhat; esto es lo que quiero. ¡Así debe ser nuestro sistema educativo!

¡Y Swami cambió toda la filosofía en dos años para priorizar a los pobres rurales! Swami luchó para traer este cambio. El primer año lo intentamos y terminamos con muchos estudiantes que no eran ni pobres ni rurales. ¡Pero tenían certificados de escuelas rurales y tarjeta de pobreza!

Swami luego dijo: "¡Entras en las partes rurales, buscas a tus estudiantes y los traes! El 50% de la clase debe ser rural pobre ". Esa es la filosofía que Swami comenzó el año pasado. Pero en los últimos cuatro o cinco años, los ancianos y otros comprendieron lo que había en el corazón de Swami. Pero nos llevó cinco años entender lo que Él quería de nosotros. ¡Y entonces el resultado es que ahora tenemos más de pobres rurales!

Por eso digo que es importante, es porque yo también era pobre. No soy "rural" por sí mismo. Yo era de un pueblo pequeño y era un niño pobre. Puedo decirte esto sin ninguna vergüenza o vergüenza. Mi madre era la única que ganaba el pan y su salario mensual no superaría los cinco mil rupias después de 25 años en el servicio gubernamental. Tendremos ropa nueva una vez al año. Si conseguimos una camisa para el cumpleaños, vendrán los pantalones en Diwali. Así es como nos las arreglamos para celebrar. Yo también quería ser médico. Tuve grandes sueños. Fui a clases de coaching, pagué por la nariz. Mi madre había pedido prestado a sus amigos para pagarlo. Pero entonces la llamada vino de la institución de Swami. Un darshan de Swami y yo nos olvidamos del título de médico.

Solo quería compartir por qué esta Misión de Swami está cerca de mi corazón porque soy alguien que viene de ese entorno. Cuando Swami dice que Él incluso daría jabón, cepillo de dientes gratis, pasta de dientes gratis; algunos pueden preguntarse si es necesario. Pero déjame decirte que es necesario. Porque cuando era estudiante, no podía permitirme un jabón de baño cada vez. Si mi madre no me ha enviado un giro postal (MO), que es Rs. 150 / - para ese mes, usaría jabón de lavar para bañarme porque el jabón de lavar costaría tres rupias y el jabón de baño costaría siete rupias, ¡incluso si fuera el jabón más económico! Hoy tenemos PayPal, RTGS, y NEFT. Pero esa vez solo fue MO! El dinero sería depositado en la oficina de correos de Chhattisgarh; se pasaría a la Oficina de Correos en Kadugodi (Whitefield); Entonces vendría el cartero y me entregaría el dinero. Si hubiera un retraso en que el dinero llegara a mis manos, no tendría dinero. Recuerdo que había tomado prestadas diez rupias de mi amigo que no pude reembolsar, y si lo veía venir desde este lado del corredor, saldría por el otro lado del corredor porque no sabía cómo pagar el dinero. diez rupias de vuelta! Nuestros maestros dirían que Swami te está dando educación gratuita; Al menos deberías invertir en libros. Un libro de texto de química costaría Rs. 250 / - que son dos meses de mis recursos racionados! Nunca compré libros de texto. Escribiría notas lo más posible y tomaría fotocopias. Era mas barato Esta es la vida que viví en el Instituto de Aprendizaje Superior Sri Sathya Sai; donde mi cuota de educación de todos modos no estaba allí. Si tuviéramos que ir a Puttaparthi (del campus de Brindavan) para los festivales, tenía que pagar Rs. 300 / - por la carga del autobús! Tuvimos que pagar después de regresar del viaje y no podría pagarlo. Mi dinero mensual de bolsillo era Rs. 150 / - y no puedo decírselo a nadie. A veces, mi nombre aparece en el tablón de anuncios. Todos aquellos que no habían pagado, sus nombres aparecerían en el tablón de anuncios. Fue tan embarazoso. Es bueno para aquellos que tienen dinero y no quieren pagar. Pero aquellos que no tenían el dinero, ¿a dónde deberían ir y esconderse? Me gustaría ir tímidamente y decirle que no tengo el dinero y que lo pagaría el próximo mes para que se elimine el nombre.

Cuando comenzamos a tomar a los pobres de las zonas rurales, las personas dijeron que no podían pagar las tarifas de albergue. Le preguntamos a Swami qué hacer? Swami dijo: "¡Pagaré!" Luego le preguntamos a Swami, algunos ni siquiera pueden pagar los Gastos Personales (que ascienden a Rs. 7000 / -). ¿Qué hacer? Swami dijo: "Ellos no tienen Rs. 300 / - para tomar un boleto de autobús para ir al campus, ¿qué les estás pidiendo a 7000? ¿Cómo van a pagar? ¡Lo pagaré también!

Así es como el esquema de la Beca Madiyala Narayana Bhat (MNBS) entró en existencia. MNBS significa venir con un par de vestido! ¡Eso es lo que es el esquema MNBS! (Aplauso atronador) Solo venga con lo que sea que esté en su cuerpo. Solo entra en la institución. Su única calificación es que usted es pobre y no puede pagar la educación. ¿Qué instituto en el mundo hará esto? ¡Incluso los campus de Puttaparthi, Brindavan, Anantapur no hicieron esto! Puede ser que algunos maestros que nos conocieron personalmente se hicieran cargo de nuestros gastos.

Todo lo que estoy diciendo es que es una gran visión en la que Swami está trabajando y algunos de nosotros somos beneficiarios directos. Algunos de nosotros quizás no necesitemos esta educación gratuita. ¡Probablemente podamos pagar tres tarifas de lakh en enormes escuelas internacionales, mundiales y mundiales! Pero la verdad es que esta es la misión donde Swami nos quiere a todos. Por lo tanto, fortalece tus habilidades, coraje y convicción! Incluso después de que termine su beca, puede ingresar a cualquier profesión; pero no puedes dar la espalda a esta idea de redimir a esta nación a través de nuestros sacrificios.

En Pulwama, un vehículo cargado de explosivos choca contra nuestro camión CRPF y mata a 40 personas. Podemos morir por la nación, pero también podemos tomar la ruta de vivir para la nación haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo. Si bien nuestros soldados protegen nuestras fronteras, y tenemos un gran agradecimiento por su coraje y convicción, no debemos dejar que sus sacrificios se desperdicien.

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"Debido a que perdimos orgullo en nuestra cultura y espiritualidad, ¡fuimos atacados por Tom, Dick y Harry! "Todos en el mundo nos atacaron porque no estábamos orgullosos de nuestra propia cultura".


Vi esta película llamada 'Uri: The Surgical Strike'. ¿Cuántos de ustedes han visto? Debo recomendar esto porque esta es una película sobre cómo los soldados fueron atacados en Cachemira cuando dormían en la madrugada por terroristas de Cachemira Ocupada en Pakistán (PoK) y cómo India vengó el ataque con ataques quirúrgicos. Todos deberían ver esta película porque los niños aquí ven películas en el fin de semana. Probablemente, esta película tendrá mucho sentido para ti. Mira la lucha. Todos están durmiendo y alguien ataca y están muertos. Ni siquiera se pueden defender. Mucha gente está sacrificando sus vidas por este país.

Cuando vi esta película, entendí lo que dijo Swami. Mientras los soldados están protegiendo nuestras fronteras, en el interior, el país empeora día tras día. ¿De qué sirve sacrificar la vida de uno en las fronteras y las fronteras si no sucede nada bueno dentro del país? ¿Si la gente sigue hambrienta, hambrienta, luchando, mintiendo, haciendo trampa y lastimando? Sí, tenemos que proteger las fronteras. Pero, ¿qué estás protegiendo al final? Debería haber algo dentro. Hay una caja y usted está protegiendo la caja porque hay joyas en su interior. ¿Te matarían por caja vacía? Tu no La espiritualidad, la tradición y la cultura de la India son las joyas que son valiosas dentro de esa caja. Nuestros soldados están luchando para proteger esta caja de este país. Pero tenemos un papel que desempeñar, para proteger esta cultura y la espiritualidad. Dondequiera que vayas, no te alejes de la cultura de esta tierra. Hay una forma en que nos vestimos, la forma en que comemos, la forma en que adoramos; Todo esto es parte de nuestra cultura. Estemos orgullosos de ello. Debido a que perdimos orgullo en nuestra cultura y espiritualidad, ¡fuimos atacados por Tom, Dick y Harry! Todos en el mundo nos atacaron porque no estábamos orgullosos de nuestra propia cultura. Nos hicieron creer que todo lo que es occidental y moderno vale la pena; Todo lo que es indio y tradicional debe ser descartado. Ahí es donde aterrizamos donde estamos.

Hay otra hermosa película que ha llegado; "Manikarnika: La reina de Jhansi". Por favor, muestre estas películas a nuestros niños en el lado patriótico. Una pequeña dosis de patriotismo es una necesidad para nuestros estudiantes. ¡Pero el patriotismo con una diferencia! Los soldados mueren para salvarnos. No dejaremos que sus sacrificios se desperdicien. Protegeremos al país desde dentro y aseguraremos que nuestro país sea próspero, pacífico y armonioso; La gente es leal, veraz y fraternal. Esto, como estudiantes de Swami, nos aseguraremos mientras los soldados luchan en la frontera por protegernos. Esa es la idea del patriotismo espiritual.

Algunos de ustedes aquí pueden conocer al Prof. D S Habbu que estaba en Prasanthi Nilayam. Era un luchador por la libertad que había trabajado hombro con hombro con Mahatma Gandhi. Se convirtió en un devoto de Swami y vino a enseñar en Puttaparthi voluntariamente. Ahora ya no está más. Alguien como él, que había luchado en la lucha por la libertad y que realmente había visto altibajos en la India, finalmente llegó a la proximidad de Swami, dijo: "He trabajado con tantos luchadores por la libertad. Pero no he visto a un patriota más grande que Swami ". ¡Esta es la palabra de alguien que había visto crecer el país desde donde estaba hasta donde está! Swami puede no estar parado cerca de la frontera y peleando. Él no está gobernando el país como el Primer Ministro o el Primer Ministro. Pero lo que Él está haciendo por este país al mantener la cultura y la espiritualidad de este país es lo que protege al país, por supuesto, después de alimentar a los hambrientos y vestir a los desnudos, después de refugiar a las personas sin hogar. No hay mayor patriota que Swami, pero con una diferencia. ¡Es un patriota espiritual! Esa es la idea con la que debemos dirigir este país y cuidar a nuestra gente. Eso es lo más importante en mi mente.

Swami dijo: "Saludo a los soldados y también saludo a los santos de este país, ¡porque ambos son importantes para proteger a este país!"

Estoy dando una propina. Si alguna vez quieres que Swami pase más tiempo en la sala de entrevistas, si Él te llama, pregúntale un poco sobre la India y la espiritualidad india; y Él seguirá y seguirá y seguirá! ¡Él ama a la audiencia que ama escuchar sobre la India y su cultura! Ese es el corazón de Swami en el centro de esto. Su corazón late por la India. Puede que no sea incorrecto decir que Él es Dios; Él es más un dios indio que un dios universal porque su corazón es indio.

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"Un niño está interesado en jugar. A medida que crecen un poco más, están interesados en la otra mitad del mundo y su atención está allí. Luego crecen un poco más y luego están llenos de preocupaciones. Desafortunadamente, nadie tiene tiempo para pensar en Dios ".


Para ser sincero, estoy muy impresionado de que estos muchos estudiantes hayan decidido no jugar juegos por ahí o simplemente charlar libremente o incluso estudiar para los exámenes que están a la vuelta de la esquina pero que vienen para un satsang.

Estoy realmente impresionado porque recuerdo, en 2012, cuando estábamos en Gulbarga, el campus acababa de comenzar y todavía tenía la libertad de ser un don nadie; Podría deambular por donde quisiera. En ese momento, fui al campus de Gulbarga porque Swami iba a venir el 24 de junio para la apertura del sótano del edificio donde estábamos planeando cambiar a todos los niños que se alojaban en un albergue del Gobierno hasta ese momento fuera del campus. Todos los días venían de su albergue al cobertizo de una escuela. En esa ocasión, estuve allí antes cuando las cosas no eran tan ceremoniosas como lo son hoy. Swami simplemente estaría allí y yo sabría que Él estaba allí y probablemente la única otra persona que sabía era Narasimha Murthy Sir. ¡Y el resto del mundo acaba de creer que al igual que tenemos una silla para Swami en todas partes, Swami debe estar allí!

Estaba tratando de ayudar a los estudiantes que se habían unido con un pequeño programa de música, básicamente enseñando bhajans y vedam para el día de la apertura. Había un chico del campus de Muddenahalli, se llamaba Vinayak y no puedo olvidarlo porque me enseñó una importante lección. Vinayak estaba en octava clase. Atrapé a los estudiantes después de que terminara la escuela y les dije que entre ellos, a los que podían cantar bien se les enseñaría bhajans. Conseguí un viejo armonio que yacía allí, tomé de 10 a 12 niños y empecé a enseñar bhajans. Vinayak conocía bhajans porque era del campus de Muddenahalli. Se trasladó a Gulbarga porque quería estudiar más cerca de su casa para que sus padres pudieran visitarlo más a menudo y se sintiera cómodo en ese lugar. Le dije a Vinayak: "Ya sabes cómo cantar bhajans, por lo que debes ser parte de este grupo. Debes dirigir a los bhajans y todos los demás niños pueden seguir ". Muy renuente vino. Saqué el armonio y empecé a enseñar bhajans muy simples para que pudieran aprender y repetirlo rápidamente después de Vinayak. Mientras cantábamos bhajans, Vinayak comenzó a derramar lágrimas. ¡Pensé que probablemente él es tan devoto que al cantar el nombre de Dios, las lágrimas rodan por sus mejillas! Después de algún tiempo las silenciosas lágrimas se convirtieron en fuertes sollozos. ¡Pensé que tal vez la devoción está creciendo! (Risas) Después de un tiempo, ¡comenzó a llorar amargamente! Entonces tuve que detener la práctica y preguntarle si todo está bien. Dijo que estaba bien. Luego lo llamé y le pregunté "¿por qué lloras?". Él dijo: "¡Anna! ¡Quiero ir a jugar! "(Risas) Debe haber estado pensando en su mente:" Deja de torturarme con este entrenamiento de bhajan. Todos mis amigos están jugando allí. ¡Por favor relevame!

"Balastavat Kreeda Sakthah Tarunastavat Taruneesakthah Vriddhastavat Chintasaktah Parame Brahmani Kopi Na Sakthah", lamentó Adi Shankaracharya hace unos 1200 años. Un niño está interesado en jugar. A medida que crecen un poco más, están interesados en la otra mitad del mundo y comienzan a interesarse y su atención está ahí. No necesitan nada más. Luego crecen un poco más y luego están llenos de preocupaciones: dolor en las articulaciones, dolores de espalda y presión arterial. Desafortunadamente, nadie tiene tiempo para pensar en Dios.

Lo vi prácticamente demostrado ese día por Vinayak. Nunca había trabajado con niños antes de eso. Tuve que dejarlo ir. En el momento en que relevé a Vinayak, puedes imaginar lo que estaba sucediendo con los otros estudiantes. Todos se miraban a la cara del otro y a mi cara como si preguntaran: "¡¿Podemos ir también?"

Eso fue una tarde, en 2012, cuando los niños querían jugar y no aprender bhajans. Y esta es una noche en 2019, donde los niños han sacrificado sus juegos y se han sentado aquí escuchando esta charla. Estoy realmente impresionado. Esta no fue una sesión obligatoria. No van a obtener algunas marcas adicionales por asistir a esta sesión de conversación. Esta es la transformación que Swami está produciendo en nuestro país; niños pequeños pensando en Dios, interesados en hablar sobre Dios, interesados en cosas buenas y no solo pasar el tiempo descuidadamente. Cuando hay una oportunidad como esta, si los niños piensan que esto es mayor que la oportunidad de practicar deportes o el tiempo libre; entonces estoy seguro de que han comprendido el valor de las cosas en la vida. Eso debería hacernos muy felices.

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"Mi valor es que solo haré lo que Swami diga. Mañana, si Swami dice que pare todo esto, salga de este lugar y vaya a una cueva en el Himalaya y medite, solo haré eso. Así es como he definido mi valor ".


Lo que comenzó con un campus en Gulbarga en 2012 se ha convertido en una universidad. Ahora se ha extendido por todas partes en 6 a 7 años. ¡Muchos no habrían podido agregar un espacio adicional a su casa en seis años! Aquí, en 6 años, ¿qué ha hecho Swami? Hoy somos 23 campus. Swami pondrá la primera piedra para el campus de Madurai en mayo de 2019. Mañana, ¿qué vamos a ser? Seremos 15000 estudiantes estudiando en todos los campus; 5000 chicas y 10000 chicos! Tendremos 75 escuelas y colegios; 36 campus! ¡A partir de ahora! Si a Swami se le ocurre algo nuevo, seguirá agregando. Estaremos allí en los 30 distritos de Karnataka.

Todos nos hacen esta pregunta; los devotos que apoyan estos grandes proyectos preguntan; ¿Es sostenible? Si está creciendo a este ritmo, ¿podrá mantener y administrar esto? Entonces le preguntamos a Swami. Él dijo: "Hasta ahora, cómo ha sucedido, así es como sucederá en el futuro también. No te preocupes Mi gracia está ahí. ¡Me las arreglaré!

Swami le dio a cada uno el programa Educate One. Esto es exclusivamente para los alumnos. Debo decirte con orgullo que este tipo de cosas nunca ha sucedido antes. Algunos de nosotros formamos parte de la construcción de un corpus para la Universidad cada año en Puttaparthi. ¡Con todos los correos y mensajes, apenas un crore de rupias se reunirá a finales de año, aunque la institución tiene 35 años de historia y muchos de ellos están muy bien ubicados! ¡Y hoy, nuestros alumnos graduados a través del programa E1E1 pueden atender a casi 2000 estudiantes! Y en un año, tocarán 3000 también. Cuidan los gastos de educación.

Una vez que un devoto preguntó en Canadá, construiremos el campus pero ¿quién correrá? Hace cinco años, Swami le dijo en Canadá: "Tú construyes la institución; Mis alumnos lo correrán! ¡Lo manejarán no solo financieramente, sino también manejándolos, al estar allí como administradores, maestros! "El devoto estaba muy satisfecho.

¡La idea general de la institución de Swami es que debemos permanecer juntos, orar juntos y servir juntos!

Podría ser un gran banquero de inversiones porque Swami me dio ese tipo de educación y habilidades. De lo contrario, habría estado en Chhattisgarh merodeando; puede ser abrir una panadería o un taller de reparación de bicicletas o unirse a la política con los matones locales. Muchos hacen trabajos ocasionales solo para que los dos extremos se encuentren. Podría haber sido uno de ellos, pero Swami me eligió para cosas más importantes.

Independientemente de las decisiones que tome en la vida, hágase esta pregunta. La decisión que tomemos; ¿Hará alguna diferencia en la vida de las personas más pobres y débiles, hambrientas, empobrecidas? ¿Ganarán control sobre su destino en la vida? Ese es el talismán de Gandhi ji en caso de duda.

El 1% de los indios controla el 50% de la riqueza de la India, mientras que 25 millones de habitantes se duermen sin comer. Ese es el país en el que estamos viviendo. Estamos agregando el mayor número de millonarios cada año. Cada año, estamos duplicando el número de millonarios en la India. Nuestra población está aumentando continuamente. El 50% de la India es joven. Al menos 45-50 millones de indios crore son jóvenes o en la juventud temprana. ¿Qué les sucederá sin una educación y orientación adecuadas? ¿Es la India a la que estamos mirando y mucho depende de si podemos hacer alguna diferencia?

Swami dijo una vez: "Sigue cualquier valor. Toma un valor y sigue. No renuncies a eso. Y verás que eres capaz de seguir todos los valores en la vida ". ¡Si no sigues ningún valor, terminarás sin seguir nada en la vida! Puede ser verdad o caridad. Toma un valor, trata de seguir toda tu vida y verás que tu vida simplemente se transforma. Debido a que hay muchos valores que recoger, a veces estamos confundidos y no hacemos nada.

Por ejemplo, mi valor es que haré lo que Swami diga. Y ese valor me trae todos los valores. Swami dice hablar la verdad, ayudar a los demás, sacrificarse, servir. Entonces, lo que Swami diga que haré. Así es como he definido mi vida. Haré lo que Swami diga. Ahí es donde termina para mí. Todo lo demas; Escuelas, hospitales, espiritualidad es secundaria. Mañana, si Swami dice que pare todo esto, salga de este lugar y vaya a una cueva en el Himalaya y medite, solo haré eso. Así es como he definido mi valor.

Puedes elegir cualquier valor pero debes seguir comprometido con él, casado con él.

Como estudiantes de Swami, tenemos una gran responsabilidad sobre nuestros hombros. Y tenemos que estar a la altura de esa responsabilidad. De lo contrario, el futuro de este país y el mundo no nos perdonará. Dirán que estabas con el Avatar, obtuviste todo de Él, aprendiste todo de Él y, sin embargo, resultaste ser otra persona. El mundo no nos perdonará, la historia no nos perdonará, el tiempo no nos perdonará, las generaciones futuras no nos perdonarán. Si el cambio tiene que suceder, tiene que suceder ahora, tiene que suceder aquí. Con toda la tecnología, la comunicación, todas las instalaciones y recursos disponibles para nosotros, si hoy no hacemos este cambio en nosotros mismos y en el país, nunca podremos hacer que este cambio vuelva a suceder en el mundo. Aquí y ahora y contigo comienza. Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo y tienes las bendiciones de Swami para defender estos valores. Defiéndelos, vive por ellos, muere por ellos pero no te rindas. Si no sabes cómo defender algo, caerás por cualquier cosa.

- Sri Madhusudan, en el "Programa de gratitud - Una ofrenda de los estudiantes graduados de todos los campus" (16 de febrero de 2019), Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Muddenahalli


Divine Discourse
Divine Satsang

Sai Sure


Conceptualization, Formulation and Operationalization of 'SaiSure – A Totally Free of Cost Multi Nutrient Supplement Programme' : The Divine Discourse

It is the greatest misfortune of this country that our mothers suffer in several ways due to unavailability of right kind of care while they are carrying the future of the nation in their wombs. Dr. Satish Babu came to Me shocked by this discovery that in Chikkaballapur alone, half the women are of weight lesser than 35-40 kilograms (77-88 pounds)! How will such a mother give birth to a healthy baby? And there is this curse of poverty that these women carrying the babies in their womb continue to work till the eighth month, even up to the ninth month of pregnancy in harsh conditions, in fields laboring around. Dr Satish Babu told Me the condition is extremely bad and something must be done about it. We discussed on what needs to be done. Of course, regular check-up, good education, advice on how to look after themselves is required; but can you turn away from the reality that there is poverty and there is lack of nutrition? A mother is not one entity but it is two in one! All the more she needs care to ensure that the other being in the womb grows in a healthy way and is born in a healthy way. The discussions took place on whether we should provide monthly ration; or should we provide them various ingredients for cooking good meal so that they are able to keep the nutrition level in an appropriate way. But you see; mothers are ultimately mothers. They know only to give and not take anything. If you give them anything to cook be it vegetables, oil, pulses, rice; they will cook a good meal, feed everybody in the family and they themselves will go hungry. Therefore, the solution should be deeper than a very superficial idea.

That is how the idea of multi nutrient supplement came about. I instructed Dr. Satish Babu to mention it very clearly to mothers that the drink is only for pregnant woman and nobody else should drink it. If others drink it, there will be consequences!! By chance if a man drinks it, then God be with him!! (Laughter)

From the time of conception till the delivery, we must take care of the mothers and even after delivery, for one full year of child's growth we must be constantly in touch with them and provide nutrition both to the lactating mothers as well as the born child. This should not end with pregnancy and birth but continue from conception to the lactating period. All her service and sacrifice, all her pain and struggle to give birth to a baby should not go waste when the baby is not able to grow well, therefore, we should continue giving to the baby also so it continues to grow in a healthy way. And thereafter continue to the school level so that they grow in a better way, study well, become capable, able and noble citizens of the country. Therefore, from the time of conception till the child grows and becomes a noble citizen of the country in a contributory way, our work does not end! This is the way we will take this programme forward!

Our volunteers have done a lot of hard work. It is very joyful to know the kind of efforts that is put to bring this kind of nutrition to the mothers and children.

Then, Dr. Satish Babu came with another problem. "Swami, there are PHCs (Primary Health Centers) but there are no enough doctors in the PHCs. 50% of the seats are vacant. Therefore, there is no enough care to provide to mothers". The solution to the problem came from young medical doctors and many private institutions which came forward to fill this lacuna, to work alongside government to provide continuous care to the mothers.

Dear Doctors! The mothers and children of the nation need your help, rise to the occasion, be a good citizen, be there to contribute more than your might to bring up this nation to the standards it always deserved.

I want to assure that we will do as much it lies in us to do as fast as possible and reach this programme out to as many people as possible in a short period of time.

Let our mothers be healthy, let the children born be healthy and happy and let the country prosper because of such healthy mothers and healthy children.

- Divine Discourse, Dedication of 'SaiSure – A Totally Free of Cost Multi Nutrient Supplement Programme for Pregnant Women, Lactating Mothers, Toddlers and Children' (Feb 22, 2019), Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Muddenahalli



As long as we trust God, there is no fear! When we have faith in heart, miracles will happen.

I am looking at a miracle which is going to happen from Feb 9, 2019 for the next four days. That is because Bhagawan Himself is setting an example. Though He is God, when He has come down in human frame, He works and struggles like a human being because He wants to set an ideal. He is achieving what He is achieving not because He is God but because of the eternal principle of life –

'Satyameva Jayate Nanritam' (Truth alone triumphs, not falsehood)

'Yato Dharma Tato Jaya' (Where there is righteousness; there is success)

It is the eternal law which governs the universe.

Swami is performing Bhoomi Pooja for four new campuses and will inaugurate a building in another campus which was started last year.

On Feb 9, Saturday morning; Swami is flying to Shimoga district where He will be performing Bhoomi Pooja for

Sri Sathya Sai Sarvaniketanam, Shimoga campus

On Feb 10, Sunday morning; Swami is going to Belgaum district where He will be performing Bhoomi Pooja for

Sri Sathya Sai Nityaniketanam, Belgaum campus

On Feb 11, Monday morning; Swami is visiting Karwar district to inaugurate an Indoor Sports Complex at

Sri Sathya Sai Satwaniketanam, Karwar campus

On Feb 11, Monday afternoon; Swami is going to the neighboring Udupi district where He will be performing Bhoomi Pooja on the seafront for

Sri Sathya Sai Ananyaniketanam, Udupi campus

On Feb 12, Tuesday morning; Swami is flying to Mysore district where He will be performing Bhoomi Pooja for

Sri Sathya Sai Anantaniketanam, Mysore campus

Swami will return to Muddenahalli in the evening. This is nothing but a great Divine adventure which ONLY SWAMI CAN DO and nobody else can do!

Life is an act of Divine Will and an act of Grace! The Shimoga campus is about 15 kilometers from the well-known Madhukeshwara Temple in Banavasi which is 2,000 years old! All the four campuses have 1000 trees which are already standing tall there! In Belgaum campus, there is a tree which is at least 100 years old! There is no dearth of water in all the four campuses. Shimoga campus has perennial source of water. Belgaum campus has a perennial stream flowing by the side. The Mysore campus is by the side of a very huge lake which is always full. The Udupi campus is on the seafront, by the side of Arabian Sea!

All this is possible only because of Swami. Swami started four campuses last year. He is starting four campuses this year. Swami has already cautioned us that He is starting five new campuses for girls next year!

These students are going to change the modus of thinking of mankind! Swami believes our children are going to be the torchbearers of a new revolution where in the goal of revolution is that man achieves fulfillment only by being selfless.

- Sri Narasimha Murthy, Thursday Satsang (Feb 7, 2019), Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Muddenahalli

Excerpts from Sri Madhusudan's talk - At the 'Gratitude Program – An offering by the graduating students of all the campuses' (Feb 16, 2019)

"Having been born in this land of Bharat, it is our bounden duty to safeguard this sacred land and its spiritual treasures"

A few days back, we were in Kumbh Mela. It's an occasion, which is still going on, for all the people in the world - not just Hindus or Indians – to witness an amazing phenomenon, that so many people are still looking for God. That's very hopeful because in this world where everything else has become important, scientists have almost proven that God does not exist and the atheists are more popular than saints and monks, when religion is deteriorating fast; we read about all the scandals around the world especially in religious institutions which were established two millennia ago, we feel very dejected and feel at times if there is a my hope at all? Is there anything worth in all that we are doing today? And the answer is given by our Indian culture.

At least, 80% of India, I can confidently say knows that God exists even if they have not experienced Him. They believe there is something higher than just eating, sleeping, procreating and dying at the end of it. They all know there is something more valuable than this body or all the wealth that we have acquired or all the knowledge that we gain. There is something beyond that and more valuable. This idea of pursuing this path of moksha or liberation, path of God, path of spirituality is inherent in the blood of India.

I still remember a discourse from my student days when Swami would speak about Indian culture and would sing His beautiful composition,

'Khanda Khandantara Khyati Narjinchina
Mahaniyulanu Ganna Matru Bhumi
Paschatya Virula Paradrolinchiyu
Swatantryamunu Ganna Samarbhumi
Pandityamuna Chala Prakhyati Ganchiyu
Pratibha Chupinchina Bharata Bhumi
Sangita Sahitya Shastriya Vidyala
Dhishakti Chupina Divya Bhumi
Chitrakalala Toda Chitramaiyunnatti
Bharata Bhumiyandu Jananamondi
Bharata Mata Dharma Bhagyambu Kapada Badhyatanta Mide Balulara'

(This is My Motherland whose fame crossed countries and continents
And conceived many an eminent man.
This is the brave motherland that drove away foreign rulers
And obtained independence at last.
This land of Bharat earned name and fame for scholarship
And exhibited its excellence everywhere.
This is the Divine land which showed its intellectual eminence
In the field of literature, music and many ancient sciences.
This is the land which made its mark in fine arts.
Having been born in this land of Bharat,
It is our bounden duty to safeguard this sacred land
And its spiritual treasures,
Oh Children of Bharat!)

The last line is the most important. Having been born in this land of Bharat, it is our bounden duty to safeguard this sacred land and its spiritual treasures, Oh Children of Bharat! That is Swami's heart that goes out for India and everything that is Indian and the spirituality of India.

God could have been born anywhere but He chose to be born in India and this must be the universal record that most or all of the Avatars have happened in India, going by the classic definition of Avatars. Why this land attracts Avatars so often? And Swami replied to this saying, "Because this is the place where everybody thinks of God!" Where else in the world do you have so many people actively, zealously, sincerely thinking of God, pursuing the path of spirituality? Even an auto rickshaw driver does pranams to the auto rickshaw before he gets into it to start the day. We worship trees, rivers, mountains; we worship monks, saints and sages. We give them higher place than the kings and emperors. That is the beauty of India and that is still going on.


"Sanatana Dharma says everything and everyone is Divine; whether you are Jada (inanimate) or Chaitanya (animate); whether movable or immovable, all is Divine".

Incidentally, we happened to be at Kumbh Mela, Prayagraj on the same day as Republic Day of India. And on that day, Swami Chidananda Saraswati of Parmarth Niketan ashram, Rishikesh had organized a little flag hoisting ceremony. He invited Swami and I had the privilege of doing it on behalf of Swami. Later, Chidananda Ji spoke mainly about the patriotism, sacrifice of the soldiers who brave sub-zero temperature up in the Himalayas and protect the boundaries of this country. He was very vocal about the soldiers of the country which is very true, correct, real especially in the wake of so many conflicts around this particular nation, the sacrifice that our soldiers make is absolutely invaluable. Then it was the turn of Swami to speak. I was thinking what Swami would add to the already given discourse by Chidananda Ji. Swami took it to another dimension altogether! That is again the zing, the x-factor that Swami brings into every thought that we have.

Swami said, "Truly soldiers are worth all our adoration, admiration, respect for all the sacrifice that they do including giving up their lives for the sake of the nation. They protect the boundaries of this nation from the outside. But a nation is truly nothing without its culture. The people who protect the culture of this country are the saints and sages, monks and sanyasis. And to Me, they are also as important as our soldiers; for if they don't work inside the country and keep up the culture, tradition and spirituality of India; without the soul the body is merely a dead body!"

Swami emphasized on the point that while we salute the soldiers who sacrifice everything at the borders to protect the country, we must also remember gratefully all the saints, monks and all the people who have sacrificed to keep up the culture of this country and are protecting it. That touched my heart very much because only Swami could think like that.

And it brought a very important aspect in Swami's mission. Long ago Swami had declared about the six phases in His mission. The first phase is Leela, the second is Mahima, the third is Upadesha, fourth is Vidya, fifth is Vaidya and these last 16 years are dedicated to the establishment of Sanatana Dharma. Then nobody understood what He meant by saying that. Is it about building more temples? Or performing more Yagnas? Sanatana Dharma or the Atma Dharma is making people realize they are Divine. It is more than just Hindu Dharma.

Over a conversation about Hinduism with Chidananda Saraswati Ji, Swami asked him where was Hinduism 2000 years ago? Where was the word Hindu? Just because of Sindhu Valley civilization, all the Persians and Afghans who attacked us and crossed the Sindhu river and came inside did not know what to call us because we were such a diverse group of people. So, all those who lived on the other side of Sindhu River were called Sindhus or Hindus. In Persian, 'Sa' sounds like 'Ha' and becomes Hindu. Therefore, it becomes Hindustan. Hinduism was derived much later. But truly, we were people who followed Sanatana Dharama. This is what Swami told Chidananda Saraswati Ji, the likes of whom are all pioneers of religion and philosophy, especially in those parts of Himalayas, very coveted, because that's where we think our Hindu religion lies, in the Himalayan valleys where the Rishis, Saints and Sages are there. Swami said, "Hinduism is not our religion. Truly, our religion is Sanatana Dharma, which is more about realizing divinity". When Swami says; He says with such authority that Chidananda Ji said, "Absolutely! No Veda, no Upanishad, no Purana; nowhere the word Hindu or Hinduism has been mentioned. It is only about Atma Dharma, Sanatana Dharma. It is about Divinity, Brahman. That is how our culture has projected spirituality."

That was the beauty of this dialogue between Swami and all these saints. Again, Swami brings that higher dimension to discussion. When they were discussing about Hinduism, Swami brought another dimension. He said, it is Sanatana Dharma and it has to be understood correctly. It is truly not a religion; it is a way of life!" A Christian, or a Muslim or a Buddhist can also follow Sanatana Dharma so do the people who are in Hindustan because it is a way of life. Swami defined it in one sentence, "Sanatana Dharma says everything and everyone is Divine; whether you are Jada (inanimate) or Chaitanya (animate); whether movable or immovable, all is Divine".


'The whole universe is His mansion; all the countries are like the rooms in His mansion. But where does He spend most of His time? In the living room, that is India, the most decorated room!' 

Looking at the faces of the children, Swami feels very hopeful, positive and optimistic that there is a possibility to change this world. Swami is here mainly because of these children. But in the process all the devotees and onlookers also get benefited. Cow gives milk primarily for the calf but everybody else gets to drink the milk in the process. For Swami, these are the most important people! These are the VIPs of the place!

Recently, Swami had called a special session – first of its kind - for all the teachers and staff at Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, He was saying,

"My idea is not merely to educate the poor, needy or helpless children; make them good citizens, make them independent, make them stand on their two feet, look after themselves and their families. Not just that! My idea is that our children after getting their education should go to the nooks and corners of this country and spread this idea of spirituality".

But of course, before you teach spirituality, people need to have their food. As Vivekananda said you can't preach to an empty stomach! So we must help them gain employment, gain some respect and liberty and then you can teach them the higher truths of life. But that is the hope; that is the idea that Swami has about our education system, about all the children here.

Swami told, "Madiyal Narayan Bhat, in those days, saw the plight of the country, saw how our culture was deteriorating, how the onslaught of western ideas were killing the very basis of Indian culture. And it's only because we lost our culture, our tradition; we lost respect for our spirituality that we suffered under the foreign rule for almost 1500 years! It is because of our lack of respect for our own selves"

Today, Swami is trying to bring back that respect into the minds and hearts of people by saying 'I am proud I am an Indian. And why am I proud? Not because politically I belong to India. But because this is the country, this is the culture that's eternal, that follows Sanatana Dharma where God descends time and again and walks this earth and purifies the air by breathing it, sanctify the soil by walking on it. This is the country where I am also born'. So, it is beautiful.

Today, a group of devotees came for interview. Swami was asking, "You were in America before. Now you are in India. Which is better?" And the devotee said, "Swami! India is better anytime. Because it is our homeland, our holy land. This is where we belong. Above all, we are with Swami here. Can there be any place better than this?"

Swami then said, "You are blessed several times, first, because you are born as human being. Second, you are born in India; the mother of all civilizations, mother of all cultures. Third, you are born at a time when there is an Avatar! And more importantly, you are with that Avatar!"

That is the highest blessing. There are 7.7 billion people on earth. All don't have the proximity of Avatar. But a handful of us have got this opportunity. We are blessed four times! How proud, how happy, how excited, blissful you should be that this is an opportunity, the blessing that has come our way.

This does not mean that I feel any other country is any lesser. But I have seen a patriot in Swami. All said and done, He will sing the glory of India. He will say, 'The whole universe is My mansion; all the countries are like the rooms in My mansion', but where does He spend most of His time? In the living room, that is India, the most decorated room!


"The solution to the world's problem is to give every child the right kind of education. If he cannot afford it; make it affordable. If he cannot get it; make it accessible. If he cannot go to a school; let the school go to the child. This is how Swami is building these institutions."


Swami said our soldiers have sacrificed their lives but let their sacrifice not go waste. They are protecting us. Let us protect the country from inside. Let us protect our children. Swami gave three fundamental rights to children; Right to Food (Nutrition), Right to Health and Right to Education. Let us give this as a society. That is where the need is and that is where we have to make a change.

India was under constant attack; be it Persians, Afghans, Portuguese, British, Chinese. And we could never defend our borders. We are constantly failing to protect our country. We fought only when the problem came to our doorstep. We did not fight when the problem was at Delhi or elsewhere. As Indians, we were never thinking of each other. Most of our kings had surrendered or were paying taxes to the British by making their own people starve so that British could buy more arms and equipments and they could conquer more of India.

I heard a talk by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said there are two things that guide the Indian mind. I thought he will come up with a fantastic ancient noble concept. He said, "If anything has to happen, the first question we ask is Mera Kya? What will I get out of this? And if the answer is you won't get anything, it's for good of everyone; the next question is Mujhe Kya? Why should I bother? If there is nothing for me, I should not bother!" I felt it's so true! If the next door house is on fire, I still want to cover myself in blanket and sleep because fire has not yet come to my doorstep. When my house is on fire; then I will do something about it! That's where India has suffered continuously for 2000 years because we only thought about ourselves. This selfishness is what killed Indians and India. And if we don't give up that today, we will never reach that glorious, immortal India. Tyage Naike Amrutatva Manashuhu (Sacrifice alone confers immortality).

I am speaking all the more because my blood boils when our CRPF jawans are killed like this for no reason. The country needs a change. Who can make this change? Politicians cannot make this change. They can write policies but policies often fail because they don't get implemented. Only people who can bring about a change are Teachers and Students. There is no one else who can change this country. That's why Swami said, the solution to the world's problem is to give every child the right kind of education. If he cannot afford it; make it affordable. If he cannot get it; make it accessible. If he cannot go to a school; let the school go to the child. This is how Swami is building these institutions. Otherwise, why should He work so hard?

In Belgaum Bhoomi Pooja programme, Swami called a boy from the group of boys who were chanting Vedam on to the stage to speak. His name is Kencharya Poojari, an 8th grader from our Bijapur campus. This boy's parents are daily laborers. They must be up at 6 am and stand at the market place so they get some work for the day. They don't cook breakfast at all. There is no question of cooking because there was nothing to cook. If they get some labor, they will come back in the evening with some food as dinner. What happens to their children; four of them? They go to the Government school and they get the mid-day meal, the first meal of the day. Today, he is studying in our school and gets to eat four times a day. He says he never used to bathe, never used to brush. Just wake up, wear the school uniform and walk to the school. Today, he does Suprabhatam, goes for jogging, sports, yoga, brushing, bathing, wearing clean new clothes. He says, "Eega Nange Bisi Bisi Oota Sigutte!" (Now I get to eat hot food!) Earlier, the question was to get some food in the day. Today, he gets hot food, four times a day! It's a great privilege for that boy. Swami identified him and blessed him profusely. The boy said he will grow up and he wants to help more students like him with this kind of education.

In Gadag campus, there is a girl by name Geeta Nagroli. She spoke in Swami's presence. She is one among three daughters to her drunkard father who cared nothing about the family. Mother is the only breadwinner and she earns maximum Rs 100 per day by making Chapatis. They have a small farm land and nothing grows in it because there is no water. Fortunately, someone sponsored her bus ticket and brought her to write the entrance exam and that's how she got into Gadag campus. With so much of tears of gratitude she told, "Swami! What you have done for me, I can never repay you."

Then I felt it was worth fighting with all our so-called 'friends' to change the system to bring the poor, to bring the rural, to make teachers out of a student and not just doctors and engineers and all the other high paying jobs! I feel happy and satisfied today. This is the education that is spreading across Karnataka now and will spread to the whole of India. Just because we were not one of them, it does not mean people of that kind don't exist. There are plenty of them and this year we will have many more! Our teachers are working harder, to teach them from basics, from the very scratch. They will have to be taught to brush, to use a toilet! Our teachers are willing to work harder because Swami wants them to.

I used to tell my mother, why I should wear cheap forty rupees canvas shoes. I wanted Power and Action shoes which were big brands Pre-Globalization. They are nothing in front of today's Nike and Reebok. My mother would say, 'Thank God you have two legs. Forget about shoes, there are people who don't have legs.' I used to say, 'Mummy! You give such pessimistic ideas. You will never grow in life. You are so satisfied with whatever you have.' But today I know my mother was right. But as a child, I could not appreciate what she was saying.

Count your blessings. And count them again.


"To be with Me, do you really need education; degrees? If you have devotion; that is enough!"

When I finished B.Sc and M.Sc, I wanted to do something more because I did not want to leave Swami's institution. Swami, through a dream guided me to do MBA. I enjoyed two more years with Swami. After that I did not know how to keep myself still in Swami's attention. I didn't want to move out. I didn't want to become a staff or alumni so soon, I wanted to continue being a student as far as possible. At that time, there was a course called Indian Culture & Spirituality, a PG Diploma course. It was more subscribed to by those who wanted to continue as students when there were no other courses left; they used to take up this course to hang around with Swami more then learning about Indian culture. That was the brainchild of one of our Vice Chancellors. I also went with the application and sheepishly submitted to Swami, "I want to do PG Diploma course, Swami!". He said, "Aye! Go!"(rejecting the idea) and dissuaded me from doing the course. I thought that was the end of the road. Swami was not letting me continue as a student anymore. That was the end of my student life and all the privileges that I received; sitting in the front onwards to demanding anything from Swami, being everywhere wherever Swami goes (nobody stops you!). I understood that was going to go. I felt very sad for it.

On Trayee Day 2003, I was in Brindavan. Swami came out of Trayee Brindavan; saw the decorations we had put up on the lawns. Swami asked me what I want to do next. So, I said, "I want to be at Your feet and serve You". Swami said, "No, go out and take up a job and serve parents." He called Dr. Padmanabhan who used to walk behind Him and told him, "This boy is a Gold Medalist. He is first class; first in MBA. He will get a very good job in Bangalore or Chennai" and asked me to go and join a job. My heart was breaking. I continued, "Swami! But I want to be with You only!" And He said, "No! Go, serve your parents. Take up a job. You will get Rs. 20,000/- salary." He did not entertain me any further.

On May 6, 2003, it was Eshwaramma Day. I had done the painting of Eshwaramma and Pedda Venkama Raju; Swami's parents. In the evening, Swami called me into Trayee Brindavan. I jumped from my place outside and ran straight into Swami's bungalow. Both the paintings were in the Central Hall of Trayee. Swami was sitting there with other devotees looking at the paintings. When I entered, He asked me if I painted those. I said, "You only have done Swami", the standard reply that we all give. And He said, "I will not do such bad painting!" (Laughter) I had to swallow my word. Then He went close to the painting, started observing. You have spoilt the face of my father! He started finding faults in front of so many people. I was feeling embarrassed. Then He turned around and told, "Paapam! He has not seen them. That is why whatever is his imagination, He has done!" He sweetly covered up for all the scolding. He sat on the chair. I sat near His feet. And then He asked me, "What did you study?" I said, I studied B.Sc. And then did MBA. Our Narasimha Murthy Sir was there. He could not keep quiet. He said he has done M.Sc. also in between. Swami asked, "Why did you study so much?" I said, "I want to stay closer to You". I studied all kinds of courses! B.Sc was in Biology; M.Sc. was in Chemistry and MBA, altogether different. Then Swami said, "To be with Me, do you really need education, degrees? If you have Bhakti (Devotion); that is enough!" (Applause) That's a big lesson. Education is literally an excuse to be with Swami. You could get educated anywhere. Value Based Education is also an excuse because there are institutions here and there in pockets where value based education is being given. Free education is also an excuse. There are also institutions where free education is given some way or the other. But there is one thing no educational institution has. And that is Swami. And that alone is our USP, the differentiating factor! Everything else can be replicated some way or the other. This one thing of having Swami with us cannot be replicated anywhere. It has to happen where Swami is.

Earlier Swami used to say, I spend 80% of time thinking about students. This was an often quoted sentence everywhere. But today, I can tell you with my experience of being with Him, He spends 100% of time only thinking about students. This is the background of our privileged opportunity. If you can extend even one day of your stay with Swami, in any of His institutions anywhere, let me assure you from my personal experience, that one day is worth wasting a year elsewhere. I passed, stayed for six more months begging Him to take me into His institutions. Ultimately, I had to take up a job because Swami was very insistent. I went, took up a job and the rest is history. I came back in a roundabout way.

I wanted to share that this opportunity will not come again, not in this lifetime; not in lifetimes thereafter.


'Everywhere else, exceptions are exceptions and normal is normal. In our mission, normal has become an exception and exceptions have become normal.'

In Muddenahalli campus, we have Science, Commerce and Arts (Pre University) streams. In Gulbarga, we will have Science and Arts. In Jayapura, we will just have Science this year. We already have Science and Arts at Nallakadirenahalli. In future, Swami has plans to start more Pre University colleges. A day will come when every campus will grow into a Pre University college also.

You think all this is easy? Swami made me work in Gulbarga campus and I thought that I had atoned for all the sins of all my previous births by working so hard in the hot weather of Gulbarga. I could not eat the food there which was so spicy. I was not used to it. Every day it was Anna-Rasam and Anna-Sambar! There was no vegetable, no chapathi. The cooks would run away every now and then. And then we had to borrow a cook who would actually be a cycle repair shop person! So in our desperate hour if need he becomes the cook next day and starts cooking whatever comes to his head. That is how Gulbarga campus started. We lived in the tin shed. And in the basement of the building and ate whatever was available.

Swami put me there after 6 years of cozy life in Bangalore. I had a huge house to myself. I had two cars to drive thanks to private banking which is a very privileged kind of a job. It's like a show business. We were always dressed in the most expensive attire, always driving good cars, wearing costly watches, and sitting in air-conditioned rooms and meeting only the rich and the richer.

From there, Swami suddenly put me into Gulbarga; hot, humid, dusty and we had wild boars visiting in the night. But Swami wanted to start the campus desperately and we did that. And I finished whatever work I had to do and came back to Muddenahalli. I thought that was it and Swami was not going to ask me to do anything any further.

But soon He started with Mandya, Jayapura. Now, if we say we are not doing anything, people will be surprised. The 'new normal' is to open three or four campuses every year. If four campuses don't start, we feel something is wrong with us! That is how it has become. Everywhere else, exceptions are exceptions and normal is normal. In our mission, normal has become an exception and exceptions have become normal. All the time, there are miracles or exceptions happening. That is how Swami's mission is growing. And we are all adjusted to this now.

I came back from Gulbarga. I was devastated and was thinking I cannot do this kind of work anymore. I always wanted to serve Swami as long as it was to be a cozy job; sit in office, sign a few papers and give some instructions and feel good about it. I never wanted to stand in the hot sun and do these things and eat that kind of food.

I was going to Anandam one day. I went to Madiyala Narayana Bhat's statue which is in the entrance and did a customary Namaskar. Immediately, a thought came in my mind. 'Boss! All this is your fault. You are the one who gave this idea to Swami' (Laughter). Had he not thought about it, we all would have been much comfortable. We also could have done some Bhajan nicely, eaten Prasadam at the end and felt we were great spiritual people; wouldn't have spent a minute in service. We would have felt happy about just being associated with Swami. That's what most people do. 'I came here, got stuck. Where do I go now?' This is how I was complaining to the statue of Madiyala Narayana Bhat. To my surprise, he popped out of the statue and was standing right next to me. I have had many such experiences. By now, you all know that these things are true. There are many dimensions. People don't really die. So, he just appeared. I asked him, "Who is going to do all this work? You gave the idea and left!" And he replied back, "You do it!" I thought why should I do it? It's none of my business. I was still a very outsider to this whole Alike-Muddenahalli system; the whole idea of education. I thought I would keep coming from Bangalore once in a while, give instructions to Narasimha Murthy Sir, wash off my hands and go back to Bangalore and let Narasimha Murthy Sir deal with whatever happens.

Then Swami asked me to come and stay in Muddenahalli and that He would give me a room here. That's how He shifted me to Muddenahalli and then whatever happened, you all know about it.

Why I am sharing this is because even I was as unprepared as you. I also wanted to serve Swami but within my comfort zones. I wanted to become a doctor, join a big corporate hospital, get a seven figure salary and yes, once in a while come for a medical camp, distribute few medicines and go back and feel good about being Swami's student. Or I would take up any other profession and once in a while, do 'cheque seva', write a cheque, the easiest thing to do! Most don't want to be called for any village seva or any other activity. Conveniently they just give a cheque, miniscule of whatever they are earning.

But Swami wanted people right here, on the ground, on the battlefield, not sit and give some instructions from the ivory towers. He did not know where to look for. He looked for such people in the devotee crowd and He was disappointed. He did not find too many devotees who were ready to do this kind of hard work. Then He looked towards the alumni. And again He did not find too many of them who were ready to do such hard work. They were appreciative, social media bloggers but they were not ready to come and work in the hot sun. So who was going to build these institutions, campuses? All devotees were not coming; all the alumni were not coming. Then He thought He must build a new breed of students. 'I must create a new tribe of students and these would be the students who would work shoulder to shoulder with Me and they would be the ones who would forego all the comforts and conveniences. They are to be the ones who would put aside their individual likes and dislikes and will take up this larger task of bringing more light and love to the lives of so many deprived'. This is what He decided and started Sri Sathya Sai Center for Human Excellence, as you all know, in 2014-15!


'People thought Alike-Muddenahalli campuses were launch pads, springboards! If you sit on that, you will get launched into a Medical/Engineering college. You can imagine the plight of Madiyala Narayana Bhat who had started these institutions with a different idea altogether' 

When Swami came to Muddenahalli, the first thing He did was to abolish fees! Swami told if you charge fees, you may call it Narayan Rao Institution or Narasimha Murthy Institution but don't call it Sathya Sai Institution. He took the risk. Institutions were in debts of several lakhs of rupees! The mountain of debt was like Mount Everest. There were only two institutions. That is when I had arrived here and noticed what was going on. At that juncture, Swami said, remove the fee! Some said, 'First you pay the debts, then we will remove the fees!' It is to the credit of Narasimha Murthy Sir; he put his foot down and said we will remove the fees. As a result, few of our friends left us saying, 'What nonsense! They have gone mad. They have gone insane. They don't even know where to pay their debts from and they have the audacity to remove the fee in the name of Sai Baba who is supposed to be here in the subtle form!' Lot of friends left the same day. I was also a part of that meeting.

Then Swami started doing things. After removing the fees, Swami said, "Let us not simply keep coaching children for Medical and Engineering. This whole thing is madness." Only Medical/Engineering was all that existed in this system. Swami said there are other streams also. We must make Teachers, Lawyers, Accountants and others out of them. It should be balanced. Society does not run only on Medical and Engineering. We have Fine Arts, Literature; we must provide more opportunities. The very first fear was if Swami says we are removing Coaching Classes for Medical/Engineering, most of the 10th class students will not join Pre University here. And we were right. Next year, nobody wanted to join the Pre University College here. They thought that if there were no Coaching Classes, we don't want to join here. They thought Alike-Muddenahalli campuses were launch pads, springboards! If you sit on that, you will get launched into a Medical/Engineering college. That's all everybody thought about Alike-Muddenahalli. You can imagine the plight of Madiyala Narayana Bhat who had started these institutions with a different idea altogether, to take education to rural children and suddenly you see the whole institution in 40 years had gone somewhere else.

It's like our nation today. Our freedom fighters got themselves killed, butchered by the British believing that there will be a future, a new India where people will breathe free air, will have liberty, human rights; they will have privileges to get educated, they will have access to healthcare, that no one will know hunger and poverty; everybody will be happy and healthy. They dreamt like that. So, these Bhagat Singhs and Sukhdevs and Netajis (Indian freedom fighters) and everybody else just jumped in and got killed. If they suddenly come out of their graves and see what India is today, what would be their reaction you think? They would slap their heads and lament, 'Is this the India for which we got killed? Is this the India for which we went and fought and took on the British? We thought India would be better'.

Unfortunately, over a period of time people don't carry the original message of the founder. Things get deviated. They take the easier way. Swami said, "Stop! We are not going to conduct these Coaching classes!" First year, we ourselves, most of us could not accept this. But next year, Swami insisted and we had no choice but to change it. And the result, we had only 65 students in Pre University in Muddenahalli which used to be brimming with 120 earlier! The number fell to half because we changed the concept. You must understand, changing the culture is a very difficult thing. But Swami was working on an idea.

Next, Swami said, "Now that we have achieved this, next year onwards, take only the rural poor!" Whatever remaining friends were there, they also left! They said this is too much! They thought, with rich people's children (who can pay a hefty fee); we don't have to worry about running the institutions. We would somehow train all these children and get them into Medical/Engineering colleges so that their parents will be happy and come and fall at our feet. The institution will get awards and rewards everywhere and the names of the achievers would come in the newspapers. That is the idea with which everybody lived. But suddenly when Swami said take rural poor, they said rural poor don't even know how to brush or take bath! They don't know A, B, C, D.. If we take them in, we would be ruining the institution. The whole image of the institution that was built over 40 years as the most credible launch pad for NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) and CET (Common Entrance Test) to get into best Medical/Engineering colleges of the country, will be destroyed in no time. And who is going to sit and work on these children? Who is going to take extra classes for them? They would be all duds!! So, everybody wanted an easy way out.

Swami put His foot down and said, "NO! This is what Madiyala Narayana Bhat wanted; this is what I want. This is how our education system should be!"

And Swami changed the whole philosophy in two years to prioritize the rural poor! Swami struggled to bring this change. First year, we tried and we ended up with lot of students who were neither poor nor rural. But they had certificates from rural schools and poverty card!

Swami then said, "You go into the rural parts, you search for your students and bring them! 50% of the class should be rural poor". That is the philosophy which Swami started last year. But in the last four to five years, elders and others understood what was in Swami's heart. But it took us five years to understand what He wanted from us. And so the result is that now we have more of rural poor!

Why I am saying it is important, is because I was poor too. I am not 'rural' per se. I was from small town and I was a poor boy. I can say this to you without any shame or embarrassment. My mother was the only breadwinner and her monthly salary won't be more than five thousand rupees after 25 years in the Government service. We will get new clothes once in a year. If we get shirt for birthday, pant will come in Diwali. That is how we managed to celebrate. I also wanted to be a Medical doctor. I had big dreams. I went for coaching classes, paid through the nose. My mother had borrowed from her friends to pay for it. But then the call came from Swami's institution. One Swami's darshan and I forgot about the Medical degree.

I just wanted to share why this Mission of Swami is close to my heart because I am somebody who has come from that background. When Swami says He would even give free soap, free toothbrush, free toothpaste; some may wonder if it is necessary. But let me tell you it is necessary. Because when I was a student, I could not afford a bathing soap every time. If my mother has not sent me a Money Order (MO), which is Rs. 150/- for that month, I would use washing soap to bathe because washing soap would be costing three rupees and bathing soap would be seven rupees, even if it was the most economical soap! Today we have PayPal, RTGS, and NEFT. But that time it was only MO! The money would be deposited in Chhattisgarh Post Office; it would get passed on to the Post Office in Kadugodi (Whitefield); then the postman would come and deliver me the cash. If there was a delay in the money reaching my hands, I would not have any money. I remember I had borrowed ten rupees from my friend which I was not able to repay, and if I saw him coming from this side of the corridor, I would exit from the other side of the corridor because I did not know how to pay the ten rupees back! Our teachers would say Swami is giving you free education; you should at least invest in books. A Chemistry text book would cost Rs. 250/- which is two months of my rationed resources! I never bought text books. I would write notes as much as possible and take photocopies. It was cheaper. This is the life I lived in Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning; where my Education fee was anyway not there. If we had to go to Puttaparthi (from Brindavan campus) for festivals, I had to pay Rs. 300/- for the bus charge! We had to pay after returning from the trip and I would not be able to pay it. My monthly pocket money was Rs. 150/- and I cannot tell it to anyone. Sometimes, my name would appear on the notice board. All those who had not paid, their names would appear on the notice board. It was so embarrassing. It is good for those who have money and don't want to pay. But those that did not have the money, where should they go and hide? I would sheepishly go and tell that I don't have the money and would pay it next month for the name to be removed.

When we started taking the rural poor, people said they cannot pay hostel fees. We asked Swami what to do? Swami said, "I will pay!" Then we asked Swami, some are not able to even pay the Personal Expenses (which comes up to Rs. 7000/-). What to do? Swami said, "They don't have Rs. 300/- to take a bus ticket to come to the campus, what are you asking 7000 from them? How will they pay? I will pay that also!"

That's how Madiyala Narayana Bhat Scholarship (MNBS) scheme came into existence. MNBS means come with one pair of dress! That is what MNBS scheme is! (Thunderous Applause) Just come with whatever is on your body. Just walk into the institution. Your only qualification is that you are poor and you cannot afford education. Which institute in the world will do this? Even Puttaparthi, Brindavan, Anantapur campuses did not do this! May be some teachers who knew us personally met our expenses.

All I am saying is that it is a great vision that Swami is working on and some of us are direct beneficiaries. Some of us perhaps don't need this free education. We can afford to probably pay three lakh fees in huge International, Global, and World schools! But the truth is that this is the mission where Swami wants us all. Therefore, strengthen your abilities, courage and conviction! Even after your studentship gets over, you may get into any profession; but you cannot turn your back towards this idea of redeeming this nation through our sacrifices.

In Pulwama, a vehicle loaded with explosives bumps into our CRPF truck and kills 40 people. We can die for the nation but we can also take the route of living for the nation by doing our best. While our soldiers protect our borders, and we have great gratitude for their courage and conviction, we should not let their sacrifices go waste.


'Because we lost pride in our culture and spirituality, we were attacked by Tom, Dick and Harry! Everybody from the world attacked us because we did not have any pride in our own culture.'

I watched this movie called 'Uri: The Surgical Strike'. How many of you have watched? I must recommend this because this is a movie about how the soldiers were attacked in Kashmir when they were sleeping in the early hours by terrorists from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and how India avenged the attack with Surgical Strikes. Everybody should watch this movie because children here do watch movies in the weekend. Probably, this movie will make a lot of sense to you. Look at the struggle. They are all sleeping and somebody attacks and they are dead. They can't even defend themselves. So many people are sacrificing their lives for this country.

When I saw this movie, I understood what Swami said. While the soldiers are protecting our borders, inside, the country is getting worse day after day. What is the use of sacrificing one's life at the borders and boundaries if nothing good is happening inside the country; if people are still hungry, starving, struggling, lying, cheating, and hurting? Yes, we have to protect the borders. But what are you protecting at the end? There should be something inside. There is a box and you are protecting the box because there is jewellery inside it. Would you get killed for empty box? You don't! The spirituality, the tradition and culture of India is the jewellery which is valuable inside that box. Our soldiers are fighting to protect this box of this country. But we have a role to play, to protect this culture and the spirituality. Wherever you go, don't shy away from the culture of this land. There is a way we dress, the way we eat, the way we worship; all this is part of our culture. Let us be proud of it. Because we lost pride in our culture and spirituality, we were attacked by Tom, Dick and Harry! Everybody from the world attacked us because we did not have any pride in our own culture. We were made to believe everything that is western and modern is worth it; everything that is Indian and traditional is to be discarded. That is where we landed up where we are.

There is another beautiful movie that has come; 'Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi'. Please show these movies to our children on the patriotic side. A little dose of patriotism is a must for our students. But patriotism with a difference! The soldiers get killed to save us. We will not let their sacrifices go waste. We will protect the country from inside and ensure that our country is prosperous, peaceful, and harmonious; people are loyal, truthful, and brotherly. This, as Swami's students, we will ensure while the soldiers fight at the border for protecting us. That is the idea of spiritual patriotism.

Some of you here may know Prof. D S Habbu who was in Prasanthi Nilayam. He was a freedom fighter who had worked shoulder to shoulder with Mahatma Gandhi. He became a Swami's devotee and came to teach in Puttaparthi voluntarily. Now he is no more. Somebody like him who had struggled in the freedom fight and had really seen ups and downs of India ultimately reached Swami's proximity said, "I have worked with so many freedom fighters. But I have not seen a patriot greater than Swami." This is the word from somebody who had seen the country grow from where it was to where it is! Swami may not be standing near the border and fighting. He is not ruling the country as the Chief Minister or the Prime Minister. But what He is doing for this country by keeping up the culture and spirituality of this country is what is protecting the country, of course after feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, after sheltering the homeless. There is no greater patriot than Swami but with a difference. He is a spiritual patriot! That is the idea with which we must run this country and look after our people. That is uppermost on my mind.

Swami said, "I salute the soldiers and I also salute the saints of this country, because both are important to protect this country!"

I'm giving a tip. If you ever want Swami to spend more time in the interview room, ever if He calls you, just ask Him a bit about India and Indian spirituality; and He will go on and on and on! He loves the audience who loves to listen about India and its culture! That is Swami's heart at the core of it. His heart beats for India. It may not be wrong to say though He is God; He is more of an Indian God than a Universal God because His heart is Indian.


'A child is interested in playing. As they grow a little more, they are interested in the other half of the world and their attention is all there. Then they grow a little older and then they are full of worries. Unfortunately, nobody has the time to think about God.'


To be truthful, I am mighty impressed that these many students have decided not to play games out there or just chat away freely or even study for the exams which are round the corner but to come for a satsang.

I am really impressed because I remember, way back in 2012 when we were in Gulbarga, the campus had just begun and I still had the freedom of being a nobody; I could roam around wherever I wanted. At that point in time, I went to Gulbarga campus because Swami was coming on June 24th for the opening of the basement of the building where we were planning to shift all the children who were staying in a Government hostel till then outside the campus. Everyday They would come from their hostel to the tin shed of a school. On that occasion, I was there before hand when things were not as ceremonious as they are today. Swami would just be there and I would know He was there and probably the only other person who knew was Narasimha Murthy Sir. And the rest of the world just believed that like we keep a chair for Swami everywhere, Swami must be there!

I was trying to help the students who had just joined with a small music programme , basically teaching bhajans and vedam for the opening day. There was one boy from Muddenahalli campus, his name was Vinayak and I can't forget him because he taught me an important lesson. Vinayak was in 8th class. I caught the students after the school got over and I told them that among them those who could sing well would be taught bhajans. I got hold of an old harmonium which was lying there and took 10 to 12 boys and started teaching bhajans. Vinayak knew bhajans because he was from Muddenahalli campus. He took a transfer to Gulbarga because he wanted to study closer to his home so that his parents could visit him more often and he was comfortable in that place. I told Vinayak, "You already know how to sing bhajans, so you must be part of this group. You should lead the bhajans and all the other children can follow". Very reluctantly he came. I took out the harmonium and started teaching very simple bhajans so that they could learn and quickly repeat it after Vinayak. As we were singing bhajans, Vinayak started shedding tears. I thought probably he is so very devoted that by chanting God's name, tears are rolling down his cheeks!! After sometime the silent tears turned into loud sobs. I thought may be the devotion is growing! (laughter) After sometime, he started crying bitterly! Then I had to stop the practice and ask him if everything is okay? He said he was okay. Then I called him close and asked him "why are you crying?" He said, "Anna! I want to go and play!" (laughter) He must have been thinking in his mind, 'Stop torturing me with this bhajan training. All my friends are playing out there. Please relieve me!'

'Balastavat Kreeda Sakthah Tarunastavat Taruneesakthah Vriddhastavat Chintasaktah Parame Brahmani Kopi Na Sakthah', lamented Adi Shankaracharya around 1200 years ago! A child is interested in playing. As they grow a little more, they are interested in the other half of the world and they start getting interested and their attention is all there. They don't need anything else. Then they grow a little older and then they are full of worries - pain in the joints, backaches and blood pressure. Unfortunately, nobody has the time to think about God.

I saw it practically demonstrated that day by Vinayak. I had never worked with children before that. I had to allow him to go. The moment I relieved Vinayak, you can imagine what was happening with the other students. They were all looking at each other's face and my face as if asking, "Can we also go?!"

That was one evening, way back in 2012 when children wanted to play and not to be taught bhajans. And this is an evening in 2019, where children have sacrificed their games and sat here listening to this talk. I am really impressed. This was not a compulsory session. They are not going to get some extra marks for attending this talk session. This is the transformation Swami is bringing about in our country; little children thinking about God, interested in talks about God, interested in good things and not just spending away their time carelessly. When there is an opportunity like this, if the children think that this is greater than the opportunity of playing sports or leisure; then I am sure they have understood the value of things in life. That should make us very happy.


"The solution to the world's problem is to give every child the right kind of education. If he cannot afford it; make it affordable. If he cannot get it; make it accessible. If he cannot go to a school; let the school go to the child. This is how Swami is building these institutions."


Swami said our soldiers have sacrificed their lives but let their sacrifice not go waste. They are protecting us. Let us protect the country from inside. Let us protect our children. Swami gave three fundamental rights to children; Right to Food (Nutrition), Right to Health and Right to Education. Let us give this as a society. That is where the need is and that is where we have to make a change.

India was under constant attack; be it Persians, Afghans, Portuguese, British, Chinese. And we could never defend our borders. We are constantly failing to protect our country. We fought only when the problem came to our doorstep. We did not fight when the problem was at Delhi or elsewhere. As Indians, we were never thinking of each other. Most of our kings had surrendered or were paying taxes to the British by making their own people starve so that British could buy more arms and equipments and they could conquer more of India.

I heard a talk by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said there are two things that guide the Indian mind. I thought he will come up with a fantastic ancient noble concept. He said, "If anything has to happen, the first question we ask is Mera Kya? What will I get out of this? And if the answer is you won't get anything, it's for good of everyone; the next question is Mujhe Kya? Why should I bother? If there is nothing for me, I should not bother!" I felt it's so true! If the next door house is on fire, I still want to cover myself in blanket and sleep because fire has not yet come to my doorstep. When my house is on fire; then I will do something about it! That's where India has suffered continuously for 2000 years because we only thought about ourselves. This selfishness is what killed Indians and India. And if we don't give up that today, we will never reach that glorious, immortal India. Tyage Naike Amrutatva Manashuhu (Sacrifice alone confers immortality).

I am speaking all the more because my blood boils when our CRPF jawans are killed like this for no reason. The country needs a change. Who can make this change? Politicians cannot make this change. They can write policies but policies often fail because they don't get implemented. Only people who can bring about a change are Teachers and Students. There is no one else who can change this country. That's why Swami said, the solution to the world's problem is to give every child the right kind of education. If he cannot afford it; make it affordable. If he cannot get it; make it accessible. If he cannot go to a school; let the school go to the child. This is how Swami is building these institutions. Otherwise, why should He work so hard?

In Belgaum Bhoomi Pooja programme, Swami called a boy from the group of boys who were chanting Vedam on to the stage to speak. His name is Kencharya Poojari, an 8th grader from our Bijapur campus. This boy's parents are daily laborers. They must be up at 6 am and stand at the market place so they get some work for the day. They don't cook breakfast at all. There is no question of cooking because there was nothing to cook. If they get some labor, they will come back in the evening with some food as dinner. What happens to their children; four of them? They go to the Government school and they get the mid-day meal, the first meal of the day. Today, he is studying in our school and gets to eat four times a day. He says he never used to bathe, never used to brush. Just wake up, wear the school uniform and walk to the school. Today, he does Suprabhatam, goes for jogging, sports, yoga, brushing, bathing, wearing clean new clothes. He says, "Eega Nange Bisi Bisi Oota Sigutte!" (Now I get to eat hot food!) Earlier, the question was to get some food in the day. Today, he gets hot food, four times a day! It's a great privilege for that boy. Swami identified him and blessed him profusely. The boy said he will grow up and he wants to help more students like him with this kind of education.

In Gadag campus, there is a girl by name Geeta Nagroli. She spoke in Swami's presence. She is one among three daughters to her drunkard father who cared nothing about the family. Mother is the only breadwinner and she earns maximum Rs 100 per day by making Chapatis. They have a small farm land and nothing grows in it because there is no water. Fortunately, someone sponsored her bus ticket and brought her to write the entrance exam and that's how she got into Gadag campus. With so much of tears of gratitude she told, "Swami! What you have done for me, I can never repay you."

Then I felt it was worth fighting with all our so-called 'friends' to change the system to bring the poor, to bring the rural, to make teachers out of a student and not just doctors and engineers and all the other high paying jobs! I feel happy and satisfied today. This is the education that is spreading across Karnataka now and will spread to the whole of India. Just because we were not one of them, it does not mean people of that kind don't exist. There are plenty of them and this year we will have many more! Our teachers are working harder, to teach them from basics, from the very scratch. They will have to be taught to brush, to use a toilet! Our teachers are willing to work harder because Swami wants them to.

I used to tell my mother, why I should wear cheap forty rupees canvas shoes. I wanted Power and Action shoes which were big brands Pre-Globalization. They are nothing in front of today's Nike and Reebok. My mother would say, 'Thank God you have two legs. Forget about shoes, there are people who don't have legs.' I used to say, 'Mummy! You give such pessimistic ideas. You will never grow in life. You are so satisfied with whatever you have.' But today I know my mother was right. But as a child, I could not appreciate what she was saying.

Count your blessings. And count them again.


"To be with Me, do you really need education; degrees? If you have devotion; that is enough!"

When I finished B.Sc and M.Sc, I wanted to do something more because I did not want to leave Swami's institution. Swami, through a dream guided me to do MBA. I enjoyed two more years with Swami. After that I did not know how to keep myself still in Swami's attention. I didn't want to move out. I didn't want to become a staff or alumni so soon, I wanted to continue being a student as far as possible. At that time, there was a course called Indian Culture & Spirituality, a PG Diploma course. It was more subscribed to by those who wanted to continue as students when there were no other courses left; they used to take up this course to hang around with Swami more then learning about Indian culture. That was the brainchild of one of our Vice Chancellors. I also went with the application and sheepishly submitted to Swami, "I want to do PG Diploma course, Swami!". He said, "Aye! Go!"(rejecting the idea) and dissuaded me from doing the course. I thought that was the end of the road. Swami was not letting me continue as a student anymore. That was the end of my student life and all the privileges that I received; sitting in the front onwards to demanding anything from Swami, being everywhere wherever Swami goes (nobody stops you!). I understood that was going to go. I felt very sad for it.

On Trayee Day 2003, I was in Brindavan. Swami came out of Trayee Brindavan; saw the decorations we had put up on the lawns. Swami asked me what I want to do next. So, I said, "I want to be at Your feet and serve You". Swami said, "No, go out and take up a job and serve parents." He called Dr. Padmanabhan who used to walk behind Him and told him, "This boy is a Gold Medalist. He is first class; first in MBA. He will get a very good job in Bangalore or Chennai" and asked me to go and join a job. My heart was breaking. I continued, "Swami! But I want to be with You only!" And He said, "No! Go, serve your parents. Take up a job. You will get Rs. 20,000/- salary." He did not entertain me any further.

On May 6, 2003, it was Eshwaramma Day. I had done the painting of Eshwaramma and Pedda Venkama Raju; Swami's parents. In the evening, Swami called me into Trayee Brindavan. I jumped from my place outside and ran straight into Swami's bungalow. Both the paintings were in the Central Hall of Trayee. Swami was sitting there with other devotees looking at the paintings. When I entered, He asked me if I painted those. I said, "You only have done Swami", the standard reply that we all give. And He said, "I will not do such bad painting!" (Laughter) I had to swallow my word. Then He went close to the painting, started observing. You have spoilt the face of my father! He started finding faults in front of so many people. I was feeling embarrassed. Then He turned around and told, "Paapam! He has not seen them. That is why whatever is his imagination, He has done!" He sweetly covered up for all the scolding. He sat on the chair. I sat near His feet. And then He asked me, "What did you study?" I said, I studied B.Sc. And then did MBA. Our Narasimha Murthy Sir was there. He could not keep quiet. He said he has done M.Sc. also in between. Swami asked, "Why did you study so much?" I said, "I want to stay closer to You". I studied all kinds of courses! B.Sc was in Biology; M.Sc. was in Chemistry and MBA, altogether different. Then Swami said, "To be with Me, do you really need education, degrees? If you have Bhakti (Devotion); that is enough!" (Applause) That's a big lesson. Education is literally an excuse to be with Swami. You could get educated anywhere. Value Based Education is also an excuse because there are institutions here and there in pockets where value based education is being given. Free education is also an excuse. There are also institutions where free education is given some way or the other. But there is one thing no educational institution has. And that is Swami. And that alone is our USP, the differentiating factor! Everything else can be replicated some way or the other. This one thing of having Swami with us cannot be replicated anywhere. It has to happen where Swami is.

Earlier Swami used to say, I spend 80% of time thinking about students. This was an often quoted sentence everywhere. But today, I can tell you with my experience of being with Him, He spends 100% of time only thinking about students. This is the background of our privileged opportunity. If you can extend even one day of your stay with Swami, in any of His institutions anywhere, let me assure you from my personal experience, that one day is worth wasting a year elsewhere. I passed, stayed for six more months begging Him to take me into His institutions. Ultimately, I had to take up a job because Swami was very insistent. I went, took up a job and the rest is history. I came back in a roundabout way.

I wanted to share that this opportunity will not come again, not in this lifetime; not in lifetimes thereafter.


'Everywhere else, exceptions are exceptions and normal is normal. In our mission, normal has become an exception and exceptions have become normal.'

In Muddenahalli campus, we have Science, Commerce and Arts (Pre University) streams. In Gulbarga, we will have Science and Arts. In Jayapura, we will just have Science this year. We already have Science and Arts at Nallakadirenahalli. In future, Swami has plans to start more Pre University colleges. A day will come when every campus will grow into a Pre University college also.

You think all this is easy? Swami made me work in Gulbarga campus and I thought that I had atoned for all the sins of all my previous births by working so hard in the hot weather of Gulbarga. I could not eat the food there which was so spicy. I was not used to it. Every day it was Anna-Rasam and Anna-Sambar! There was no vegetable, no chapathi. The cooks would run away every now and then. And then we had to borrow a cook who would actually be a cycle repair shop person! So in our desperate hour if need he becomes the cook next day and starts cooking whatever comes to his head. That is how Gulbarga campus started. We lived in the tin shed. And in the basement of the building and ate whatever was available.

Swami put me there after 6 years of cozy life in Bangalore. I had a huge house to myself. I had two cars to drive thanks to private banking which is a very privileged kind of a job. It's like a show business. We were always dressed in the most expensive attire, always driving good cars, wearing costly watches, and sitting in air-conditioned rooms and meeting only the rich and the richer.

From there, Swami suddenly put me into Gulbarga; hot, humid, dusty and we had wild boars visiting in the night. But Swami wanted to start the campus desperately and we did that. And I finished whatever work I had to do and came back to Muddenahalli. I thought that was it and Swami was not going to ask me to do anything any further.

But soon He started with Mandya, Jayapura. Now, if we say we are not doing anything, people will be surprised. The 'new normal' is to open three or four campuses every year. If four campuses don't start, we feel something is wrong with us! That is how it has become. Everywhere else, exceptions are exceptions and normal is normal. In our mission, normal has become an exception and exceptions have become normal. All the time, there are miracles or exceptions happening. That is how Swami's mission is growing. And we are all adjusted to this now.

I came back from Gulbarga. I was devastated and was thinking I cannot do this kind of work anymore. I always wanted to serve Swami as long as it was to be a cozy job; sit in office, sign a few papers and give some instructions and feel good about it. I never wanted to stand in the hot sun and do these things and eat that kind of food.

I was going to Anandam one day. I went to Madiyala Narayana Bhat's statue which is in the entrance and did a customary Namaskar. Immediately, a thought came in my mind. 'Boss! All this is your fault. You are the one who gave this idea to Swami' (Laughter). Had he not thought about it, we all would have been much comfortable. We also could have done some Bhajan nicely, eaten Prasadam at the end and felt we were great spiritual people; wouldn't have spent a minute in service. We would have felt happy about just being associated with Swami. That's what most people do. 'I came here, got stuck. Where do I go now?' This is how I was complaining to the statue of Madiyala Narayana Bhat. To my surprise, he popped out of the statue and was standing right next to me. I have had many such experiences. By now, you all know that these things are true. There are many dimensions. People don't really die. So, he just appeared. I asked him, "Who is going to do all this work? You gave the idea and left!" And he replied back, "You do it!" I thought why should I do it? It's none of my business. I was still a very outsider to this whole Alike-Muddenahalli system; the whole idea of education. I thought I would keep coming from Bangalore once in a while, give instructions to Narasimha Murthy Sir, wash off my hands and go back to Bangalore and let Narasimha Murthy Sir deal with whatever happens.

Then Swami asked me to come and stay in Muddenahalli and that He would give me a room here. That's how He shifted me to Muddenahalli and then whatever happened, you all know about it.

Why I am sharing this is because even I was as unprepared as you. I also wanted to serve Swami but within my comfort zones. I wanted to become a doctor, join a big corporate hospital, get a seven figure salary and yes, once in a while come for a medical camp, distribute few medicines and go back and feel good about being Swami's student. Or I would take up any other profession and once in a while, do 'cheque seva', write a cheque, the easiest thing to do! Most don't want to be called for any village seva or any other activity. Conveniently they just give a cheque, miniscule of whatever they are earning.

But Swami wanted people right here, on the ground, on the battlefield, not sit and give some instructions from the ivory towers. He did not know where to look for. He looked for such people in the devotee crowd and He was disappointed. He did not find too many devotees who were ready to do this kind of hard work. Then He looked towards the alumni. And again He did not find too many of them who were ready to do such hard work. They were appreciative, social media bloggers but they were not ready to come and work in the hot sun. So who was going to build these institutions, campuses? All devotees were not coming; all the alumni were not coming. Then He thought He must build a new breed of students. 'I must create a new tribe of students and these would be the students who would work shoulder to shoulder with Me and they would be the ones who would forego all the comforts and conveniences. They are to be the ones who would put aside their individual likes and dislikes and will take up this larger task of bringing more light and love to the lives of so many deprived'. This is what He decided and started Sri Sathya Sai Center for Human Excellence, as you all know, in 2014-15!


'People thought Alike-Muddenahalli campuses were launch pads, springboards! If you sit on that, you will get launched into a Medical/Engineering college. You can imagine the plight of Madiyala Narayana Bhat who had started these institutions with a different idea altogether' 

When Swami came to Muddenahalli, the first thing He did was to abolish fees! Swami told if you charge fees, you may call it Narayan Rao Institution or Narasimha Murthy Institution but don't call it Sathya Sai Institution. He took the risk. Institutions were in debts of several lakhs of rupees! The mountain of debt was like Mount Everest. There were only two institutions. That is when I had arrived here and noticed what was going on. At that juncture, Swami said, remove the fee! Some said, 'First you pay the debts, then we will remove the fees!' It is to the credit of Narasimha Murthy Sir; he put his foot down and said we will remove the fees. As a result, few of our friends left us saying, 'What nonsense! They have gone mad. They have gone insane. They don't even know where to pay their debts from and they have the audacity to remove the fee in the name of Sai Baba who is supposed to be here in the subtle form!' Lot of friends left the same day. I was also a part of that meeting.

Then Swami started doing things. After removing the fees, Swami said, "Let us not simply keep coaching children for Medical and Engineering. This whole thing is madness." Only Medical/Engineering was all that existed in this system. Swami said there are other streams also. We must make Teachers, Lawyers, Accountants and others out of them. It should be balanced. Society does not run only on Medical and Engineering. We have Fine Arts, Literature; we must provide more opportunities. The very first fear was if Swami says we are removing Coaching Classes for Medical/Engineering, most of the 10th class students will not join Pre University here. And we were right. Next year, nobody wanted to join the Pre University College here. They thought that if there were no Coaching Classes, we don't want to join here. They thought Alike-Muddenahalli campuses were launch pads, springboards! If you sit on that, you will get launched into a Medical/Engineering college. That's all everybody thought about Alike-Muddenahalli. You can imagine the plight of Madiyala Narayana Bhat who had started these institutions with a different idea altogether, to take education to rural children and suddenly you see the whole institution in 40 years had gone somewhere else.

It's like our nation today. Our freedom fighters got themselves killed, butchered by the British believing that there will be a future, a new India where people will breathe free air, will have liberty, human rights; they will have privileges to get educated, they will have access to healthcare, that no one will know hunger and poverty; everybody will be happy and healthy. They dreamt like that. So, these Bhagat Singhs and Sukhdevs and Netajis (Indian freedom fighters) and everybody else just jumped in and got killed. If they suddenly come out of their graves and see what India is today, what would be their reaction you think? They would slap their heads and lament, 'Is this the India for which we got killed? Is this the India for which we went and fought and took on the British? We thought India would be better'.

Unfortunately, over a period of time people don't carry the original message of the founder. Things get deviated. They take the easier way. Swami said, "Stop! We are not going to conduct these Coaching classes!" First year, we ourselves, most of us could not accept this. But next year, Swami insisted and we had no choice but to change it. And the result, we had only 65 students in Pre University in Muddenahalli which used to be brimming with 120 earlier! The number fell to half because we changed the concept. You must understand, changing the culture is a very difficult thing. But Swami was working on an idea.

Next, Swami said, "Now that we have achieved this, next year onwards, take only the rural poor!" Whatever remaining friends were there, they also left! They said this is too much! They thought, with rich people's children (who can pay a hefty fee); we don't have to worry about running the institutions. We would somehow train all these children and get them into Medical/Engineering colleges so that their parents will be happy and come and fall at our feet. The institution will get awards and rewards everywhere and the names of the achievers would come in the newspapers. That is the idea with which everybody lived. But suddenly when Swami said take rural poor, they said rural poor don't even know how to brush or take bath! They don't know A, B, C, D.. If we take them in, we would be ruining the institution. The whole image of the institution that was built over 40 years as the most credible launch pad for NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) and CET (Common Entrance Test) to get into best Medical/Engineering colleges of the country, will be destroyed in no time. And who is going to sit and work on these children? Who is going to take extra classes for them? They would be all duds!! So, everybody wanted an easy way out.

Swami put His foot down and said, "NO! This is what Madiyala Narayana Bhat wanted; this is what I want. This is how our education system should be!"

And Swami changed the whole philosophy in two years to prioritize the rural poor! Swami struggled to bring this change. First year, we tried and we ended up with lot of students who were neither poor nor rural. But they had certificates from rural schools and poverty card!

Swami then said, "You go into the rural parts, you search for your students and bring them! 50% of the class should be rural poor". That is the philosophy which Swami started last year. But in the last four to five years, elders and others understood what was in Swami's heart. But it took us five years to understand what He wanted from us. And so the result is that now we have more of rural poor!

Why I am saying it is important, is because I was poor too. I am not 'rural' per se. I was from small town and I was a poor boy. I can say this to you without any shame or embarrassment. My mother was the only breadwinner and her monthly salary won't be more than five thousand rupees after 25 years in the Government service. We will get new clothes once in a year. If we get shirt for birthday, pant will come in Diwali. That is how we managed to celebrate. I also wanted to be a Medical doctor. I had big dreams. I went for coaching classes, paid through the nose. My mother had borrowed from her friends to pay for it. But then the call came from Swami's institution. One Swami's darshan and I forgot about the Medical degree.

I just wanted to share why this Mission of Swami is close to my heart because I am somebody who has come from that background. When Swami says He would even give free soap, free toothbrush, free toothpaste; some may wonder if it is necessary. But let me tell you it is necessary. Because when I was a student, I could not afford a bathing soap every time. If my mother has not sent me a Money Order (MO), which is Rs. 150/- for that month, I would use washing soap to bathe because washing soap would be costing three rupees and bathing soap would be seven rupees, even if it was the most economical soap! Today we have PayPal, RTGS, and NEFT. But that time it was only MO! The money would be deposited in Chhattisgarh Post Office; it would get passed on to the Post Office in Kadugodi (Whitefield); then the postman would come and deliver me the cash. If there was a delay in the money reaching my hands, I would not have any money. I remember I had borrowed ten rupees from my friend which I was not able to repay, and if I saw him coming from this side of the corridor, I would exit from the other side of the corridor because I did not know how to pay the ten rupees back! Our teachers would say Swami is giving you free education; you should at least invest in books. A Chemistry text book would cost Rs. 250/- which is two months of my rationed resources! I never bought text books. I would write notes as much as possible and take photocopies. It was cheaper. This is the life I lived in Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning; where my Education fee was anyway not there. If we had to go to Puttaparthi (from Brindavan campus) for festivals, I had to pay Rs. 300/- for the bus charge! We had to pay after returning from the trip and I would not be able to pay it. My monthly pocket money was Rs. 150/- and I cannot tell it to anyone. Sometimes, my name would appear on the notice board. All those who had not paid, their names would appear on the notice board. It was so embarrassing. It is good for those who have money and don't want to pay. But those that did not have the money, where should they go and hide? I would sheepishly go and tell that I don't have the money and would pay it next month for the name to be removed.

When we started taking the rural poor, people said they cannot pay hostel fees. We asked Swami what to do? Swami said, "I will pay!" Then we asked Swami, some are not able to even pay the Personal Expenses (which comes up to Rs. 7000/-). What to do? Swami said, "They don't have Rs. 300/- to take a bus ticket to come to the campus, what are you asking 7000 from them? How will they pay? I will pay that also!"

That's how Madiyala Narayana Bhat Scholarship (MNBS) scheme came into existence. MNBS means come with one pair of dress! That is what MNBS scheme is! (Thunderous Applause) Just come with whatever is on your body. Just walk into the institution. Your only qualification is that you are poor and you cannot afford education. Which institute in the world will do this? Even Puttaparthi, Brindavan, Anantapur campuses did not do this! May be some teachers who knew us personally met our expenses.

All I am saying is that it is a great vision that Swami is working on and some of us are direct beneficiaries. Some of us perhaps don't need this free education. We can afford to probably pay three lakh fees in huge International, Global, and World schools! But the truth is that this is the mission where Swami wants us all. Therefore, strengthen your abilities, courage and conviction! Even after your studentship gets over, you may get into any profession; but you cannot turn your back towards this idea of redeeming this nation through our sacrifices.

In Pulwama, a vehicle loaded with explosives bumps into our CRPF truck and kills 40 people. We can die for the nation but we can also take the route of living for the nation by doing our best. While our soldiers protect our borders, and we have great gratitude for their courage and conviction, we should not let their sacrifices go waste.


'Because we lost pride in our culture and spirituality, we were attacked by Tom, Dick and Harry! Everybody from the world attacked us because we did not have any pride in our own culture.'

I watched this movie called 'Uri: The Surgical Strike'. How many of you have watched? I must recommend this because this is a movie about how the soldiers were attacked in Kashmir when they were sleeping in the early hours by terrorists from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and how India avenged the attack with Surgical Strikes. Everybody should watch this movie because children here do watch movies in the weekend. Probably, this movie will make a lot of sense to you. Look at the struggle. They are all sleeping and somebody attacks and they are dead. They can't even defend themselves. So many people are sacrificing their lives for this country.

When I saw this movie, I understood what Swami said. While the soldiers are protecting our borders, inside, the country is getting worse day after day. What is the use of sacrificing one's life at the borders and boundaries if nothing good is happening inside the country; if people are still hungry, starving, struggling, lying, cheating, and hurting? Yes, we have to protect the borders. But what are you protecting at the end? There should be something inside. There is a box and you are protecting the box because there is jewellery inside it. Would you get killed for empty box? You don't! The spirituality, the tradition and culture of India is the jewellery which is valuable inside that box. Our soldiers are fighting to protect this box of this country. But we have a role to play, to protect this culture and the spirituality. Wherever you go, don't shy away from the culture of this land. There is a way we dress, the way we eat, the way we worship; all this is part of our culture. Let us be proud of it. Because we lost pride in our culture and spirituality, we were attacked by Tom, Dick and Harry! Everybody from the world attacked us because we did not have any pride in our own culture. We were made to believe everything that is western and modern is worth it; everything that is Indian and traditional is to be discarded. That is where we landed up where we are.

There is another beautiful movie that has come; 'Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi'. Please show these movies to our children on the patriotic side. A little dose of patriotism is a must for our students. But patriotism with a difference! The soldiers get killed to save us. We will not let their sacrifices go waste. We will protect the country from inside and ensure that our country is prosperous, peaceful, and harmonious; people are loyal, truthful, and brotherly. This, as Swami's students, we will ensure while the soldiers fight at the border for protecting us. That is the idea of spiritual patriotism.

Some of you here may know Prof. D S Habbu who was in Prasanthi Nilayam. He was a freedom fighter who had worked shoulder to shoulder with Mahatma Gandhi. He became a Swami's devotee and came to teach in Puttaparthi voluntarily. Now he is no more. Somebody like him who had struggled in the freedom fight and had really seen ups and downs of India ultimately reached Swami's proximity said, "I have worked with so many freedom fighters. But I have not seen a patriot greater than Swami." This is the word from somebody who had seen the country grow from where it was to where it is! Swami may not be standing near the border and fighting. He is not ruling the country as the Chief Minister or the Prime Minister. But what He is doing for this country by keeping up the culture and spirituality of this country is what is protecting the country, of course after feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, after sheltering the homeless. There is no greater patriot than Swami but with a difference. He is a spiritual patriot! That is the idea with which we must run this country and look after our people. That is uppermost on my mind.

Swami said, "I salute the soldiers and I also salute the saints of this country, because both are important to protect this country!"

I'm giving a tip. If you ever want Swami to spend more time in the interview room, ever if He calls you, just ask Him a bit about India and Indian spirituality; and He will go on and on and on! He loves the audience who loves to listen about India and its culture! That is Swami's heart at the core of it. His heart beats for India. It may not be wrong to say though He is God; He is more of an Indian God than a Universal God because His heart is Indian.


'A child is interested in playing. As they grow a little more, they are interested in the other half of the world and their attention is all there. Then they grow a little older and then they are full of worries. Unfortunately, nobody has the time to think about God.'


To be truthful, I am mighty impressed that these many students have decided not to play games out there or just chat away freely or even study for the exams which are round the corner but to come for a satsang.

I am really impressed because I remember, way back in 2012 when we were in Gulbarga, the campus had just begun and I still had the freedom of being a nobody; I could roam around wherever I wanted. At that point in time, I went to Gulbarga campus because Swami was coming on June 24th for the opening of the basement of the building where we were planning to shift all the children who were staying in a Government hostel till then outside the campus. Everyday They would come from their hostel to the tin shed of a school. On that occasion, I was there before hand when things were not as ceremonious as they are today. Swami would just be there and I would know He was there and probably the only other person who knew was Narasimha Murthy Sir. And the rest of the world just believed that like we keep a chair for Swami everywhere, Swami must be there!

I was trying to help the students who had just joined with a small music programme , basically teaching bhajans and vedam for the opening day. There was one boy from Muddenahalli campus, his name was Vinayak and I can't forget him because he taught me an important lesson. Vinayak was in 8th class. I caught the students after the school got over and I told them that among them those who could sing well would be taught bhajans. I got hold of an old harmonium which was lying there and took 10 to 12 boys and started teaching bhajans. Vinayak knew bhajans because he was from Muddenahalli campus. He took a transfer to Gulbarga because he wanted to study closer to his home so that his parents could visit him more often and he was comfortable in that place. I told Vinayak, "You already know how to sing bhajans, so you must be part of this group. You should lead the bhajans and all the other children can follow". Very reluctantly he came. I took out the harmonium and started teaching very simple bhajans so that they could learn and quickly repeat it after Vinayak. As we were singing bhajans, Vinayak started shedding tears. I thought probably he is so very devoted that by chanting God's name, tears are rolling down his cheeks!! After sometime the silent tears turned into loud sobs. I thought may be the devotion is growing! (laughter) After sometime, he started crying bitterly! Then I had to stop the practice and ask him if everything is okay? He said he was okay. Then I called him close and asked him "why are you crying?" He said, "Anna! I want to go and play!" (laughter) He must have been thinking in his mind, 'Stop torturing me with this bhajan training. All my friends are playing out there. Please relieve me!'

'Balastavat Kreeda Sakthah Tarunastavat Taruneesakthah Vriddhastavat Chintasaktah Parame Brahmani Kopi Na Sakthah', lamented Adi Shankaracharya around 1200 years ago! A child is interested in playing. As they grow a little more, they are interested in the other half of the world and they start getting interested and their attention is all there. They don't need anything else. Then they grow a little older and then they are full of worries - pain in the joints, backaches and blood pressure. Unfortunately, nobody has the time to think about God.

I saw it practically demonstrated that day by Vinayak. I had never worked with children before that. I had to allow him to go. The moment I relieved Vinayak, you can imagine what was happening with the other students. They were all looking at each other's face and my face as if asking, "Can we also go?!"

That was one evening, way back in 2012 when children wanted to play and not to be taught bhajans. And this is an evening in 2019, where children have sacrificed their games and sat here listening to this talk. I am really impressed. This was not a compulsory session. They are not going to get some extra marks for attending this talk session. This is the transformation Swami is bringing about in our country; little children thinking about God, interested in talks about God, interested in good things and not just spending away their time carelessly. When there is an opportunity like this, if the children think that this is greater than the opportunity of playing sports or leisure; then I am sure they have understood the value of things in life. That should make us very happy.


"My value is that I will just do whatever Swami says. Tomorrow, if Swami says stop all this, walk out of this place and go to some cave in Himalayas and meditate, I will just do that. That is how I have defined my value."

What began with one campus at Gulbarga way back in 2012 has grown into a University. It has now spread all around in 6 to 7 years. Many would not have been able to add an extra room to their house in six years! Here, in 6 years look what Swami has done? Today, we are 23 campuses. Swami will lay the foundation stone for Madurai campus in May 2019. Tomorrow, what are we going to be? We will be 15000 students studying across campuses; 5000 girls and 10000 boys! We will have 75 schools and colleges; 36 campuses! As of now! If Swami comes up with something new, it would keep adding. We will be there in all the 30 districts of Karnataka.

Everybody asks us this question; the devotees who support these larger projects ask; is it sustainable? If you are growing at this pace, will you be able to maintain and manage this? Then we asked Swami. He said, "So far how it has happened, that is how it will happen in the future also. Don't worry. My grace is there. I will manage it!"

Swami gave Each One Educate One programme. This is exclusively for the alumni. I must proudly tell you that this kind of a thing has never happened before. Some of us were part of building a corpus for the University every year in Puttaparthi. With all the mails and messages, hardly a crore of rupees will be gathered at the end of the year though there is 35 years history to the institution and so many of them very well placed! And today, our alumni through E1E1 programme are able to take care of almost 2000 students! And in a year, they will touch 3000 too. They look after the education costs.

Once a devotee asked in Canada, we will build the campus but who will run? Five years ago, Swami told him in Canada, "You build the institution; My alumni will run it! They will run it not only financially, but also by manning them, by being there as administrators, teachers!" The devotee was very satisfied.

The whole idea of Swami's institution is that we have to stay together, pray together, and serve together!

I could be a hotshot investment banker because Swami gave me that kind of education and abilities. Otherwise, I would have been in Chhattisgarh loitering; may be open a Pan shop or a cycle repair shop or join politics with the local goons. Many do odd jobs just to make the two ends meet. I could have been one of them but Swami chose me for greater things.

Whatever decisions you take in life, please ask yourself this question. The decision that we take; will it make any difference to the life of the poorest and the weakest person, hungry, impoverished? Will they gain control over their destiny in life? That's is Gandhi ji's talisman when in doubt.

1% of Indians control 50% of India's wealth whereas 25 crores Indians go to sleep without a meal. That is the country we are living in. We are adding the highest number of millionaires every year. Every year, we are doubling the number of millionaires in India. Our population is increasing continuously. 50% of India is young. At least 45-50 crore Indians are young or in early youth. What will happen to them without proper education and guidance? That is the India we are staring at and lot of it depends on whether we can make any difference?

Swami once told, "Follow any value. Take one value and follow. Don't give up on that. And you will see that you are able to follow all the values in life". If you don't follow any one value, you will end up not following anything in life! It can be Truth or being Charitable. Take one value, try to follow all your life and you will see your life simply transforms. Because there are so many values to pick up, at times we are confused and we don't do anything.

For example, my value is that I will just do whatever Swami says. And that value brings all the values to me. Swami says speak truth, help others, sacrifice, serve. So, whatever Swami says I will do. That is how I have defined my life. I will do whatever Swami says. That's where it ends for me. Everything else; schools, hospitals, spirituality is secondary. Tomorrow, if Swami says stop all this, walk out of this place and go to some cave in Himalayas and meditate, I will just do that. That is how I have defined my value.

You can choose any value but you should remain committed to it, married to it.

As Swami's students, we carry a great responsibility on our shoulders. And we have to live up to that responsibility. Otherwise, the future of this country and the world will not forgive us. They will say, you were with the Avatar, you got everything from Him, you learnt everything from Him, yet you turned out to be somebody else. World will not forgive us, history will not forgive us, time will not forgive us, future generations will not forgive us. If the change has to happen, it has to happen now, it has to happen here. With all the technology, communication, all the facilities and resources available to us, if today we don't make this change in ourselves and the country, we can never make this change happen again in the world. Here and now and with you it begins. Be the change you want to see in the world and you have the blessings of Swami to stand by these values. Stand for them, live by them, die for them but don't give up. If you don't know how to stand up for something, you will fall for anything.

- Sri Madhusudan, At the 'Gratitude Program – An offering by the graduating students of all the campuses' (Feb 16, 2019), Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham, Muddenahalli



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