martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Ananda Vahini - SPECIAL UPDATE from ALIKE


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SPECIAL UPDATE - Inauguration - Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthiniketanam Girls Pre University College AND 'Golden Jubilee Building' Pre University College Building for Boys - May 31, 2016
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"The seed sown by Narayan Bhat has grown into a big tree, and you are all taking shelter under it."
                                                                                             - Baba
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present a special issue of Ananda Vahini, on the occasion of the grand inauguration of 'Sri Sathya Sai Prashantiniketanam Girls Pre University College' and the 'Golden Jubilee Building' - Pre Univerisity College for Boys.

We bring you a visual treat of the morning's proceedings.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team
In the Divine Presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the grand inauguration of  the new Pre University College for girls - Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthiniketanam, and Golden Jubilee Building - Pre University Building for boys, both at Alike, Dakshina Kannada district in Karnataka, took place this morning, Tuesday, 31 May, 2016.

Under the Divine guidance, these institutions continue to promote and impart free values-based integral education to all.
The Madiyal house wearing a festive look to welcome the Lord for the inauguration of the Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthinikethanam girls' Pre University College.
The first batch of students eagerly awaiting to be blessed by Bhagawan on His maiden visit to their new home.
Cutting of the ceremonial ribbon by Sri Gangadhar Bhat, Chairman of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust, Alike in the Divine Presence.
Unveiling of the plaque by Devaki Akka, sister of Sri Madiyal Narayan Bhat, who has many fond memories of the Madiyala house, which will temporarily house the new girls' campus until the new campus is ready.
Swami went to each room explaining to the accompanying guests from Singapore, the significance of 'simple living and high thinking', which the girls of the new campus will be trained to inculcate.
Ceremonial lighting of the Lamp at the 'Golden Jubilee Building' - the new Pre University College building for boys.
The Lord taking the grand tour of the new college building, accompanied by Sri Basavana Gowda, the person entrusted with the construction project, and an alumnus of the Alike Institution
A view of the grand edifice, a gift from Bhagawan to His students!
After the two inaugural events of the morning, the Brass Band of Alike escorted Bhagawan to the meeting venue, for the proceedings of the fore noon session.
The stage is set! Bhagawan accompanied by His devotees from Singapore on the stage.
Bhagawan blessed the Alike band with new instruments, which He had promised He would give them! Fortunate boys!
Bhagawan spoke of the value of human life and the importance of selfless service, in His Divine Discourse.
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