SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: febrero 2021

viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021

La ley del karma explicada en 4 reglas de pulgar


Como se prometió, a partir de este viernes por la gracia de Swami, habrá videos, blogs y (con suerte) libros sobre los interminables Sai Bhagawantham y Leelamrutham.

El tema de esta semana es la Ley del Karma. Es uno de los mensajes más importantes del Bhagawad Gita y puede resultar bastante complicado de entender. Sin embargo, se puede entender fácilmente a través de cuatro simples reglas básicas. Estas reglas también explican por qué les pasa mal a las personas buenas y viceversa. También nos dan una buena idea sobre la conexión entre el destino y el libre albedrío o el esfuerzo humano.

El aspecto más interesante es cómo se ve afectado el Karma cuando Dios entra en escena, como lo explica tan bellamente Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver el video.

Dear all,

As promised, starting this Friday by Swami's grace, there will be videos, blogs and (hopefully) books on the endless Sai Bhagawantham and Leelamrutham. 

This week's theme is the Law of Karma. It is one of the most important messages of the Bhagawad Gita, and can get quite complicated to understand. However, it can be easily understood through four simple thumb rules. These rules also explain why bad happens to good people and vice versa. They also give us a good idea about the connection between destiny and freewill or human effort.

The most interesting aspect is how Karma gets affected when God comes into the picture as explained so beautifully by Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Click the link below for the video.

In Sai love


Libre de virus.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2021

Ananda Vahini - Número ciento ochenta y cuatro - 23 de febrero de 2021

Número ciento ochenta y cuatro - 23 de febrero de 2021
Ver esta dirección de correo electrónico en su navegador
Si alguien Me pregunta: "¿Eres Dios?" Yo les pregunto: "¿No es así?" Porque esa es la verdad.
                                                             - Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Con las Bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número ciento ochenta y cuatro  de Ananda Vahini.

Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini de Kolkata, Bengala Occidental ha presentado una nueva serie de videos cortos titulados "Tocando vidas a través de la curación". En este número se ha presentado el episodio 1 del mismo.

En este número, se han compartido los detalles de la visita de Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai  a la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana, Gulbarga, del 12 de febrero de 2021 al 15 de febrero de 2021.

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai nos proporciona un modelo para sobresalir en nuestro viaje espiritual a través de Sus enseñanzas sobre la esencia del Kathopanishad. Son las buenas obras de muchas vidas las que nos han puesto bajo Su tutela. Que podamos convertirnos en discípulos ejemplares de Sadguru al escuchar atentamente la voz divina, seguir Sus huellas y así llegar a ser inmortales.

En este número, presentamos los episodios 10, 11 y 12 de la serie de videos 'Kathopanishad'.

- Equipo de comunicaciones de Sathya Sai Grama.


Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini presenta humildemente una nueva serie de videos cortos que comenzaron con la auspiciosa ocasión de Vasant Panchami. 

¡Aquí está el primer Episodio que trae las diferentes facetas de 500 Cirugías de Cataratas facilitadas completamente gratis para Geriatría Rural de Bengala Occidental durante los últimos cinco años del viaje de Love on Wheels!





En la mañana del 12 de febrero de 2021, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai partió hacia el aeropuerto de Bangalore junto con un grupo de personal, estudiantes e invitados, y procedió a abordar el vuelo corto a Kalaburgi. Al aterrizar, Sadguru fue recibido por el equipo de Gestión de la Universidad y fue escoltado al campus de la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana. Cuando llegó, Sadguru procedió de inmediato a la casa de huéspedes recientemente renovada, 'Sai Vishranti', que inauguró junto con Sus invitados. Luego se retiró a su habitación para almorzar y descansar.
Por la noche, todos se reunieron en el salón de oración del magnífico edificio del pentágono y mientras los bhajans melodiosos llenaban la atmósfera, Sadguru descendió de Su habitación. El Satsang de la tardecomenzó como Sri AR Manjunath, Pro-Canciller dio la bienvenida a Sadguru al campus después de un lapso de casi un año y ofreció su profunda gratitud por bendecir al personal del campus y a los estudiantes una vez más. Habló brevemente sobre la historia del campus y la misión de la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana como cumplimiento de la noble visión de Sri Madiyala Narayana Bhat para la elevación de la nación.
A partir de entonces, Sri BN Narasimha Murthy, rector de la Universidad se dirigió a la reunión. Recordó la cantidad de esfuerzo que se había realizado para construir este mismo campus y recordó cómo era el sitio cuando visitó la tierra por primera vez hace casi diez años en 2012. Sri Narasimha Murthy contó cómo viajaría de aldea en aldea con Sri Madiyala Narayana Bhat con el fin de obtener apoyo para la institución en Muddenahalli y ofreció su gratitud a Sadguru por las bendiciones recibidas por hacer de las instituciones lo que se han convertido hoy, con la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana a la cabeza.
Sadguru luego habló sobre la importancia de los esfuerzos conjuntos de nara y narayana. Dijo que así como el Señor Krishna era el guía y Arjuna tenía que pelear la guerra, así también Dios solo puede guiar y el hombre debe hacer esfuerzos para cumplir la visión compartida. Haciendo hincapié en el altruismo, Sadguru explicó que la vida de uno debe ser por el bien de los demás y uno debe vivir para servir a los demás, ya que el altruismo es lo más importante. Si uno sirve desinteresadamente, el ego desaparece lentamente hasta que todo lo que queda es Dios.
El discurso divino fue seguido luego por un para vidyaconcurso que contó con la participación de cuatro equipos compuestos por estudiantes jóvenes y mayores de diferentes campus, junto con miembros del personal. El cuestionario trajo mucha alegría a Sadguru y todos se reunieron, sirviendo como un recordatorio de todo el aprendizaje que tuvo lugar en el último año. Después de la prueba, Sadguru gentilmente bendijo a todos los participantes con regalos y después de recibir Mangala Arati , se retiró a Su habitación para cenar y descansar por la noche.

12 de febrero de 2021 (Tarde) - Llegada al campus
Sadguru siendo recibido por Sri Ram Manohar y Smt Leela Nayani
'Sai Vishranti', la casa de huéspedes renovada
Inauguración de 'Sai Vishranti'
Ceremonia de encendido de la lámpara
Sadguru junto con los invitados en la casa de huéspedes
Bendiciendo a los trabajadores
Sadguru junto con los invitados y el personal
Con los estudiantes que realizaron la danza del león
12 de febrero de 2021 (tarde) - Satsang en el Salón de Oración
Discurso de bienvenida del Dr. AR Manjunath, Pro - Canciller
Sri BN Narasimha Murthy, Canciller dirigiéndose a la reunión
Discurso divino
Prueba sobre 'Para Vidya'




En la mañana del 13 de febrero, todos los presidentes, directores de instituciones, miembros del personal de la universidad y estudiantes de posgrado se reunieron en la sala de conferencias de última generación en el edificio del pentágono. Tan pronto como llegó Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, Sri BG Jayaram dio la bienvenida a todos los reunidos y pronunció una breve charla introductoria. A partir de entonces, Sri BN Narasimha Murthy se dirigió a todos. Habló sobre la visión de Sadguru para las instituciones educativas y cómo Sadguru ha cambiado la estructura de las instituciones de ser instituciones educativas que brindan conocimiento espiritual a ser instituciones espirituales que brindan conocimiento académico.
Esto fue seguido por el discurso inaugural de Sadguru de la reunión de Presidentes en el que describió el viaje del Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Gurukulam en los últimos diez años. Habló sobre varios desafíos y problemas que habían surgido a lo largo de los años y las formas en que Él los había abordado, llevando a que las instituciones se convirtieran en lo que son hoy. Sadguru enfatizó la importancia tanto de jana (gente) como de dhana (contribución monetaria) para sostener tales instituciones y explicó cómo ambos eran igualmente importantes.
Después de una presentación del hermano Pavan Deshpande, ex alumno y contador colegiado que ha dedicado su vida al servicio de esta noble misión, Sadguru brindó una valiosa guía a todos los miembros del personal reunidos sobre los próximos pasos en el futuro de la misión educativa.
A partir de entonces, hubo un breve descanso para tomar un refrigerio, después de lo cual todos se reunieron en el Salón de Oración para un cuestionario de los estudiantes de posgrado de la Universidad.
Se llevaron a cabo seis rondas de diversión y aprendizaje sobre el tema del libro "Gestión de Dios" de Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, después de lo cual Sadguru bendijo a todos y se retiró a Su habitación para almorzar y descansar por la tarde.
Por la noche, todos se reunieron una vez más en la sala de oración para el Satsang vespertino. La sesión comenzó con un discurso de bienvenida del hermano Devendra, quien actualmente cursa su segundo año en la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana, seguido de los discursos de dos estudiantes de posgrado, los hermanos Snehil Naidu y Anil Chandra. Primero, el hermano Snehil habló sobre el tema de la 'Visión y Misión de Sathya Sai' y habló maravillosamente sobre las formas en que Sadguru ha llevado a cabo una reforma educativa completa a través de Sus instituciones, enfatizando más los aspectos espirituales de la vida que los materiales y aspectos mundanos y describió lo que Sadguru espera de cada uno que desempeñe un papel en esta misión.
A continuación, el hermano Anil Chandra habló sobre el tema "El triángulo de padres, maestros y alumnos". Narró su propia experiencia sobre la importancia de la relación tripartita entre padre, maestro y alumno al recordar anécdotas de su propia pasantía en el campus de Hampi. El hermano Anil se refirió a los roles igualmente importantes de los padres, maestros y estudiantes en la educación de un niño y compartió sus propios aprendizajes sobre el tema.
Sri BN Narasimha Murthy luego se dirigió a la reunión y habló sobre la importancia de inspirar a los maestros que alientan a los estudiantes a ser lo mejor que pueden ser. Al compartir algunas de sus experiencias, Sri Narasimha Murthy demostró cómo un maestro inspirador puede moldear a un niño y guiarlo hacia una vida de servicio.
Sadguru luego concedió Su mensaje Divino y explicó cómo una persona cuyo pensamiento, palabra y acción está siempre en línea, nunca sufre. "Si uno elige servir y hacer el bien, nunca se arrepentirá". Sadguru habló sobre la importancia de tomar decisiones en la vida que se basen en lo que es bueno (śreyas) en lugar de lo que es placentero (preyas) para que el arrepentimiento no se experimente al final de la vida. También les recordó a todos que al final de la vida, nada importaría más que el bien que uno haya hecho con su vida y por lo tanto, uno debe vivir la vida de manera que sea plena y satisfactoria y uno no se arrepienta de nada que pueda o puede que no lo haya hecho.
La sesión de la tarde concluyó con un maravilloso cuestionario sobre apara vidya, con preguntas sobre conocimientos generales y conciencia de la actualidad. Si bien se pone mucho énfasis en para vidya o conocimiento superior, las instituciones educativas Sri Sathya Sai también dan la misma importancia a la creación de graduados completos y saludables y, en este sentido, el conocimiento general y la conciencia es un aspecto clave de El curriculo. Después de una divertida sesión de risas y aprendizaje, Sadguru bendijo a todos los participantes del cuestionario y después de Mangala Arati , se retiró por la noche.

13 de febrero de 2021 (mañana) - Continuación hacia la
sala de conferencias de última generación
Reunión con presidentes y directores de instituciones
Sri BN Narasimha Murthy hablando sobre la Visión y Misión
Mensaje Divino
Presentation on 'Miles to Go'  by Brother Pavan Deshpande
February 13, 2021 (Evening) - Satsang at the Prayer Hall
Talks by Brother Snehil Naidu and Brother Anil Chandra
Divine Discourse
Quiz session on 'Apara Vidya'




The morning of 14 February saw a continuation of the Chairpersons' Meeting as all the Heads of Institution, Chairpersons and Post-Graduate students gathered once again for discussions on the next steps of the education mission. Later in the morning, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai along with the University faculty members joined the meeting where Sri B G Jayaram presented a brief recap of the Chairpersons' discussions.

Sadguru granted further guidance on how the institutions should proceed and spoke about the National Education Policy 2020. He then elaborated on various aspects of the educational institutions and spent some time answering questions that had arisen during the discussions. The morning session concluded thereafter.
In the early evening, everyone gathered at the volleyball and basketball courts where the students of the campus had prepared to play matches. Sadguru arrived and enthralling matches of volleyball, followed by basketball took place. The teams which consisted of students in Post-Graduate programmes, Undergraduate programmes, the Pre-University College and High School, played with much energy and vigour, giving their all just to bring a smile to their Lord's face. In these institutions, playing sports is not about competition, winning and losing but rather an exercise in teamwork, cooperation, and good sportsmanship and indeed - the boys demonstrated these qualities in abundance. As the matches came to a close, Sadguru blessed all the team members and after taking group pictures with them, everyone proceeded towards the Prayer Hall for the evening Satsang.
The Satsang began with two Post-Graduate student speakers. The first was Brother Niketan T C. Brother Niketan spoke on the topic of 'paravidya - as a student, teacher and seeker'. He spoke about how paravidya classes with Sadguru had brought about a change in perspective in his life and about how teaching paravidya to younger students would enable them to possess a better perspective at a younger age. Brother Niketan also spoke about the importance of not only being near to Sadguru, but rather being dear to Him.
The next speaker for the evening was Brother Battu Bhargav Sai, who narrated three short anecdotes on the topic of 'Organisation as a family'. Brother Bhargav Sai shared through his own experiences how love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance are essential for everyone to live as one family. The two inspirational speeches were followed by a scintillating music performance by staff and students from the Department of Music, Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence. Brothers Pranav Kashyap and Srinivas Viswanadha rendered a number of Annamacharya Kirtanas and devotional songs, after which Sadguru expressed His happiness and conveyed that He would personally take care of the music and Vedic studies departments as the world was only created for man to love God and these two departments facilitate the inculcation of such love. He also explained that the only thing that one needs to do on Earth is to love God and be loved by God. All else is unnecessary and avoidable. Sadguru said that only the life of one who has learnt to love God and God alone, is worth living and can be considered successful and all other pursuits and achievements are a sheer waste. Promising to return after a few months, Sadguru brought the session and a wonderful three days to a close. Mangala Arati was offered and Sadguru retired to His residence where He partook dinner along with His guests.
On the morning of 15 February 2021, after profusely blessing the campus staff and students, Sadguru departed from Gulbarga and arrived at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli in the afternoon.

February 14, 2021 (Morning) - Chairpersons Meeting
Divine Guidance
February 14, 2021 (Evening) – At the Sports Ground
Volleyball and Basketball matches in full swing
Players receiving awards from Sadguru

With the Volleyball Team

With the Basketball Team

Talks by Brother Niketan and Brother Bhargav Sai
A Musical offering by the staff and students
Divine Discourse
February 15, 2021 (Morning) - Departure from the Campus





All the episodes of this exclusively series are made available on Sound Cloud, where the episodes can be listened at convenience any number of times.

Below is the link

Subscribe to Sai Vrinda official YouTube Channel to watch the live telecast and events from Muddenahalli

Visit for Satsang updates, Divine visits and about Sri Sathya Sai Baba's ongoing mission

Tune in to, a 24x7 internet radio from Muddenahalli, a platform to associate and transform ourselves with love, service and spirituality

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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashana *, Todos los derechos reservados.

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Issue One Hundred and Eighty Fourth - February 23, 2021
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If anybody asks Me, "Are you God?" I ask them back, "Are you not?" Because that is the truth.
                                                             - Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Eighty Fourth issue of Ananda Vahini.

Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini from Kolkata, West Bengal has introduced a new series of short videos titled, 'Touching Lives through Healing'. Episode 1 of the same has been presented in this issue.

In this issue, the details of Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai's visit to the Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence, Gulbarga from February 12, 2021 to February 15, 2021 have been shared.

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai provides us a blueprint to excel on our spiritual journey through His teachings on the essence of Kathopanishad. It is the good deeds of many lifetimes that have brought us under His tutelage. May we become exemplary disciples of Sadguru by listening intently to the divine voice, following His footprints and thereby become immortal.

In this issue, we present Episodes 10, 11 and 12 of the 'Kathopanishad' video series.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.


Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini Team humbly presents a new series of short videos which commenced on the auspicious occasion of Vasant Panchami. 

Here is the the first Episode which brings the different facets of 500 Cataract Surgeries facilitated completely free of cost for Rural Geriatrics of West Bengal during the last five years of the journey of Love on Wheels!



FEBRUARY 12, 2021


On the morning of 12 February 2021, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai departed to Bangalore airport along with a group of staff, students, and guests, and proceeded to board the short flight to Kalaburgi. Upon landing, Sadguru was welcomed by the University Management team and He was escorted to the Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence campus. As He arrived, Sadguru immediately proceeded to the newly refurbished guesthouse, 'Sai Vishranti', which He inaugurated along with His guests. He then retired to His room for lunch and rest.
In the evening, everyone gathered at the prayer hall of the magnificent pentagon building and as melodious bhajans filled the atmosphere, Sadguru descended from His room. The evening Satsang began as Sri A R Manjunath, Pro-Chancellor welcomed Sadguru back to the campus after a gap of almost one year and offered his deep gratitude for blessing the campus staff and students once again. He briefly spoke about the history of the campus and the mission of the Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence as fulfilment of Sri Madiyala Narayana Bhat's noble vision for upliftment of the nation.
Thereafter, Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, Chancellor of the University addressed the gathering. He recalled the amount of effort that had gone into building this very campus and recollected how the site was when he had first visited the land almost ten years ago in 2012. Sri Narasimha Murthy recounted how he would travel from village to village with Sri Madiyala Narayana Bhat in order to gain support for the institution at Muddenahalli and offered his gratitude to Sadguru for the blessings showered for making the institutions into what they have become today, with the Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence at the helm.
Sadguru then spoke about the importance of the joint efforts of nara and narayana. He said that just as Lord Krishna was the guide and Arjuna had to fight the war, so too, God can only guide and man must make efforts to fulfil the shared vision. Emphasising on selflessness, Sadguru explained that one's life must be for the sake of others and one must live to serve others as selflessness is most important. If one serves selflessly, the ego slowly disappears until all that remains is God.
The Divine discourse was then followed by a para vidya quiz which saw the participation of four teams made up of younger and older students from different campuses, along with staff members. The quiz brought a lot of joy to Sadguru and everyone gathered, serving as a reminder of all the learning that took place in the last one year. After the quiz, Sadguru graciously blessed all the participants with gifts and after receiving Mangala Arati, retired to His room for dinner and to rest for the evening.

February 12, 2021 (Afternoon) - Arrival at the Campus
Sadguru being received by Sri Ram Manohar and Smt Leela Nayani
'Sai Vishranti', the renovated Guest House
Inauguration of 'Sai Vishranti'
Lamp lighting ceremony
Sadguru along with guests at the Guest House
Blessing the workers
Sadguru along with the guests and staff
With the students who performed the lion dance
February 12, 2021 (Evening) - Satsang at the Prayer Hall
Welcome address by Dr A R Manjunath, Pro – Chancellor
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, Chancellor addressing the gathering
Divine Discourse
Quiz on 'Para Vidya'


FEBRUARY 13, 2021


On the morning of 13 February, all the chairpersons, Heads of Institutions, University staff members and Post-Graduate students gathered at the state-of-the-art conference room in the pentagon building. As soon as Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai arrived, Sri B G Jayaram welcomed all gathered, delivered a brief introductory talk. Thereafter, Sri B N Narasimha Murthy addressed everyone. He spoke about Sadguru's vision for the educational institutions and how Sadguru has changed the structure of the institutions from being educational institutions providing spiritual knowledge, to being spiritual institutions providing academic knowledge.
This was followed by Sadguru's inaugural address of the Chairpersons' meeting wherein He outlined the journey of the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Gurukulam in the last ten years. He spoke about various challenges and problems that had surfaced over the years and the ways in which He had dealt with each of them, leading to the institutions becoming what they are today. Sadguru emphasised the importance of both jana (people) and dhana (monetary contribution) in sustaining such institutions and explained how both were equally important.
After a presentation by brother Pavan Deshpande, alumni and Chartered Accountant who has dedicated His life in service of this noble mission, Sadguru granted precious guidance to all the staff members gathered about the next steps in the future of the education mission.
Thereafter, there was a short break for refreshments after which everyone gathered in the Prayer Hall for a quiz by the Post-Graduate students of the University.
Six rounds of fun and learning took place on the theme of the book 'God Management' by Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, after which Sadguru blessed everyone and retired to His room for lunch and rest for the afternoon.
In the evening, all were gathered once again at the prayer hall for evening Satsang. The session began with a welcome address by Brother Devendra who is currently pursuing his second year at the Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence, followed by speeches by two Post-Graduate students, Brothers Snehil Naidu and Anil Chandra. First, Brother Snehil spoke on the topic of 'Vision and Mission of Sathya Sai' and beautifully spoke about the ways in which Sadguru has brought about a complete educational reform through His institutions, emphasising more on the spiritual aspects of life rather than the material and worldly aspects and outlined what Sadguru expects of each one playing a part in this mission.
Thereafter, Brother Anil Chandra spoke on the topic of 'The triangle of parent, teacher and student'. He narrated his own experience of the importance of the tri-partite relationship between parent, teacher, and student by recollecting anecdotes from his own internship at the Hampi campus. Brother Anil elaborated on the equally important roles of parents, teachers and students in the education of a child and shared his own learnings on the topic.
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy then addressed the gathering and spoke about the importance of inspiring teachers who encourage students to be the best they can be. Sharing some of his experiences, Sri Narasimha Murthy demonstrated how an inspirational teacher can mould a child and guide them towards a life of service.
Sadguru then granted His Divine message and explained how a person whose thought, word and deed is always in line, never suffers. "If one chooses to serve and do good, then one would never experience regret." Sadguru spoke about the importance of making decisions in life that are based on what is good (śreyas) rather than what is pleasurable (preyas) so that regret is not experienced at the end of life. He also reminded everyone that at the end of life, nothing would matter other than the good that one has done with one's life and therefore, one must live life so that it is fulfilling and satisfying and one does not feel regret about anything that one may or may not have done.
The evening session concluded with a wonderful quiz on apara vidya, with questions on general knowledge and awareness of current affairs. Whilst a great deal of emphasis is placed on para vidya or higher knowledge, the Sri Sathya Sai educational institutions also place an equal amount of importance on creating well-rounded, wholesome graduates and in this regard, general knowledge and awareness is a key aspect of the curriculum. After a fun-filled session of laughter and learning, Sadguru blessed all the participants of the quiz and after Mangala Arati, He retired for the evening.

February 13, 2021 (Morning) - Proceeding towards the
State-of-the-Art Conference Room
Meeting with Chairpersons and Heads of the Institutions
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy speaking about the Vision and Mission
Divine Message
Presentation on 'Miles to Go'  by Brother Pavan Deshpande
February 13, 2021 (Evening) - Satsang at the Prayer Hall
Talks by Brother Snehil Naidu and Brother Anil Chandra
Divine Discourse
Quiz session on 'Apara Vidya'




The morning of 14 February saw a continuation of the Chairpersons' Meeting as all the Heads of Institution, Chairpersons and Post-Graduate students gathered once again for discussions on the next steps of the education mission. Later in the morning, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai along with the University faculty members joined the meeting where Sri B G Jayaram presented a brief recap of the Chairpersons' discussions.

Sadguru granted further guidance on how the institutions should proceed and spoke about the National Education Policy 2020. He then elaborated on various aspects of the educational institutions and spent some time answering questions that had arisen during the discussions. The morning session concluded thereafter.
In the early evening, everyone gathered at the volleyball and basketball courts where the students of the campus had prepared to play matches. Sadguru arrived and enthralling matches of volleyball, followed by basketball took place. The teams which consisted of students in Post-Graduate programmes, Undergraduate programmes, the Pre-University College and High School, played with much energy and vigour, giving their all just to bring a smile to their Lord's face. In these institutions, playing sports is not about competition, winning and losing but rather an exercise in teamwork, cooperation, and good sportsmanship and indeed - the boys demonstrated these qualities in abundance. As the matches came to a close, Sadguru blessed all the team members and after taking group pictures with them, everyone proceeded towards the Prayer Hall for the evening Satsang.
The Satsang began with two Post-Graduate student speakers. The first was Brother Niketan T C. Brother Niketan spoke on the topic of 'paravidya - as a student, teacher and seeker'. He spoke about how paravidya classes with Sadguru had brought about a change in perspective in his life and about how teaching paravidya to younger students would enable them to possess a better perspective at a younger age. Brother Niketan also spoke about the importance of not only being near to Sadguru, but rather being dear to Him.
The next speaker for the evening was Brother Battu Bhargav Sai, who narrated three short anecdotes on the topic of 'Organisation as a family'. Brother Bhargav Sai shared through his own experiences how love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance are essential for everyone to live as one family. The two inspirational speeches were followed by a scintillating music performance by staff and students from the Department of Music, Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence. Brothers Pranav Kashyap and Srinivas Viswanadha rendered a number of Annamacharya Kirtanas and devotional songs, after which Sadguru expressed His happiness and conveyed that He would personally take care of the music and Vedic studies departments as the world was only created for man to love God and these two departments facilitate the inculcation of such love. He also explained that the only thing that one needs to do on Earth is to love God and be loved by God. All else is unnecessary and avoidable. Sadguru said that only the life of one who has learnt to love God and God alone, is worth living and can be considered successful and all other pursuits and achievements are a sheer waste. Promising to return after a few months, Sadguru brought the session and a wonderful three days to a close. Mangala Arati was offered and Sadguru retired to His residence where He partook dinner along with His guests.
On the morning of 15 February 2021, after profusely blessing the campus staff and students, Sadguru departed from Gulbarga and arrived at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli in the afternoon.

February 14, 2021 (Morning) - Chairpersons Meeting
Divine Guidance
February 14, 2021 (Evening) – At the Sports Ground
Volleyball and Basketball matches in full swing
Players receiving awards from Sadguru

With the Volleyball Team

With the Basketball Team

Talks by Brother Niketan and Brother Bhargav Sai
A Musical offering by the staff and students
Divine Discourse
February 15, 2021 (Morning) - Departure from the Campus





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