SATHYA SAI ANANDAM: febrero 2016

viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Global Gayatri Mantra Chanting for all of God's Forms - The start of the 7th year...

"To the world, the Spiritual man is mad. To the Spiritual man, the world is mad."
- Sathya Sai Baba

Dear God's and Goddesses!

Global Gayatri Mantra Chanting to express Pure, Unconditional Love to God, asking Him to always care for His own physical forms' comfort and well-being:

The next gloabal Gayatri Mantra chanting is on Saturday 27th February 2016, from 2:30pm to 6:30pm, (at your country's local time..

Saturday, 27th February 2016, marks the start of the 7th year for us all uniting across 60 counties and chanting the Gayatri Mantra to express Pure, Unconditional Love to God, asking Him to always care for His physical forms' well-being.

On 28th November 2015, for Sai Baba's 90th Birthday, four hours of chanting was held at 'Sri Sathya Sai Instittue of Higher Medical Sciences' in Prashanthigram... The Doctors, hospital staff and dedicated Devotees from the ashram and Puttaparthi sat together and we all chanted with so much Love and affection to God. The energy was truly ineffable! The day of November 28th also just so happened to be Sathya Sai Baba's birthday accordingly in Telugu / the Lunar calendar!

We were also so blessed to witness Baba's footprint in the Dome, showing His presence. He has left so many "visiting cards" (as He so charismatically called such miracles), at these chanting events that it truly is a huge blessing and encouragement for all of us, dedicated to this cause...

Below is a video that can be seen of the chanting on the day, and the footprint photographs of our Father are also included in it, so please do take a moment to listen (to the beautiful chanting) and also see the lovely Unity and Devotion amongst all.

One must develop deep detachment. There is no use renouncing some food or drink, to which you have become bound, when you hear a discourse, or when some religious text is expounded within hearing. Detach yourself from all that keeps you away from God. Spend more time on meditation or namasmarana, for peace and joy are not to be found in external nature; they are treasures lying hidden in the inner realms of each and everyone. Once they are located, one can never again be sad or agitated. With every inhalation, utter the Name of the Lord. With every exhalation, utter the Name of the Lord. Use this splendid and precious chance in your life to the fullest. Live in God, for Him and with Him.
- Sathya Sai Baba (Divine Discourse, Oct 15, 1966).

I found the below quote of Baba, and felt the need to share it with all, as the event mentioned above truly reflected such humble attitude amongst the officials at the hospital. The way all was organised and practised on the day was truly in a spirit of Bhakti (Pure Unconditional Love to the Divine One God:

"I must say plainly that ninety out of a hundred among you have not clearly visualised the purpose for which I have allowed you to form these Organisations. It is not to give some people places of authority or power, or for ensuring fame and publicity for Me. It is to build upon the earth the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men on strong foundations. This must be clearly grasped by all of you. You are not engaged in social service through these organisations; you are engaged in your own service. All the items of work are aimed at expanding your heart and purifying it. That is the call of the sages of this land and all the scriptures and texts."
- Sathya Sai Baba
The dates for the Global Gayatri Mantra Chanting; in 2016, are as follows:

Saturday, 27th February, 2016, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm,
Saturday, 30th April, 2016, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm,
Saturday, 25th June, 2016, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm,
Saturday, 27th August, 2016, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm,
Saturday, 29th October, 2016, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm,
Saturday, 31st December, 2016, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm, 
(at your country's local time)...

Every single individual is invited to join and simply pray to God, in whichever way they wish to visualise Him, in any form or the formless One Atma; Godhead, and ask Him to always care for His own comfort and well-being of His physical bodies; just as He does for ours, His children's forms. ...And, with this, Pure, Unconditional intention, we all chant together, the one mantra Sai Baba asked us to never give up: the Gayatri Mantra...

The Gayatri Mantra:

"Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayath"

It's Meaning:

We meditate on that Isvar's glory, who has created the universe, who is fit to be worshipped, who is the embodiment of knowledge and light, the remover of all sins and ignorance. May he enlighten our intellects.

"The Gayatri Mantra is a prayer for the progressive upsurge of intelligence so that Truth may be grasped by the seeker".
- Sathya Sai Baba (Divine Discourse, 18/07/1970, Prashanthi Nilayam)

Regarding the purpose of this program:

"The intense prayers of the devotees are my medicine.... This body is not mine. It is yours. Hence, it is your responsibility to look after this body… I have never used my divine power to cure myself…" (Guru Purnima Discourse 2003).
- He was referring to His own, God's body. Sai Baba has also said "I incarnate from age to age" (The Milestone Discourse). One example of His incarnation is Jesus, another is Sathya Sai Baba and another is Prema Sai Baba. We know that He will not care for His own well-being now, but in the past when He incarnated as Jesus we did not know that it is up to us to pray and ask for God's physical comfort... Sai Baba has gifted us with such knowledge now, that we can play our roles in this game of life better than in the past: It is up to us to continue to always pray for this unique and beautiful cause. How wonderful is it that even before He takes a new form, we are already expressing to Him that He always accepts our prayers, and at His will, receives our unconditional Love through our chanting to consider caring for His own physical form(s).

...So, what is God's expectation of Devotion, Spirituality and Life's Purpose? And, why are we chanting to God just to express Love to Him?

"Love God, with no touch of desire in our minds. Love, since you must love for love's sake; Love God, since whatever He can give is less than He Himself. Love Him alone, with no other wish or demand."
- Sathya Sai Baba (Sathya Sai Vahini)

Sai Baba also explained that the Gayatri Mantra is to be chanted Unconditionally!

- Remember, the date for the next programme is: Saturday 27th February 2016, 2:30pm to 6:30pm (at your country's local time)...

If you are receiving this email, forwarded on from someone and you would like to be added to the distribution list. please email me directly, asking so, and you shall be added to the global list: - If you would like to be removed from this email distribution list, please email me asking the same.

If you would like to watch more Gayatri Mantra music videos, interviews, inspirational clips, download Sai Baba teaching the Gayatri Mantra, or for more information in general, you can visit:

God bless all,
God make all wise;

Jai Sathya Gayatri Jesus Allah Buddha Krishna Ram Durga Karika Maa ki Jai!


martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Inauguration of Sri Sathya Sai Sowbhagyam by Prime Minister of India | Live Telecast | February 20, 2016 7:30 PM PST

The proceedings will be telecast LIVE from the venue at February 21st, 9 am IST which is February 20th, 7:30 pm PST on

Special Update
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"The Proper study of Mankind is Man" - A line from a brilliant poem, was a favourite of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. To discover life's beauty and meaning is a study we engage in, mostly for a lifetime.

Sri Sathya Sai Sowbhagyam is that Divine Edifice, a confluence of the finest and noblest thought and it's expression, built to inspire this study. Picturesquely located in Naya Raipur, the new state capital of Chhattisgarh in central India, Sri Sathya Sai Sowbhagyam, is an offering to every being from every land, to invoke the Spirit of the Divine to bless and guide us. 

Honourable Prime Minister of India, Sri Narendra Modi will inaugurate this magnificent structure in the august presence of Sri Balramji Das Tandon, Governor of Chhattisgarh and Dr Raman Singh, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, and other dignitaries on Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 9am.

The proceedings will be telecast LIVE from the venue at 9am IST on the Indian Television channel Doordarshan News, and also on
About Sowbhagyam
As a temple of healing, staff and beneficiaries of the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital at Naya Raipur in Chhattisgarh in Central India, draw energy from the various sacred spaces which adorn the campus, providing an appropriate ambiance for a holistic healing process.

The Sri Sathya Sai Sowbhagyam - Centre for Human Development is one such sacred space, to celebrate, deliberate, reflect and further progressive action towards Integrated Human Development.
Copyright © *2015*
*Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashana*, All rights reserved.

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El Domingo 21 de febrero 2016, el Primer Ministro de la India, Sri Narendra Modi, en su visita a Naya Raipur, inauguró el Auditorio "Sri Sathya Sai Sowbhagyam",  Centro para el Desarrollo Humano, dedicado al servicio de la humanidad. Allí descubrió 2 placas dedicadas, una al "Sri Sathya Sai Sowbhagyam" y la otra al "Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre for Child Health Care" (Centro especializado en la Salud Cardiaca Infantil). También descubrió una nueva estatua de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba y dio una charla al público asistente.
En este acto estuvo acompañado también por el  Ministro Principal de Chhattisgarh, el Dr. Raman Singh y otras autoridades políticas de Naya Raupur.

Aquí podemos ver al Devoto Sai, Sri Indulal Shah, ante las autoridades políticas.

de izq. a dch: Sri Raman Singh, Sri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Sri Narendra Modi y Sri Srinivas.

Aqui podemos ver a los devotos Sai: Sri Srinivas, Dr. H Nagendra, Isaac Tigrett y Narashimha Murthy.

​Aqui vemos a Sri Shiv Kumar Sharma saludando al PM Sri N. Modi





"Catherine Kapahi ha recibido nuevamente el honor de canalizar a Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba desde Su Cuerpo de Luz, en cuarenta y cinco conversaciones íntimas y personales de guía, explicaciones y bendiciones para Sus devotos alrededor del mundo, que no sólo lo aman y lo veneran como a Dios y Satgurú, sino que además desean ser parte de Su gran misión actual de sanar y elevar espiritualmente a toda la humanidad a niveles más altos de conciencia, culminando en la realización del Ser y la liberación espiritual, ahora y también en los años venideros".

"Catherine ha canalizado los diez volúmenes de la "God Realization Series" desde 2011 a 2014 con Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba desde Su Cuerpo de Luz. Para más información sobre estos libros, por favor visitar su sitio web:    y"

En este nuevo libro que la Devota Sai Catherine Kapahi acabó en el año 2015 a tiempo para el 90 cumpleaños de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Swami responde a todas las preguntas sobre todos los temas que todos los devotos del mundo estaban deseando escuchar. Swami derrama un torrente de Divinas Enseñanzas, aclara todas las dudas sobre su manifestación en Cuerpo de Luz, Su Misión hasta los 96 años, Muddenahalli y la Org. Sai de Prashanti Nilayam y muchísimos más temas de los que aquí podemos citar. Un libro de lectura imprescindible que no dejará a nadie indiferente.

-Algunos Extractos del mismo, a modo de suculento aperitivo para motivar su lectura a fondo, son:

-SWAMI abiertamente invita al Consejo de Prashanti a visitar Muddenahalli:

- "Ya no es un secreto que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ha regresado al mundo en Cuerpo de Luz. Hoy es algo ampliamente conocido en todos los rincones del mundo..., ¿No es vergonzoso que algunos de Mis propios devotos piensen lo contrario y estén incluso reprendiendo a sus hermanos devotos por celebrar Mi regreso en Cuerpo de Luz? Éste es un error monumental que debe ser rectificado de inmediato con la ayuda de los miembros del Sri Sathya Sai Baba Central Trust, que Me están sirviendo en el ashram de Prashanti Nilayam en Puttaparthi".

- "Debido a estas circunstancias que no se están mitigando, les estoy pidiendo a los miembros del Sri Sathya Sai Baba Central Trust que vengan lo antes posible a Muddenahalli como grupo, para encontrarse conmigo y discutir esta calamidad que ha caído sobre la Organización Espiritual Mundial Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Enviaré a Sri Narasimha Murthy al ashram de Prashanti Nilayam para que se encuentre con los miembros de Mi Central Trust y les informe del día de la reunión conmigo en Muddenahalli. Juntos discutiremos las formas de resolver este problema que ha surgido en la Organización Espiritual Mundial Sri Sathya Sai Baba".

- "Mis queridos devotos, deseo deciros que sois todos muy queridos por Mi corazón, el corazón de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, vuestro Satgurú y Dios. No hay distancia entre vosotros y Yo. Os estoy pidiendo que comprendáis esto y que actuéis en consecuencia por vuestro bien, para que podáis tomar conciencia de que sois Dios, así como Yo lo soy. Venid conmigo y juntos haremos grandes cosas".

- "Los sabios y los maduros entre vosotros comprenderéis y aceptaréis estas palabras Mías como la verdad..."

- "Todos debéis avanzar como una sola Atma para manifestar lo bueno, lo sagrado y lo hermoso en esta Tierra. Sois todos hijos del Dios Más Alto, Cristos, vástagos de Sai. Creedlo, practicadlo y hacedlo realidad para vosotros. Esto es lo que quiero decir cuando os digo que sois Mi mensaje. Sois Mis reflejos, estáis espejándome. Haced lo que Yo hago, sed como Yo y habréis cumplido con vuestro propósito. Sed Dios en forma humana porque eso es lo que sois".

- "Yo soy Dios y vosotros sois Dios, aunque la mayoría de vosotros os habéis negado a aceptar que sois Dios. Es más fácil para vosotros sentir devoción a un Dios externo que realizar la ardua tarea interna de descubrir que vosotros también sois Dios".

- "... Mis planes se están materializando a un ritmo acelerado pues no hay tiempo que perder. ... El alcance de Mi misión en Cuerpo de Luz ahora es inmenso, y crece día a día debido a la voluntad y el poder divinos que estoy empleando para lograr estas grandes cosas".

- "Los dos segmentos de Mi misión abarcan los primeros 85 años de Mi Avatar, y los subsiguientes once años de Mi misión hasta llegar a los 96 años. Durante estos 96 años, he estado y estaré trabajando muy activamente y terminando Mi misión de elevar la conciencia humana al nivel divino".

- "No permaneceré en Cuerpo de Luz por mucho tiempo. Sólo hasta llegar a los 96 años, es decir, por seis años más (2015 + 6 = 2021). Después de eso, habrá una breve pausa de unos pocos años antes de que Prema Sai Baba anuncie Su advenimiento.."

--Les adjuntamos en pdf. El Libro completo: "El Señor Sathya Sai Baba, habla desde Su Cuerpo de Luz",

que incluye valiosa enseñanza espiritual sobre la Ascensión Crística de la Humanidad.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Maravillosos Consejos y Fractales Para Admirar

Maravillosos Consejos y Fractales Para Admirar

Esta es una bella presentación de los consejos que realmente tienen valor e importancia en la vida, siempre intenta obtener el mayor provecho de aquellas palabras que te son regaladas de manera de lograr una vida plena.

Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
- Publicidad -
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales
Consejos y Fractales